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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. It’s only boring if you don’t have the finances to do much of anything. Even if you don’t have much money in the West you can find things to do.
  2. I wouldn’t think anything of it. Unless she appears to try to pursue you.
  3. No I would not. And watching the guys bag was not your problem. No need to explain anything to him. From his behavior towards you. He sounds like expat trash.
  4. This type of thing is not uncommon. It’s just you have to be gullible enough to fall for it.
  5. I commend you for taking care of your child. You should just let your attorney handle it. Keep a journal of any negative behavior from her so the attorney knows everything that is going on.
  6. What it comes down to you need to get more facts for clarification. A skin doctor will refer a patient to another doctor . That’s if the dermatologist felt it was not a dermatology issue. Obviously the doctor saw a skin disorder and is treating it as such. And did she discuss her concerns about what she believes she has with this doctor? I have also attached an explanation from the Mayo Clinic regarding her concerns: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pagets-disease-of-bone/symptoms-causes/syc-20350811#
  7. The only issue I had with Food Panda was regarding my Visa card on file. It was from an American bank. For three years everything was fine. Then all of a sudden the card couldn’t be accepted as payment. No issues with Grab.
  8. It was a scary experience no doubt. But how many passengers were on that flight? A handful? Because half of the passengers vomiting and fainting is a bit much. It was an engine failure. The plane didn’t suddenly drop altitude. Or the cabin didn’t decompress. The pilot shut down the engine. Then turned the plane back to the airport. Doesn’t say the type of aircraft. But an airliner can fly on one engine if necessary. If half of the passengers became ill or fainted. I would think it would be mentioned how medical personnel met the plane to treat all those passengers.
  9. 1669 is the number for public ambulance service. 191 is the universal emergency number. These numbers should and hopefully will have an English speaker available. If you are near an international hospital near you, you can call them. If you call a government hospital directly, English will probably be an issue.
  10. You will have to get unflavored. Any product that is flavored will contain some type of sweetener.
  11. If you are a renter you will have to take the issue up with your landlord. The condo board or management office wont pay much attention to you.
  12. Special deals are good. But from the economic position of many expats. They still won’t be able to afford it. Even with the discounts.
  13. Different people are in different situations of course pertaining to what type of insurance they have if any. When I recently lived in Bangkok for three years I collected social security and a pension. It was mandatory to take Medicare when I turned 65. . I also took part B because I had no idea how long I would live overseas. And didn’t want to pay a penalty afterwards. I was able to carry over my health insurance after retiring from my previous job. Which covers me both domestically and internationally.
  14. Condolences regarding your loss. Understandable it makes your child upset. But immigration is protecting children against illegal activities. Unfortunately what is happening in this day and age.
  15. Regarding the taxi drivers hanging around hotels. And possibly trying to take advantage of people. That happens not only in Thailand. That’s why it is not advisable to use taxis that are waiting in front of hotels. Especially popular hotels that cater to tourists.
  16. Mika. I have stayed in a few hotels in Bangkok, Chaing Mai, and Hua Hin. They only ask for the Passport. And enter the information in their computer system. Using the phone could be anyone’s guess. It is a very inexpensive rate. I’m speculating it was a small hotel. And they don’t have a sophisticated computer system. And possibly don’t care about TM 30. But it’s only a guess. Maybe you are somewhat concerned the staff used their own phone to document your information. I would be too. And personally I would not let someone do that.
  17. Robinson’s department stores.
  18. Im guessing he left his keys in the car when he exited the taxi. Or she hot wired it.
  19. If a person has a life like that that’s great. I would rather have a life like that or a middle class life. Than have barely nothing to my name. And blame society, government, and everything else for barely having anything.
  20. To The OP. You can try in Chiang Mai : Santisook Dog and Cat Rescue 66 81 638 2105 That is the only place I found when I researched it. They open 9:30 am
  21. I have FEP, Caremark, and Medicare. I no longer live in Thailand . I’m back in the states. You can’t use Medicare overseas. And I’m guessing that also pertains to this supplement Medicare prescription plan. According to what Caremark told me. The Medicare prescription plan they are giving is really supplemental. It’s a perk they are giving and you still would have the normal CVS Caremark Plan. When living in Bangkok I submitted prescriptions for any reimbursement to Caremark. They basically treated the majority as brand names . Which I was under the impression they were generic. They seemed to be kind of confused on this. Anyway I didn’t bother claiming it anymore. Because the money they did reimburse me was very little.
  22. I have seen drunk obnoxious foreigners without tattoos. Just typical tourists or expats that have nothing better to do. Or can’t afford to do anything else.
  23. Good everything worked out. When living in Bangkok I had health insurance from my previous job. It was rolled over when I retired. It covers me domestically and I internationally. And I pay for it but it’s a special rate. Because my previous employer pays a portion of it. With the cost of medical procedures and visits. I personally would not risk not having health insurance. Either living domestically or internationally.
  24. Maybe the laughing gas didnt fully wear off from the dental clnic.
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