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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. You mean those peaceful yellow-shirts, that blocked the government district and the airports for weeks under their peaceful leader Sondhi Limthongkul, the convicted criminal?
  2. And this entitles the Brit to punch the man?
  3. Maybe they have never heared that there are human rights, at least in some countries outside saudi arabia and iran. My sincere condolences to them.
  4. And other people think, even law breakers and drug takers should not be treated inhumane.
  5. Everybody would ask for compensation after an accident, no? The Brit crashed into a standing TukTuk.
  6. It's not "usual" that accidents turn into violence, it's the exception. Most accidents are cleared peacefully. In many years and -I guess -150000km on Thailand's roads I was involved in three accidents, none of them severe. A motorbike taxis crashed in my car from behind when I was turning right. Big noise, big cry for "compensation". I called the police, case cleared. Another time I touched the mirror of another car (my fault). We stopped, I called my insurance, the agent showed up after 20 minutes. Case closed. In a village somewhere in the northeastern outback, I had top break sharply because a kid ran across the street just in front of me. My bike slided into a push cart causing minor damages there. The owner helped me up, took my bike from the street, gave me something to drink and asked if I needed medical help. That was it. No one ever attaced me with a machete and I never felt the need to hit the opponent.
  7. Yellowstone, Season5 Can not recommend this show. Even after four seasons no signs of diversity at all. A complete lack of LGBT+XYZ themes. Cowboys forcing climate change by roaming around in their huge fuel driven pickup trucks. Old white men ideology everywhere. And John Dutton would not vote for Biden, I sadly guess. No good! ????
  8. Agree. Behavior like that is not a matter of nationality or "anglo-american culture". Why there are more Brits in news like this? Because there are more Brits coming to Thailand than Germans, Italiens or Dutch. So easy.
  9. Yes! The brave young Brit just decided to go for a preemtive strike ????
  10. I see the next go-fund-me coming. "My young and gentle son is held innocently in an inhuman Thai prison. Please help us to bring him back to merry old England"
  11. The man is defintely qualified to run for presidency ????
  12. Democrazy? Forever banished to the baracks? Puh, that's a VERY optimistic predicition.
  13. Absolutelly correct!
  14. Do you believe that Thailand is a state under the rule of law? I don't. Guilty or not, if I were Thaksin, I never would give myself in the hands of coup makers like the beloved general and his watchmen.
  15. I see. But imho before you use third party "optinizers", you should check my two points above to know, if one of the typical hardware problems could be the reason for the slow PC. Easy enough. Even without PC knowledge, a user should be able to open the explorer and do a rightclick.
  16. "Optimizers" are mostly quite useless. If your PC was faster before, then first have a look how much free space you have on C:/. If the drive is very full your system speed could be affected. Open ypur Explorer, rightclick on "C:"-->"Properties". Next would be to check how much RAM is listed (if there are more than one sockets used, one of them coud be defect). To check the available RAM goto "Settings"-->"Info". You'll see the installed RAM
  17. IF there's an exact date named for the allegedly rape. In the Trump case it wasn't as far as I know. And I'm not really sure meetings from 30 years back would be still documented.
  18. Hard times to come for (wealthy, prominent or hated) men. They have to be aware to be convicted for allegations with thin evidence for things they're accused to have done 30 years before. But at least a good opportunitiy for women to avoid old-age poverty. Just say "Mr. X raped me somewhere somewhen in the last century", find one or two friends to testify "yes, she told me about it", done.
  19. "Spiked with Yaba"...hrhrhr. Simple story: the moron blamed Cannabis because he could get away with it. Not so with meth. But the reborn-Harry J. Anslinger-brigade will never learn.
  20. But you do not have an automatic firing system yet? That's a severe security risk!
  21. Walking around with an expensive Rolex should be no problem in Thailand. Every thief thinks it will be a 500-Baht copy.
  22. Just download and install the NordVPN app.
  23. Yes, but it's a bit more tricky than on computer or mobile. The easyest way might be SmartDNS. Another option would be a router with openVPN client function.
  24. R.I.P and thank you very much for all your helpful posts on visa topics. A big loss for the forum.
  25. You don't have much idea how vpn works, do you? Sophisticated enough? to use TOR? hrhr...
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