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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. I hope that is a troll post, because if not it is one of the most foolish things I have ever read.

    If I can afford to drop down a lump sum of almost 200k, I can afford 1000B a month, hell I spend more than that on stupid things each month

    Not a troll post. But for two years now, I've had an extra 1,000 baht a month to spend on stupid things. Insurance, as you know, is a collective effort to pool resources and spread risk. But with some of these idiots that have ridden Honda Waves all their lives now getting 650's and cracking them up on day one, things are skewed. I simply don't want to subsidize them anymore.

    I have near perfect health, too, so I don't have health insurance. Is it a gamble? Sure. But when a healthy person pays into the collective he subsidizes all the people with AIDS, cancer, etc.

    Ya plays the game, ya takes ya chances. Everything is sweetened by risk.

    I've known to many people in my life to end up needing medical insurance to ignore that. I myself have racked up large medical bills even in this country.

    I've also known too many people who have had their vehicles wrecked or stolen here and back home.

    Again for me 12,000 to cover 200k plus the what if is totally worth it for me.

    I hope you win the odds man and never need it, good luck.

  2. A sad and sordid tale that is becoming all to common for farang men here in Thailand.

    Sure sure, we understand. This honey was different, you had to taste it to see this. It was only relocated away from Issan because there were few wildflowers to collect pollen from.

    You'll find after a couple of beers that most honeypots are the same, the best one is the one your sticking your....

    hand in side.

    • Like 1
  3. After years of riding scooters I just picked up a 650 Ninja, love it. Glad I have seat time in smaller bikes with real clutches (sonics etc)

    But I had spent the last year looking and looking for a Cb400-750 or Virago etc etc to make a cafe racer, found nothing (that I liked) and got the ninja.

    What I should have done is dropped the 80k on a used CBR250 and really honed some skills and then sold that for the 650, the 125-150cc skills transfer to the 650, but I think riding a 250 for a year would have really solidified my skills.

    All I have to say is ATGATT!

    Funny say that and how I suit up on a big bike, but wear sandals, shorts, and a tshirt and helmet at 100kph on a honda dream....

  4. Dont know where you live but I went MSIG due to Kawasaki

    claiming they were the best for CM

    I paid 9776 THB for full coverage 2013 N250

    Which for some reason ( probably more N250 claims ) I think

    is more than the 650 full insurance runs...may be wrong

    I'm in Chiang Mai as well, I'll contact them tomorrow and report back.

  5. I listed AA first.....

    Sadly they look like they are going to be the best option at 14000

    They are offering:

    Third party liability
    -Bodily Injury or death
    500,000 Baht / Person
    10,000,000 Baht / Accident
    -Property Damage
    1,000,000 Baht / Accident
    0.00 Baht / Accident
    Own damage
    -Own Damage
    160,000 Baht
    Amount of Deductible
    10,000 Baht/Each Accident
    -Fire & Theft
    160,000 Baht
    Driver & Passenger
    Personal Accident
    -Personal accident benefit for
    1 driver & 1 passengers:
    Bht. 100,000 / Person
    -Accident Medical Expense
    Bht. 100,000 / Person
    -Bail bond
    Bht. 900,000 / Accident.
    I can then pick up Personal accident insurance, if I read it correctly, Muang Thai has up to 500,000B for "Motorcycling" for only 4200/year
    So 100k from AA, 500K from Muang Thai and whatever else from my work (I am getting a total break down of my work plan this week)
    I also still have some insurance from the US, but that will only pay 50% out of network, but combined I should have enough for a limb to be reattached haha.
  6. Why yes, I did do a few searches before making this topic.

    The problem is that I noticed people talking about plans that seem to no longer exist.

    2011 Ninja 650

    AA: 14400B

    Muang Thai: Doesn't have anything about motorcycles on it's website.

    AXA: Nor does AXA

    AIA: "Sorry we only cover BMW and up" <- which is a weird sentence if you think about it.

    Viriyah: Haven't heard back from them yet.

