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Everything posted by VBF

  1. Another bar that never seemed to have any customers! I've looked in a couple of times and seen no reason to stay. There are so many bars in that area that unless the town is teeming with visitors, just don't have an edge to hold customers. I've visited loads of them had one drink and got bored so left. Another one in LK is Shaggers - gets a good write-up on here, but every time I've passed it, just a few bored-looking women outside staring at their phones. OTOH, Time Bar, with its attractive prices, is usually so full that it's hard to get a seat - the women there are out in the street waylaying guys to come in, and when you do, actually make the effort to talk to customers.
  2. That's what happens when they don't get used. I think it's more that the abundance of traffic wears them out - sort of natural wear and tear. My point was more that they were painted, the concept pretty much abandoned and nobody sees the need to repaint them.
  3. In some countries, UK for example, the police may routinely do a "drugs wipe" in the same way as they run an alcohol (breathalyser) test when a driver is stopped after an offence is committed, and always after being involved in an accident. The "drugs wipe" tests for cannabis and cocaine and if you fail either test, you're arrested there and then. Furthermore the concept of "drunk driving and repeat offenders" is ridiculous. Again in UK, if you're convicted of drink or drug driving, there's a mandatory driving ban even after a first offence. Basically being without your vehicle for 6 or 12 month should make you think long and hard about your future behaviour when you get your licence back, to say nothing of the financial impact. I have nothing against alcohol (I like a drink or 3) nor anything against recreational drugs even though i'm not much of an enthusiast. Either or both for consenting adults, I say, however i detest people who use either and then drive or ride a vehicle. I don't care who you are, your mental powers are affected to some degree.
  4. The lazy people that can't be bothered to walk to the dedicated pick-and-drop zones. Who honestly takes any notice of those "zones" in Pattaya? Even the markings on the road where they're supposed to be are wearing out.
  5. Of course they do ! The UK Gov sites are to inform people of the situation today - not what happened in history (which is steeped in "discrimination" as you put it.) They don't necessarily reflect my personal situation any more than they do yours but they do inform people what they can claim now, or in the future until the rules are changed. However much you like or dislike the ASP it has no import on the present day, therefore no place on Gov sites, which are the final arbiter.
  6. That's point...What about Jewish customers? 🤔 (No offence meant) 😁 As for myself, I think i'm too old to get a mortgage 🙄
  7. Yes, everyone needs to read this. No point in bleating. The Thai government having signed up - along with over 100 other governments - it now needs to at least go thru the motions ... I think you've hit the nail on the head. Merely IMO, but they will (probably) go through the motions, ask a few questions, then find a reason excuse not to continue.
  8. Tiers or not, what I wrote is correct - the links go straight to the UK Gov website which itself refers to "The new state pension" - neither you nor I can argue with that!
  9. Just like the poster I replied to, you are wrong. For some reason people seem to have forgotton that between 1978 and 2016 the UK state pension was a 2 tier arrangement and continually talk about the state pension in the singular. There are quite a percentage of people getting well over the PA from their state pension. @sandyf- We're both right, but you are PARTIALLY right and PARTIALLY wrong. At PRESENT, The full rate of new State Pension is £221.20 a week - that is the higher of the 2 tiers and = £11,502.40 per annum - here's the official proof The new State Pension: What you'll get - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) At PRESENT (Tax Year 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025) The standard Personal Allowance is £12,570 - again official proof here Income Tax rates and Personal Allowances : Current rates and allowances - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) So, as i said At PRESENT, the PA IS more than the Full Pension by £1067.60 - as I also said, not by much. However you also said "There are quite a percentage of people getting well over the PA from their state pension." - Yes - i'm one of them but because of "protected payments" which put the weekly State Pension amount over the £221.20 and thus over the PA. So in that respect you are correct.
  10. I quoted you to illustrate the fact that the Pension is regarded by HMRC as Income and is lumped together with all other income - you already know that (?) others do not. At present, the PA IS more than the Full Pension but not by much. The Pension will catch up very soon meaning that ALL pensioners will be caught in the tax net.
