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Posts posted by simcity

  1. I bough from central department a dryer and a washing machine ( brand Zanucchi ) after 6 years of use sometime i have problems with one or the other !

    zanucchi brand is not on sale anymore in thailand , but electrolux is in charge of the repair and they did give me a very good service as price and professionalism !

    if i need to get a new lots i will go for this reason to Electrolux brand .

  2. really go for a Mitsubishi electric ! they are expensive but very good and save money on power too , i use to have a Mitsubishi compressor in one of my unit , was not happy with it ( unit )

    Careful they sell to Mitsubishi heavy duty in department store! not same as Mitsubishi electric, they are good .

  3. Microsoft starts Windows auto-piracy check today

    Microsoft launches Windows auto-piracy check

    PCs vetted during Windows automatic updates

    PCs using Microsoft's automatic Windows update service will be checked for pirate versions of the operating system from today – and dodgy copies will be refused all upgrades except critical security patches.

    Users will have the option, in a pop-up box that appears at the start of a scheduled update, to opt out of the validation, but they too will be refused full updates.

    Validation under Microsoft's Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) scheme is already necessary to get downloads of programs such as Internet Explorer.

    Unvalidated users will also be nagged by a reminder box that appears at any time the automatic update procedure is run.

    'You will be able to suppress the box but you will not be able to remove it,' said Michala Alexander, head of anti-piracy at Microsoft.

    Users who fail the test can opt to go to a page explaining why and advising how to get a genuine copy of the operating system.

    They are advised to contact their supplier if they bought the software in good faith, pre-loaded on a PC.

    Alexander said this is the case with nearly one in 10 pirated copies and that it is not simply Microsoft that loses out.

    Customers are being cheated because they are not entitled to full support, she added.

    'And if Dodgy Dave is selling multiple copies of Windows on several machines he is undercutting genuine dealers,' she said.

    A pilot of the validation system has been running in Norway and Sweden and is extended today to Britain, the US, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.

    Launched today is a parallel scheme called Office Genuine Advantage which will validate Microsoft Office code.

    This will be completely voluntary at the start but is expected to go the way of WGA by being linked to automatic updates.

    A similar scheme is being extended to Microsoft Office installations but it is not clear whether this will be voluntary.

    Alexander said: 'Our aim is to educate our customers about the risks associated with using counterfeit software and equally, the value they can gain from ensuring the software they are running at home and at work is genuine.'

    --Personal Computer World 2006-04-26

    This is an old story, they introduced the Automatic Check using Genuine Advantage last year. Result was that the Microsoft Update System checked my rather expensive B149,500 Sony Computer with an absolutely genuine Version of Windows XP professional and declared that I had an illegal non-registered copy of Windows XP. Since my copy could only be activated by myself by logging onto the Microsoft Web Site, it was certainly correctly registered with Microsoft and genuine.

    Microsoft then tells me that at Great Expense to myself, I have to take the Computer back to Sony Thailand and find out the problem. Why should I lose B100,000's of my time running around Bangkok when it is just another example of Microsoft Software which they expect us to pay for when it doesn't work properly.

    We, and I expect Bill Gates also, would not expect to buy a Mercedes Benz, that keeps breaking down, tells you that you have made an illegal move frequently, and needs to have numerous fixes downloaded onto it to keep it running at all!!! You would not expect to pay for a +duff Mercedes until they finally fixed the Bugs, would you? Likewise, I would expect we would all like to buy a genuine version of Windows when they finally give us a version that works without crashing.

    Fortunately, I just ran a search on Google, and then I found that many genuine owners have the same problem. It takes around 3 Minutes to defeat the Automatic Software Check permanently by unticking a few boxes in the Internet options in The Security Centre control window.

    Amazing thing is that my works Computer has all illegal Copies and I get windows updates Automatically with no questions asked, but for the legal copies we are being hassled by Microsoft. So the true situation seems to be that if you have a pirate version Microsoft will give you updates for free no questions asked, but for a Genuine Copy of XP, be prepared to be told that you have an illegal copy, and that you must buy another Genuine Copy.

    I am still waiting for a Windows operating program that works properly first time and does not need constant patching up. I believe that the patches so far for Windows XP, now exceed the size of the original program.

