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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Kind of odd occurrence. The trains should not be able move while any doors are open.
  2. If I printed what I thought of these so called parents. I would probably get banned from the forums.
  3. Dermatologist are not all women. When you get an appointment for any doctor you have a choice to request a male or female. Just because a dermatologist is a female doesn’t mean she is only interested in skin aesthetics. See the dermatologist that Sheryl recommended at Bumrungard. Dr. Niyom. He was my dermatologist when I lived in Bangkok. He is very good. And explains everything.
  4. The symptoms could be a number of things. Covid, common cold, allergies, sinus infection. They are non specific symptoms. You can take a Covid test, or be checked by a doctor.
  5. All similar similar leaders would need to be exterminated if that were the case. Why not Russia and North Korea? To avoid WW lll. That’s why North Korea and Russia doesn’t try to exterminate the United States.
  6. A person can wear gold jewelry tastefully. Nothing wrong with it.
  7. I had two relationships with Thai women while living in Bangkok. No not at the same time. Both younger than me. One was an account 47 years old. The other 44 years selling products in a mall for a major company. But from their behavior at times. How they reacted to certain things. And their temper tantrums. Very immature like ten year olds. After a while I said forget it.
  8. It is individual. Because it depends what type of lifestyle the person has. And how comfortable they want to live. I suggest you get more information from your friend. This way you can get more specific responses.
  9. One needs to make themselves happy also. If you don’t have much going for yourself, you will be miserable. And women don’t usually go for miserable men that have nothing to show for themselves. And can barely take care of themselves. And I’m not talking about women who are bar girls or just looking for money.
  10. Could have, should have. What’s done is done. You need to contact your embassy for assistance. That is what they are there for. They for the most part handle situations like this. I don’t understand why your own embassy won’t help you. Especially since you tried to do the right thing.
  11. I find that many expats live in Thailand because they couldn’t make it in their own countries. And they blame their home countries and everything else for their misfortunes. They come to Thailand thinking they are going to get a free ride. Many have barebones income. And little to no health insurance. And the main interest for many seems to be booze.
  12. It’s your girlfriends son. So it’s her responsibility to get him to leave you are not his father. And using physical violence to remove him? A person that has a serious martial arts background uses it for self defense only. Not for intimidation or to assault someone. Or brags how they can beat someone up thats much smaller. He might be small. And you think you can take him. But if he finds you with ten of his friends. Which is common in Thailand. That martial arts training might not be much help.
  13. I think it’s strange that this is of any significance . Guess some have too much time on their hands. And the America haters. Most couldn’t make it living in America or other western countries. That’s one of the reasons you are living in Thailand.
  14. You mention your “ testosterone addiction “ and “can’t stop”.. You should be using testosterone according to your doctor’s instructions. It sounds like you are not using it only for medical purposes.. But also recreationally because it gives you a temporary boost. . Which is not a wise thing to do. You say you are are getting short tempered. One side effect of overuse is mood swings. I suggest you read the other damage testosterone overuse can cause.
  15. Depending on your type of smoothies . The amount of ice, milk , fruit, or any other additives. You will need one with a strong motor. Especially if you like the consistency kind of thick. I recommend any of more popular western type brands. Such as TFal, Sharp, etc. I did purchase a local brand from Tesco once. I recommend staying away from those brands. It had a powerful motor. Four months later the shaft in the motor broke.
  16. I understand your point completely. Welcome to the so called LOS.
  17. You need not only consider how you are going to take care of yourself which seems to be your primary concern. You are 72 years old and made a child who is 11 years old with a Thai woman. Who you see now and then. How are they doing? Because you are a father. And it seems you can barely take care of yourself it’s not about just you.
  18. If the prices increase in Asia a lot of expats and tourists will have no where to go . The expats will have to return to their own countries and collect public assistance. The tourist will just have to stay home and get drunk.
  19. Tik Tok is owned by a Chinese company, not google. There is no charge to use it. 0.99 USD is only 99 cents. It was obviously a test to see if the card is active. And to see if you caught the charge. If you didn’t catch it and cancel the card. Then whoever was doing it would probably proceed with transactions.
  20. If you are renting the owner has a key or access code. They own the property not you. You cannot just change the access code or locks without permission. And the owner is not obligated to allow you. If you do you will be causing yourself a lot of trouble. This is not just in Thailand. One condo I rented in Bangkok had a code lock. The owner programmed the lock to my code. But she had the code also.
  21. I have allergies for many years. In the USA it is referred to as seasonal allergies. At times I would get the stuffy nose during sleep but not often. But when I was living in Bangkok I was instructed to use the treatment method all year around. Which is a nasal spray and antihistamine tablet. And nasal irrigation as necessary. Sometimes in Bangkok I did follow ups with an ENT. My symptoms were managed and I hardly would get any symptoms. Im using this as an example. I’m not saying your friend’s issue is the same. I went to an ENT initially. He used a scope up into the nose to look for any abnormalities. This is done in office as part of the examination. I was also given a CT scan of the area in question. Your friend needs to see an ENT to see the cause of her issues. She possibly could have nasal polyps. If she is your friend maybe you can help her to see an ENT.
  22. The body is going to age no matter what. It’s what you do during your lifetime to keep your body in the best possible condition. According to any limitations of course. As for a persons mindset. You need to do activities and thinking to keep your mind active. Drinking booze all the time and being miserable isn’t going to cut it.
  23. Guidelines need to be imposed and enforced on the drivers. More so than the passengers
  24. You should check with the facility performing the test. There is a specific reason why they don’t want you to drink liquid prior to the test. . As an example. I have had abdominal ultrasounds in Bangkok. I was never asked if I drank water or not before the exam. Your definition of sipping a little could possibly be too much. And one’s abdominal ultrasound might differ from another’s.
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