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Everything posted by VBF

  1. Not quite sure what you're asking, but I agree with your last sentence.
  2. Sympathy to your daughter of course BUT she is part of a tiny minority adversely affected by such vaccinations. I know that doesn't help or comfort you or her, but without the vaccinations, we'd all still be in lockdown. Sorry, but it's true.
  3. Correction...Alone and sussing out who else is available. Besides, the drinks are so cheap in there, it hardly matters!
  4. Well if we're comparing, I'm having my 6th on Monday, (original and boosters.) along with my annual 'flu vaccination I'm in UK and at age 69, the NHS recommends seasonal vacs - no reason not to. Now bring on the conspiracy plonkers - I see we've already had one! 😆
  5. And again @ravip you post something that jogs my memory.........
  6. Reminds me of a very old joke - How to catch a Polar Bear with a saw and a pack of frozen peas: Use the saw to cut a hole in the ice, then sprinkle the peas on the water. Wait until the bear goes for a pea, then kick him in the ice-hole. I'll get me coat! 🙄😎
  7. You forgot Kalashnikov 😋
  8. I'm with you as it goes. I flew from Loei to DM in 2017. The computer systems at Loei airport failed and the NA ground staff manually wrote out the boarding cards, and imposed an extra check at the gate. With all that, the flight was only 15 minutes late leaving. The aircraft was a prop-driven Bombardier Q400 https://content.nokair.com/en/About-Nokair/Nok-Air-plane/Q400-NextGen.aspx and flew low enough that I could see the ground all the way and i've still got some great pics The in-flight "refreshment" was fun too Suffice to say I have a good memory of Nok Air 👍
  9. Reminds me of this song (love these guys)
  10. Monkey nuts? 🙄
  11. I hear the caddies are 'special'. And you're guaranteed to get a hole in one 😋
  12. So if the ETA is not starting, how does that affect people who want to visit, as tourists, for up to 60 days? EG... I used to get a SETV for my 55-60 day trips, and sometimes extend at Jomtien Immigration. For next trip I was planning on arriving visa-exempt and I thought I was going to need an ETA The London Embassy still shows that UK PP holders may stay for up to 60 days under the Visa Exemption scheme but we know the embassy websites are not always up to date. https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/page/exemp-visa Anyone know?
  13. Plus, if a junior technician finds an issue and reports it to his / her boss, and the boss is "on the take" that's the end of the complaint. Thai people would rarely if ever go over the boss's head to the authorities
  14. There is nothing wrong with continuing school field trips, the problem that officials, government ministers and the Land Transport Department finds hard to understand is the safety of vehicles on the roads and the competency of it's drivers. Exactly! They seem to swing from one extreme to another - the obvious corruption and carelessness that is the cause of this tragedy, then say: "Additionally, the Minister suggested reconsidering the nature of these trips, particularly advocating for avoiding long-distance travel and involving parents in journeys involving younger students." But if existing laws were enforced with tough punishments for those who break them, then school trips could continue in safety as they do in many other countries.
  15. You might be right about the danger in assumptions. 😉 However, I will assume again that no such contract exists in Thailand. I'm assuming that also, not only that, but I'm assuming that if it does exist it will be subject to a "financial determination" to be submitted in a brown envelope 🙄
  16. That's not quite what i meant. Joint and several means that effectively (legally) a contract exists between (in this case) the bus company and the inspectors such that if the correct work and inspections are not carried out, BOTH become liable under law and may be prosecuted. As i say though, i know little of Thai law, and judging from your reply, you're just assuming that's the case in Thailand. Assumptions are often dangerous.
  17. There exists the concept of "joint and several liability" where both / all parties are liable to ensure the law is obeyed. How that pans out in Thai law I don't know.
  18. As somebody who is officially a tourist, spending 2-3 months in Thailand at a time, I use cash almost exclusively. I cannot get a Thai card, and hotels etc will charge a premium if i use my UK card. On a month-long stay that adds up, plus the exchange rate is usually pretty poor compared with "cash on the street" If the Thai government and TAT are serious about encouraging tourism, this should be considered, IMO.
  19. When you click on Notifications, having read and cleared them, there is a nice clean and tidy empty page, so, at a glance you can see that there is nothing remaining to be read. You obviously don't HAVE to clear them if you might want to read them again, but I, and several others prefer to do it that way. The AN forum USED to do that and other forums using the same software do behave in that way. Then, apparently, there was a software "update" and that functionality got broken. Also, unread notifications appear as bold, clicking on them usually clears the bold to normal - but that does not always work.
  20. Indeed not - makes my posts above look overly optimistic, hopeful even 🤬 Thanks for bumping the thread GK. @george Can you give us any update on this please - it really is annoying (IMO)
  21. And, I'm assuming that there is as yet no need for the ETA that was discussed recently?
  22. Damn! I wanted Cheese and Onion....... Or better still
  23. Wasn't Tripoli was it? Because I've seen them do exactly that! 😮
  24. Not in Thailand perhaps. In other countries, UK for example, traffic police routinely do drug wipes in the same way as they carry out alcohol breath tests. The penalties for failing are similarly strict. What I noticed in the OP was the wording "The proposed law, however, includes strict penalties for unauthorised cannabis consumption," That strikes me as saying you can sell it but when the buyer gets out on the street (s)he is liable to arrest. Wouldn't that open the door for even more shakedowns of the public buyers, whilst protecting the sellers who might have been contributing to the police benevolent fund? Or am I way too cynical? 🙄
  25. This thread isn't about marriage!
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