    MSIG: Haven't looked

    Thanachart: Same

    It just seems that so few insurance agencies cover larger bikes.

    Any suggestions so I can get this bike on the road?

  7. The interest rates are atrocious when buying a bike on the knock. I'd much rather save up for a few months than end up spending nearly 80000 baht on a 125 Honda Wave.

    Agree, get a Honda dream/wave for 10-12k, putter around on that for a bit and then sell it for 9-11k and buy the newer one.

    Most likely you will see there is no reason to buy the newer wave unless it's about showing off that it is new. I still get 47km/l on my 10+ year old Dream 125 and that's driving it like I don't care about gas.

  8. Oh god, someone posted that crap again?

    Some things wrong with it? Right off the bat it says citric acid, but it's phosphoric acid that allows soda to clean off surface rust and stains.

    Furthermore it's not the pH that leeches calcium. Carbonic acid reacts with calcium carbonate to neutralize.

    Most of these junk mail facts have very little truth to them to shock people into action.

    People already know Water is best, but gah this asinine crap just irks me as people believe stuff like that because it throws a bit of science jargon around.


    All versions of Coke Zero sold in various countries are based on the same flavoring formula, and all are carbonated. 1 liter of Coke Zero contains 100 mg caffeine. However, the exact combination of artificial sweeteners and preservatives used varies from market to market.

    [edit]Sweeteners and health concerns

    Sodium cyclamate, a relatively inexpensive artificial sweetener banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since 1969 and once believed to be a carcinogen, has been used in the Coca-Cola Zero versions produced in Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Venezuela, Chile, and some Central American countries. It was used for a time in Mexico, before a consumer campaign led to its removal from the drink in 2008.[4] In June 2009 Venezuela ordered Coca-Cola to withdraw its Coca-Cola Zero product, as it contained more than the legal levels of sodium cyclamate.[4]


    No, nothing wrong with it at all!

    And where did I talk about artificial sweetners? Besides their multitude of studies across various countries showing various results, I still said we know water is best.

    A thread about trying to find soda got turned into a personal campaign that included some false information.

    Most of us are educated and do not need to have our hands held, one of the many reasons we like living in the country as opposed to the UK, or some city/states like NYC and San Fran,

    If would be just as annoying if I spammed every thread regarding chiang mai with information linking the burning season to certain forms of cancer.

    • Like 1
  9. Oh god, someone posted that crap again?

    Some things wrong with it? Right off the bat it says citric acid, but it's phosphoric acid that allows soda to clean off surface rust and stains.

    Furthermore it's not the pH that leeches calcium. Carbonic acid reacts with calcium carbonate to neutralize.

    Most of these junk mail facts have very little truth to them to shock people into action.

    People already know Water is best, but gah this asinine crap just irks me as people believe stuff like that because it throws a bit of science jargon around.


    • Like 2
  10. Great idea Gonzo but as lovetotravel posted without the water' electric and sewer hookups it could never be used to it's full potential.

    Pfft, you live in Thailand, do as the Thai's do.

    Fill up water at the 50stang/1litre stations, steal electric from outlets near your stall, and dump your sewage and garbage where you please, maybe try burning it first.

  11. Hey all, I just picked up a 2011 Ninja and was wondering what you guys use to lock it up at night with. I saw the Scorpio i900 but at 14400B it's a bit much this month due to buying the bike, insurance, rent, and just daily expenses.

    Also, the tunerx integrated tail light, is there any confirmed seller which can get them here without customs caring?

  12. Why should I go to this trouble just to buy some food? I must stress this is unusual. Most Thai foodsellers are happy to to serve us.

    It is just that every year I spend thousands and thousands of dollars in Chiang Mai yet some people seem to want to make me unwelcome. Of course,it is the same old story. They dont want us but they want our money.

    But anyway ,the sun is shining,I laugh a lot and I am the happiest man in the world!

    Why should they go through the trouble just to sell you some food. They are busy prepping their food, buying ingredients and taking care of daily matters and don't have the spare cash to go to AUA so they can explain what "Moo glorp" is to a random foreigner.

