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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. People are victims of assault all over the world. They are not all bias incidents. But to single out because it happened in the states and San Francisco seems sort of prejudiced to me. Do Thais in the states who attack other Thais make the news here? There is no proof it was a bias incident. Or maybe it was. Maybe the guy was just a wacko. I have visited San Francisco a few times in the past. And there are a number of homeless people and a number of them with obvious mental health issues . More so in certain areas of the city. As for the comments made of him appearing to be Latino. Just because he’s Latino doesn’t mean he is in the USA illegally. There are many Latinos that are American citizens, and who were born in America. And they are considered Americans, Not foreigners. So some people should leave their nineteenth century type of mentality out of it. Because if you are living in Thailand. You can have as many different visas as you want. You are still an outsider here yourself and always will be. So think about that before you criticize people being in a country not of their own.
  2. I have a large Xiaomi purifier in the living room of my condo in Bangkok for the past two years. My condo is 80sqm. It runs quiet when the air quality is in the green zone. It should be in the green zone normally. It did go in the red once when cooking food and it started to smoke. It did make noise. But as I said it normally stays in the green zone. I keep the unit on the lowest setting. The higher you make it, you will hear the fan. The unit will tell you the percentage of life left on the filter. In the bedroom I have a Hatari air purifier which is small. They only make one size. How often you change the filters depends on the air quality. And with the type of air quality in Thailand, I do not see how the filters last a year. You might be saving money on filters. But that defeats the efficiency and purpose of the purifier. The Xiaomi I have. I have to change the filter every few months. When the display shows 10 percent left. With the Hatari it is recommended to change the filter every three or four months.
  3. My cholesterol was always normal up until four years ago. I exercise regularly and my diet has not changed. I’m not overweight. Doctor I was seeing in USA told me to try to make adjustments to my diet. Which did not help. Then I moved to Bangkok. I had my yearly physical at Bumrungard. Cholesterol was still high. The doctor had no explanation so she referred me to an Endocrinologist there. The endocrinologist did not think the issue was from diet. She said body just changes because of age. Also back in 1988 to 1989 I had to have five months of chemotherapy. Which she said might have influenced this as a long term after effect. I was put on a non statin type drug at first that didn’t help very much. So it was changed to the statin Livalo. The Livalo has controlled my cholesterol to normal levels. But I have to take coq10 to control the muscle ache side effects from the drug. And I have to have blood work taken every three months. Cholesterol issues are not always caused by diet as I always thought.
  4. Always good to see positive news stories. I commend the people for donating
  5. The issue is they were illegal produced. And when surgically implanted in a person they can burst, leak, cause infection.
  6. Tourism picked up in the later part of 2022. But before that it was minimal. The article is not talking about tourism after restrictions. It’s based on the whole year. Tourists were not “flooding “. Thailand the whole year.
  7. As some others have said. Contact your Embassy. Explain the situation and they should be able to help you. They have something in place for damaged , lost, or stolen passports.
  8. Maybe the driver actually had a medical episode. The witness said the driver appeared to have a seizure. If the vehicle went off the road It would either coast to a stop or have to hit an object to stop it. Luckily no one was killed.
  9. The mask rules are still in effect on public transport. And I commend the passengers for saying something. I saw this incident on Thai news. The bus was crowded and air conditioned. So no air flow ventilation. The majority of people I see not wearing masks are foreigners. And some Thais But here in Asoke area it’s a very large number of foreigners. . I guess they think they don’t have to follow the rules on public transport . Or maybe they just can’t afford to buy one. Probably ignorant or just don’t care. It’s like children trying to get away with something. What I find comical is that I see couples. Where the man is a foreigner and the woman is Thai. The woman is wearing a mask, the man isn’t. If you don’t want to wear a mask on public transportation then walk, if you don’t want to wear one as required by a privately own business. Then go somewhere else. Simple as that.
  10. I was told once by a Thai man that Sinsod is usually paid only if the woman has never been married. And she is not considered old and she contributes to her family for support. If she is divorced , has children, or older than no Sinsod. But it depends who you talk to. But my personal opinion is different. I would not pay Sinsod under any circumstances. I have heard Thai men are asked to pay it too at times. But I would not. Some people say it is cultural. But if it came down to a foreigner. I’m guessing in most circumstances the price would be higher.
  11. It doesn’t matter what nationality they are. Luckily no one residents or emergency personnel were harmed.
  12. This is nothing unusual. It’s common practice for food establishments to have photos that look much better than reality. It shouldn’t be. But that’s the way it is. Not just Thailand. For example a sandwich place. The sandwiches in the photos look enormous. But in reality the amount of fillings are much less than in the photo.
  13. The latest version of Moderna came out in the USA this past September. It has more protection against certain Covid variants. Unfortunately it is not available in Thailand presently. And no indication if when or ever will.
  14. There is such place in Bangkok. I can’t recall the name. But many people that come to the LOS are living barebones. So those types of communities would not be popular or feasible for them.
  15. If you purchase the disposable type of mask. It is recommended for one use only. There are companies that sell masks which can be used for approximately three to six months. Depending on the severity of the pollution. These masks have a filter sew into the mask. And they are washable. The masks are made from cloth, not paper. Keep in mind . Depending on what country the mask is made. And how it was tested. They will not always be designated as N95 but be equivalent. These companies I have used in the past. They ship to Thailand. But you have to pay fees. https://cambridgemask.com/ https://www.vogmask.com I personally would not order masks from Lazada.
  16. Immigration officials will ask questions in any country you are entering. They will ask as many as they feel necessary. If you show you are hesitant or act bothered. You will look suspicious and they will ask even more questions. Possibility taking you to a private area
  17. Just another typical tourist story. Nothing unusual about this type of behavior
  18. Numbers are not accurate and should not be used for prevention. Keep up on your vaccines and use common sense. That is all you can do.
  19. I’m totally against illegal immigration. It causes crime and other issues. I’m not promoting this so called makeshift barrier or whatever it is. Some people on the forums criticize the USA and President on immigration policies. Which are not perfect. But I wonder how many of these critics living in Thailand are guilty themselves. Because overstaying, not having the proper visa, not registering with immigration with proper forms as required. That is illegal immigration also.
  20. Maybe it was the spirits or just luck. The child was found safe. That’s all that matters
  21. It depends on the seriousness of the situation. Every situation is different . You will have to seize up the situation quickly and use your judgment. Either you can diffuse the situation yourself if possible. If not you will have to try to get other staff members to help if possible. Hopefully there are other staff available. Because when they are separated both students should be taken to separate locations and monitored to prevent additional issues.
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