  11. Understood - when i worked in the Middle East (yonks ago!) I did similar and was accepted as Non Resident for 5+ years.. I was glad I paid the NI contributions as i now have a full UK State Pension. I'm sure you know that you can still put £20k annually into an ISA. I move money from my "normal" Investments into an ISA wrapper on that basis Having said that, if you're actually non-resident, you may or may not be allowed to open new ISA...that I simply do not know.I fear though that i'm going for this thread.
  12. No it doesn't. The UK government have tried to brain wash people into seeing the state pension as a single entity. In the UK your annual Personal allowance is £12,500. So the first £12,500 of income per tax year is tax free, however, State Pension is included in that income.
  13. I presume you told HMRC that you live in Thailand because you assumed it would be beneficial to you to show them that you're an expat? Which I guess it was at the time! Referring to your "aside": They are required by UK Gov to verify from time to time. I live and pay tax in UK but this year, my tax adviser asked me for similar proof despite the fact that I've been a client for more than 30 years. Apparently the proof has some sort of "shelf life".
  14. This particular bar writes the name you give on the checkbin and as you order more, staple additional bins to it, so that at the end all your bills are attached with your name on it. Then when totalled up she asks you to confirm the name when presenting it to you for payment. I get your points but I'm supposing it's just a cross-check for the staff when the bar's busy, or you stay across shifts. As for your "spirit of Pattaya" comment, that I do not get but given the emoji, am assuming a joke.
  15. Go online to one of the many booking sites or a hotel's own site, book a hotel pending payment, print that off to a PDF, submit PDF with your application. Job done
  16. I should think just that one bar, and I agree with your reaction. However, one could always just give a name and number - doesn't have to be accurate. When the owner realises that, I imagine he'll drop the idea. As an aside, the waitresses in the Sports Hub on Soi Bukau were asking for customer's names to write on bills back in March this year. They were then confirming when you asked for the bill to pay. That particular bar was crowded and is, IMO, very well run.
  17. Can I help it if everyone else is disorganised? OCD does have its advantages, you know 😆
  18. Tbh Alex, that being a problem would just be poor planning unless you really are taking a last minute trip. The visa is good for approx 3 months from issue so simply apply earlier. For my February 2024 trip, I applied for my visa 1st January, issued 8th January, good for entry until 6th April.
  19. Which is exactly what i did when I first used the site - just made a jpeg / pdf file containing the required answer. That was why I queried the blank file in the first place - not something I would have tried, personally.
  20. Thanks but I wouldn't say that's true, certainly not now. What you DO have to do is complete every stage of the application in order to progress it so if a file is called for, one must be supplied. None of the requirements were difficult to comply with Also, at the end, the system reviews the application and I think a blank document would fail.
  21. Damn good book that was, along with the sequel "The Fool is Back" IMO Essential reading for every single guy visiting Thailand!
  22. Only from time to time 🙄😆
  23. I'm intrigued..... Where do you enter a blank jpeg? On the eVisa site? I didn't do that and in January 2024 found the eVisa application straightforward enough - certainly easier than when it was first introduced when it WAS a mess. Also, fewer documents were required than in January 2023, so, IMO if they do it right, this could be the same as applying for a Tourist Visa but without the payment part. I hope it is but we hall have to wait and see.
  24. Quite the opposite. ESTA, ETIAS, ETA etc etc are all schemes for those who do not need a visa, i.e. travelling on visa waiver, visa exempt etc. You're quite correct!!!!!! I meant, and my post SHOULD have said: "Although it doesn't say, I would think that it would only be required from those who already need a visa DO NOT HOLD ANY SORT OF visa. It was in response to @marin and @Lacessit who were discussing people who already hold a retirement visa, and well done @sandyf for being the only one to spot that! I'll pay more attention in future 😮 UPDATE New thread here with hopefully more accurate information https://aseannow.com/topic/1337466-new-travel-rules-thailand’s-eta-to-shake-up-visa-free-visitors/
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