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Everything posted by VBF

  1. It's bad enough missing it the first time round but then when you're told and STILL not being able to find it - D'Oh!!! All i can add is.......
  2. Are these especially for shoplifters?
  3. Infinitely funny? 😎
  4. It has a very small base and is the app of choice for fringe groups. Like the ones who attacked Capitol. https://www.wired.com/story/signal-politics-software-criticism/ That does not actually make the app dodgy, rather your association with it may be seen as suspicious by some people. However, if the only people you tell are other Signal users, no problem.
  5. The cow was aggrieved by lack of foreplay....... Yeah, pull the udder one....otherwise it's just a load of bull 😂😊
  6. I once saw an advert for the 2CV which said something like "Featuring Central Locking" Then in smaller type "You can reach all the doors from the driver's seat" 😆
  7. Quite agree, although for me substitute Gents Club for soapy. 😎
  8. Agree with most of that - I've had a halogen oven since before air fryers became fashionable and haven't used my "big old traditional" oven for a long time. My HO came with a couple of cookbooks and use of Google and YT helped to teach me cooking techniques One thing that amused me was your question of where to put the hot lid - you actually answered your own question - get another trivet . 😂 I bought https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00537Q59A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 when i got the HO As for microwave ovens - I use mine to defrost or reheat food rather than cook it. That is EXCEPT for rice and vegetables - I have a microwave steamer which I use very successfully for those items.
  9. Your replies to @Patong2021 are just what I was thinking when I read his/her posts - you saved me from typing them 👍
  10. Which no doubt his "spin doctors" are already planning to present as some form of conspiracy showing the election was rigged.......again!
  11. Excellent post - however I disagree with you where you say "These days it seems it takes an hour to finally delete everything." Use a program like CCleaner where you can delete the cookies etc of your choice and it will take about 20 seconds. I've also used a Chrome extension "Awesome Cookie Manager" with some success. Other similar options are available for both. Another tip is to have more than 1 browser on your PC - on mine I have Chrome and Edge, logged into different accounts and with shortcuts to Chrome Incognito and Edge InPrivate on the desktop. I have opened the same booking website on both simultaneously, done the same search and observed the different results!
  12. But still to impose restrictions with such long-lasting consequences on the whole world by all the politicians involved was, IMO, basically an over-reaction. Accepting that you're correct, it STILL would have been better to have let the world carry on with the consequent increased death rate. I do not have figures, but I still maintain that for every person who caught Covid, the majority survived unscathed. Just a "straw poll", I personally know about 20 people (including myself) who have had Covid since 2020. Of those, only 1 has died and she was 82 and in poor health. All the others are fit and well. I respectfully refer you to Charles Darwin.
  13. No comparison between Temu and the other two. You get what you pay for. Temu is very cheap for certain items, certainly novelties, manicure items, cleaning cloths etc where you don't mind waiting ten days for a delivery, but I'd never use them for electrical goods or anything costing more than about £10. Here Amazon is in a different class. Thanks 👍 That was the impression I formed when I initially looked at Temu. I'll leave them alone.
  14. In that case........ YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK 😂
  15. I've read bad reports of Temu on some review sites.Some criticised delivery times, product quality and refund policies. What is your experience using them in UK compared to, say, Amazon and eBay?
  16. I always do that. I've also found it easier to sort out changes directly if I book directly. Absolutely and, if you're a member of the airline's frequent flyer "club" you benefit from booking directly too.
  17. Agreed but the OVER reaction world wide was astoundingly stupid when you consider that the people most at risk of severe reaction to Covid are known and WERE known to be a small group. They made up most of the millions. Most healthy people who got Covid (myself included) just recovered and carried on. When you look at that, you can (almost) start to believe some of the conspiracies! The current repercussions of lockdowns etc are more severe than what letting nature take its course would have been. I await the flames and mock horror at my lack of concern for human life!
  18. Just my take on this: Booking sites are agents of a sort. They have to make commission, the airlines do not automatically give them preferential prices so their "commission" comes from the end user (customer) What they do do is to give the busy (or lazy) customers a comparison that doesn't involve looking at loads of websites. So a convenience benefit. There's nothing to stop you finding the cheapest flight on a comparison site, THEN going direct to the airline to compare there. Booking sites have taken the place of travel agents in the modern world, but at least with TAs you could negotiate with a person. This is similar to car insurance (in UK anyway). I used a couple of comparison sites, found the best price, THEN went directly to the same insurance company and got another 5% off the best price. It was time-consuming but that didn't matter. My personal opinion is that all agents are basically leeches, whether they be travel, employment or estate (realtors to US readers) They do little that one cannot do for oneself, if one has the time.
  19. Fig leaf 🙄😆 (Sorry, Crossy 😞)
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 87 seconds  
  21. Thank you for posting that image from the website of the Thai embassy in London, UK. I see they were in the habit of posting false information already in 2019, possibly even earlier. I wonder how the people at that embassy get selected for their jobs. Edited 14 hours ago by Puccini Indeed - following that link today, that is STILL what the London Embassy site shows ie 30 days having not been updated since August 2019 BUT.....if you STAY on the London Embassy site and navigate to "Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme" and press this button: you will end up at https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/page/exemp-visa There you will see: So how the hell does a prospective tourist have a clue?
  22. Another one that took me a good 20 seconds to get. 🤔 You're not Scottish are you @oxo1947 ? 😆
  23. That's confusing. Central sits between 2nd and Beach roads. Night Market is opposite Central on 2nd Road and indirectly backs on to Buakhao. Is that where you mean? I did a quick search on Pattaya News but cannot find the article - do you have a link?
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