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Everything posted by VBF

  1. I've seen these kits - i was under the impression that you can only "clone" the card - I didn't think you could change the number on the newly created card. If that's the case, they're of limited use to scammers, IMO
  2. Slightly but some years ago I took a train from BKK to Pichai (Uttaradit) to see an old friend. Going, I took the "VIP" train from Hua Lamphong which, apart from the ice-cold carriages (note to self: take long trousers and long sleeve shirt next time!) was very pleasant. This train stopped many times at lovely stations, manned by people with a pride in keeping them that way. I forget the fare but it was (I think) about 300 Baht; for that I was fed twice en-route and the seat, was "sort of" cushioned. My return journey, the only ticket available was 3rd class, open-sided carriage with folding plastic "windows" for use if it rained. That was interesting: hot and sticky, far less comfortable, and I was glad i had a towel to use as a seat cushion! A nice Thai lady shared her food with me, on most stations there were vendors on the platform selling cooked food to the passengers at "street food" prices, so I reciprocated after the next station stop - we ended up as firm travel friends, despite her speaking no English and my Thai being extremely limited. The whole journey was a real experience which i wouldn't have missed for the world. Whether I want to do it again, 30 years older is another question!
  3. "We"??? Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but I don't recall Thailand and Iran being at war against each other.
  4. Apparently, it is now official from 15 July 2024 On 15 July 2024, Thailand announced new visa measures to enhance Thailand’s tourism and economy, which took effect on 15 July 2024. https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/thailandnewvisa-en?page=5d5bd3da15e39c306002aaf9&menu=5d5bd3cb15e39c306002a9b0 Click on the various images in the link to see the details.
  5. Come on - is that really current news? 🤪
  6. Sure it wasn't a pipe dream? 🙄
  7. Finally....... Donald Ducks!!!
  8. At least he used his loaf 🤪
  9. One would think that as the visa is not stamped in the passport any more, that would work. Possible (hypothetical) timeline for a UK traveller: Apply for eVisa 1st Jan. Receive visa (valid for 3 months) 5th Jan Travel to Thailand 10th Jan - stamped in for 30 days - leave Thailand, say 25th Jan Travel to Thailand 10th Feb - present eVisa - stamped in for 60 days - all good. On one's second arrival, one would have to show a boarding card from a country where one could have connected from a UK flight so not sure if it's practical but should be possible. What do you think @DrJack54 ?
  10. Sounds more like the opening line to a joke! 🤪
  11. I worked in the US for a year - there was loads of friendly piss-taking in the workshop so i was ready for it on the morning of July 4th. Sure enough, i walked in to be greeted with "Hey, it's kick-a-Brit day" My reply was "We call it cure - a-hemorrhoid day"
  12. Right mental age, though 🙄
  13. not in Thailand Sadly, many so-called "extreme activities" are more risky in Thailand than in places where the rules are observed. I used to SCUBA dive, but was lucky enough to have friends in the diving industry on Phuket who ran dive shops and did do things properly. Knowing how many unnecessary incidents occur due to lack of care or financial impropriety I was/am very careful to choose my supplier carefully. Same could be said of parasailing (not my bag) jet skiing (especially, if the tales are to be believed) or even regular vehicle hire.😞
  14. Many a true word as thet say
  15. Not in 2024, but I can certainly remember when pubs in England used to close at 3pm and reopen at 5pm, then close strictly at 11pm. Maybe Thailand is just catching up? 🙄
  16. From what i've read, it is, or used to be similar in UK with some people asserting "squatter's rights"
  17. You forgot "Hiring a jetski without a lawyer in attendance" 🤔 But seriously, the operators of this parasailing outfit SHOULD know not to go near trees such as this just in case the wind change - but TIT! Quite frankly it terrifies me but i get dizzy if I stand on a beermat 😮
  18. It is called Generative Artificial Intelligence and the best way to answer your question is for you to search (Google, or Bing or whatever) that exact phrase. You will almost certainly be one or more of the following: Fascinated Amazed Horrified Scared Overwhelmed Then look at my post immediately above where I say "AI is a great tool.....etc"
  19. Or, in the words of Wilbur Smith "Avoid the company of losers, for their despair is contagious"
  20. You swine Ballpoint! I had to read that 4 times to understnad it 😂😎
  21. Depends on the spirit, mate. But then I also have mixers in spirits, beer, IMO, should be good on its own chilled, or in the case of most UK beers at room temperature. However, i think you're British, aren't you, so you would know that unless of course you happen to be winding me up.....as if!
  22. Really cannot agree with you there. Whether my comment is original or not, NO beer should ever have ice in it. If it tastes so bad it needs ice, drink something else! However, it is improved by being served ice cold and as long as you drink it before it warms up it's just about drinkable...IMO. The liquid sold as beer in Thailand is, agreed, technically beer, but for a Brit used to drinking proper ale, bitter, stout etc it's a poor substitute. It's not even as tasty as a good lager! Having said that, I do drink it because i like being in bars and cannot drink spirits all night.....does that count as going with the flow? 😂
  23. I agree with proper beer....But the so-called beer that's sold in Thailand? Not so much At least it means you don't have to taste it. 😊
  24. Indeed (and also to @gamb00ler ) in UK it's definitely sold as Rapeseed oil - available in most supermarkets. I've never seen Canola oil here, but then I've never actually looked for it.
  25. Rapeseed oil, widely available and cheaper than olive oil in UK, but I don't know about Thailand. I've now got to where I prefer it for cooking. It's also much easier to clean from utensils which, to me, shows that it's lighter.
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