    In fact not only can you order food when you learn Thai, but you can actually meet people who want you here and not for your money.

    Think of any hobby that you have, then add the ability of being able to speak Thai and BAM you now have something in common with someone who would love to share the same interest with you but may lack the language skills and education to converse with you.

    Glad to hear you take it with a smile though, good to look for the sunny days.

    • Like 2
  13. Wife and I always have talked about retirement there, but get the same feeling about the place. She's from Petchabun and we hang out there occasionally but have always gone to Chaing Mai for vacation. Love going to the temples and night markets and just hanging out, but the last time I barely could sqeeze down the street at he market due to all the tourist. In addition, the vendors were much less willing to bargin and obviously tourist don't mind shelling out the money for double what things actually should sell for, I hate that. Hell, I can buy silver cheaper here in the states.

    That said, Chaing Mai holds something for me, but as far as settling down not so much now. In fact, my wife talks about Laos more then anything, and Costa Rica is a great spot too, just that it too is growing as everyone I know seems to have a family member or know someone with a house down there.

    In short, great place to visit, but don;t want to live there (maybe can be saaid for Thailand as a whole now.) Myanmar may be the next place to check out as it is getting more lax these days, save for the rush of people looking for what we all are, less tourist and less expensive.

    I was there in October, and the food wasn't much cheaper than Thailand, but the portions were bigger. Tons of basic things are imported from Thailand, and I am not too sure about the housing situation, I don't know if you can rent a house as a foreigner yet. The hotels have all doubled to tripled in price until more are built to alleviate the influx of tourists. I also heard land prices are insane as the big families are snatching up as much land as possible before the inevitable boom.

    It will be interesting how everything works out, but personally I wouldn't like to live in a country that couldn't at least match Thailand in terms of medical facilities.

    I say stick to Petchabun and get a small place on a lake in Khao Koh and watch it become even more of a trendy little place.

  14. @Thailand

    Since Thai is a universal language, the Chinese visitors should be ashamed not talking the Thai language? rolleyes.gif

    I guess you have never been to China.

    At the end of the 2.nd millennium I met a lot of people in remote province areas of Yunnan (Zhongdian, Ninglang, Lugu Hu, Xishuangbanna), Guangxi (Behai, Liuzhou), Sichuan (Lugu Hu, Xichang, Emei Shan, Zigong, Cishui), having been able to have a conversation in English. They are not too "bothered to learn any other language "as you pretend. I could talk about a lot of my personal experiences.

    Go to China, but remember your own words

    If they have not bothered to learn Thai the same people are highly unlikely to even consider learning any other language at all as they will have felt there was no need.

    Nowadays many Chinese travel to a great number of countries. The middle class and the rich, of course, have now the freedom and the money to do it. Should they completely learn Malay, Tagalog, Japanese, French, Englisch, Italien, Spanish, German, Arabic languages only for their holidays?

    I think this was in response to the post about the Farang here who have not bothered to learn Thai should learn Mandarin. Thus the :If they live in this country and can't be bothered to learn the language, why would they ever learn a different one" response.

    To others: Stop the butt hurt about people complaining about stereotypes. Stereotypes exist because a large group of people exhibit said traits. We all know Israelis, Russians, Brits, Aussies, Chinese, Americans, etc who are fantastic people in every way, but that doesn't mean a sizable portion don't act a certain way. It's no fun cleaning up somebody else's mess, especially if you have to pay for it. People here complaining are even stating out right it's not ever Chinese tourist, but if this many business owners in a small area are making the same observation, something is true about the statements

  15. I picked up a 2011 Ninja with brand new tires, pads, sprocket, chain, slip on, tail tidy, sports bars, with ~17k km on the clock for the same price. Other than 1 tiny hairline scratch on the tank from a zipper it is in perfect shape, I keep getting asked if it's new.

    But, I would also say if you look on the Thai sites like Mocyc, CM-Club, etc etc, you see 2011's going for 190k+ so why not slap on the new tires and start off higher and be willing to settle for less?

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