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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. The 787 ran into dense fog effecting the landing. So the pilot diverted to a landing in Bangkok. Diversions like to another airport are not unusual due to poor visibility. The squawk 7700 is an alert sent declaring an emergency. The emergency can be an environmental issue, such as the fog. Running low on fuel could be that plane kept circling the airport hoping the fog could clear. And had to divert due to remaining fuel Or a separate issue. But that part of the story isn’t clear.
  2. How it will look after removal on the face is a.question. I have a small mole on my face . One choice was just remove the top . It would be smooth but look like a freckle. The other was is surgical removal . Where the area around the mole is cut out. Then the whole mole is removed and stitched. A tiny scar would remain. I chose not to have either done. So be sure to ask the doctor how it is going to look afterwards. And of course the doctor has to judge the condition of the mole for safety concerns.
  3. So she had an issue with a motorbike driver. She then took off. And because of this the police had to go to her hotel when she was leaving. Escort her to the airport . And assist her checking in for her flight. Makes no sense at all.
  4. If things stand the way they are. The only alternative is Biden. Who is not that great. But better than having Trump. But if Trump actually ends up running. I have a feeling he will win.
  5. I can’t believe this made the news. It’s a seating issue which the airline has to address internally.
  6. swm59nj


    Should have no issues purchasing products. I remember I knew a guy that sold Amway back in the 1970’s. He took me to a meeting. He drove and played an Amway tape. The meeting was in a hotel ballroom with a large number of people. It was like a cult. And to sell it was like a pyramid.
  7. They will need a big space to detain all the drunks. The bigger issue is actually detaining them when they get confrontational
  8. The cost would depend on the procedure needed to correct the issue. Not all cataract surgery can be performed by laser as people think.
  9. At least the OP has the Christmas spirit. And can afford to purchase things. Not the typical miserable poster you will find on the forums. I lived in Bangkok. But I hope the following helps in Chiang Mai. https://chiangmaifamilyguide.com/essential-guide-to-christmas-in-chiang-mai/
  10. If the latest vaccines were available. People could give themselves added protection
  11. A foreigner allegedly working illegally? If there was a foreigner working there. Obviously the person reporting didn’t know if they were legal or not.
  12. When I lived in Bangkok I was seeing Dr. Niyom Tantikun. He is at Bumrungard Hospital
  13. After only hearing the beginning of her story. I would have said sorry and ignored her
  14. Amazing some people on here don’t use condoms with strangers. Or to prevent unwanted pregnancy, diseases, HIV, etc. But I’m not surprised. Because from some of the posts on the forums. I doubt some can even afford condoms.
  15. By the term you are using. You have a build up of mucus which is causing a tickle in your throat. Such as post nasal drip. You should go to the pharmacy and get a decongestant . And also irrigate your nose with a saline rinse.
  16. The farang was just doing what the locals do. He probably just wants to fit in.
  17. It sounds like the frames were chosen first. Then a few days later the eye exam was done. The frames alone could have been 10000 baht. Some frames can be expensive. Then the remaining cost of the total was for the lenses. Depending on the quality and type of lenses the cost could be high. And bifocal lenses are more expensive than regular lenses. And most eyeglass shops in Thailand will like you to believe they are giving you a deal
  18. If he has leukemia he needs to see an oncologist to begin treatment. He should have had his own health insurance. And I’m sure he won’t begin treatment in Thailand. Blood soaked sheets? Hospital is like a war zone? I find that very hard to believe.
  19. I take numerous medications. When I lived in Bangkok I used a small local pharmacy near my condo in Asoke. I also used some others. Sometimes they had certain medications and not. It was hot and miss sometimes. And when I mentioned a generic sometimes they were unaware of what generic meant. I can only recommend you go to a pharmacy that is fairly popular in your area. And has hopefully an English speaking pharmacist there to ask questions.
  20. I lived in a condo for a year in Onut. One woman on the floor was loud. For two years condo in Asoke. First year most it the floor was unoccupied. So it was quiet. Second year more people moved in. They were Thai. Then the floor became noisy at times. When you reside in a multi unit building in many parts of the world. You are bound to have noise. Depends on the residents. As for the elderly man. He probably had some sort of type of psychological issues.. if he was yelling out loud to himself. Unfortunately as some people get older this is what happens. I presently live in an area of the USA where there are a lot of senior communities. In the local supermarket I have seen elderly people talking to themselves. Or sometimes they say something to me not making any sense.
  21. The people that make anti western comments. Which have nothing to do with specific topics. Are usually bitter because they couldn’t make it in those western countries. So they come to Thailand trying to get a free ride.
  22. I recently left Thailand recently after three years. I have investments in the USA. Basically a mutual fund and Roll Over IRA. I had to pay tax on them if they had a profit. I was only required to pay taxes to the USA. But while living in Thailand the brokerage firm I had in the USA had restrictions what I could do with those accounts. Such as advising me, and opening any new accounts. This was not for just Thailand.
  23. Thank you for the information. Depending how an individual plans to travel there it could be costly. If the person is on a very limited budget. In certain situations it might be more feasible to go to a government hospital in Thailand. But you gave a good option though. Personally I feel that people should have health insurance. It might be costly for some. But if you need medical care, routine testing, etc. Then you a basically have to shop around to see what you can afford. Or jump around to different countries for affordable care. Which can possibly jeopardize a medical issue.
  24. It could be a torn rotator cuff or some other tendon tear. But the only way to get a specific diagnosis is getting an MRI.
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