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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Depends on the individual. Some people return kindness. Some people will just take advantage of someone kind.
  2. According to Trump. Nothing bad that happens would ever occur if he were President
  3. There are so many of these type of shampoos on the market. I doubt they really do much of anything. She needs to address her health and stress issues. Especially if it’s effecting her physically.
  4. Just keep boozing it up . That seems to be the cure all for many in the LOS.
  5. If you are having severe anxiety. Especially if it’s interfering with your daily quality of life. You wife is on the right track. You don’t have to see a psychiatrist though . You can see a psychologist. They treat without medication. Or you can see a counselor. Such as a social worker.
  6. When I lived in Bangkok recently. I used air purifiers in my condo. I had an air quality app on my phone. If the air was very bad I would wear a mask. And people do wear masks for things other than and before covid.
  7. Maybe he was living by himself and enjoyed being independent. A quiet life. But that didn’t mean he didn’t talk to anyone.
  8. The OP is asking if the vaccine is available. Not for personal opinions about why you will not get it. To the OP. The latest vaccine is not available in Thailand. And from how the protocol goes. Who knows how long it will take to get it if any. There might be some of the previous version available since you haven’t been given a booster for a while. All you can do is contact different hospitals and ask.
  9. Maybe since it’s a Thailand forum. It should be looked at that the death rate is very high here. Accidents, lack of or no health insurance, alcoholism, insufficient vaccinations, poor health care , bad air quality, poor sanitation , etc. My point is. There are many countries with health issues. It depends on how one takes care of themselves.. And if they have the proper resources to do so.
  10. The flu can cause serious illness. Instead of drinking those five beers or more a day. Save your money and get vaccinated.
  11. Unfortunately you have a contract. You can speak to the person who you dealt with about the issue. But they are probably going to tell you no one else had an issue with it. Maybe they can speak to maintenance to try to resolve the issue. But since it’s a pump that’s probably the normal noise it makes and you will hear it. You can move. But you would have to negotiate of course with the owner, And they will probably refuse to terminate the contract. Or keep your deposit. You mentioned you don’t think they pay taxes. That has nothing to do with your issue and it’s an assumption. It will get you nowhere. And if you try using that as leverage only cause more problems for you.
  12. I can’t see a big issue trying to catch one of those pickups. I’m guessing they are just normal pickups and not set up for police use.
  13. The police might had been able to respond quicker. But they are probably not trained to handle this sort of situation. Except for a special operations team unfortunately. The ambulances were probably held up in traffic as part of the reasons. But the usual protocol is an ambulance won’t enter an area unless a serious situation in completely contained
  14. I lived in Bangkok for three years moving back to the states this past March. I lived in Bangkok because I wanted to experience living overseas. But afterwards it just became annoying to me. This was not my first choice but the retirement visa was good and easy. Things are more expensive here in the US now but what can you do. And no I didn’t come here because I hated my own country. Or couldn’t make it financially or health insurance wise. As it seems that a majority of expats move here because of that. Or their main hobby was vegetating and boozing it up. And whine because they blame their misfortunes on everything except themselves. So I had nothing much in common with them. I still keep up on what’s going on in Thailand. Just as other countries which I have visited.
  15. Good job to the police for helping him retrieve his property. But according to the story he said he can’t thank the police enough. It doesn’t say anything about him actually saying they were the best in the world. And everything he said appears to have been to his girlfriend. Who doesn’t appear to say this either
  16. If you are a foreigner there are limited options in Japan. You can only get a tourist visa, have a job in Japan, or be married to a Japanese citizen. Snd I also believe for certain types of visas you are tested on Japanese language proficiency. Countryside or not. Japan is more expensive than Thailand. And if you have limited funds and little to no health insurance. You won’t make it there.
  17. Nothing much new. Certain countries have tax treaties with other countries regarding expats.
  18. The incident has to do with Thailand. And a mentality disturbed juvenile. May the injured recover. And the deceased RIP. Not issues of any other country. Some here as usual will find excuses to bash a Western country. Usually because they are bitter because they couldn’t make it there. And come to Thailand. .
  19. If the driver actually did that and the app demanded a different amount. The passenger needs to contact Bolt. Grab does use taxis and Bolt as some people here have said uses taxis also. If the passenger used a taxi from the street. The driver might have used the meter. But probably would have demanded 2000 baht
  20. If you can afford to get a yearly flu vaccine then get. Many expats usually downplay vaccines or any other medical treatments. Because they either have little to no health insurance. Or sufficient funds to pay for it.
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