    I use to have this information :

    In Internet Explorer, go to "Tools\Manage Add-ons". The select "Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer". Scroll down to the "Windows Genuine Advantage" control and disable it. Exit Internet Explorer and launch Windows Update

    but that do not work anymore ! could you tell me more about the :

    It takes around 3 Minutes to defeat the Automatic Software Check permanently by unticking a few boxes in the Internet options in The Security Centre control window.

  4. I use to have a space in a chopping centre, south gate in Melbourne!

    You are a lemon for the management, they will start to juice you, and grind the skin, and double check if they did not left anything and ride of you!

    Be really sure you will have some profit left for you!

    the rent was 17% plus base rent , or a higher rent .. what is the greater

    3% advertising


  5. i took some friend ( european body ) in two center

    one was central silom complex who has two shops ( i think 3 floor ) discount price item ( gant / timberland )

    the other place is in central pinklaow who has two shops for european man.

    i pinklaow is a great shop to get blazzer / parka / hanorac very well discount ! near entrance of central 2 or 3 floor .

    for underwear i go to MBK , tokyo department store !

    i have a great place for socks ( cotton ) in mbk to , in the new section !

  6. bmanly

    in your page


    are you sure it do not mean : Pay As You Go ?

    you need to paid every three month some tax ( 10% ) and at the end of the year still have to lodge a tax form ? abd see if you have a double taxation with the country you are in? if not you will need to paid tax at the table show before ?

  7. youthasia

    I think to park own hard cash into a internet account and buy some shares looking first at yield is risky, Telstra lost a good portion of capital this year! and will not be surprise to see a drastic reduction of dividend next year !

    i live in Thailand too , still have business ( rental ) and house in Australia , i did look for register myself as a non resident , but after consideration i did not !

    After a number of years you will loose some capital gain advantage !

    Before you do anything hasty go to see your accountant and ask him to double look at it! i did not know the 10% of tax on interest only was for a non resident !

    i did think it was only for non Australian / non resident !

    i am paying as i said a very good rate ( commercial ) of 6.85% , you told me peoples can get 6 % , that give only .85% to the bank , hum where is the catch ! normally it is 1.5 to 2 %

    Anyway work hard and place safe with your money! I stay with the Tax Free threshold everyday ! I did not understand why the poster said to be a non resident and put a different table too for tax .

  8. Thaiquila, here goes one for the Aussies. First of all you wanted more info on a person retiring on 5 Milio Baht. Invested in Australia at 6% (yes it is possible) that they can live on that. It comes to an income of around 25,000 baht a Month as interest or dividends. It is also equal to a single pension from the Government should you be on that. I know one 72 y/o in Pattaya that lives on this amount. He doesn't drink much and when he does he drinks only in cheap bars. Acommodation is 4,000 b p/m, lady about 5,000 b p/m which leaves him 16K p/m to blow. A man who does not eat and drink much can live as he does pretty well on that.

    To your question, you need about 15 M to 20 M Baht to retire. That is to get yourself an income of 60,000 baht p/m for life. In Australia fixed interest rates can be got for around 6%. You can also purchase shares that pay fully franked dividends (meaning tax paid) which also pay up to 6%.

    Taking 20 M Baht into consideration will give you about $700,000 AUD. You would only need between 1 M Baht and 5 M Baht to buy a decent property. Lets assume you buy a big expensive house for 5 M Baht, that will leave you 15 M Baht. If you invest that at 6% in Australia it would give you approximately 75,000 Baht a Month income. Tax would be low as the shares income is tax paid and if you went one step further and declared yourself to the Australian Tax Office as a Non Resident then you would only have to pay a flat 10% tax on your bank interest income. The shares income would not be taxed that 10% as they are fully franked and your investments would keep pace with inflation as the shares you own go up and the income from them will go up over the life of your investment, hope that helps.

    some points to make .

    I have a mortgage with a Bank ( commercial ) and I am paying them 6.85 % , I do not think 6 % on deposit is possible !

    Idem with shares, look more for 4-4.5% yield on your stocks, that is conservative , I am not talking about company as Telstra / multiplex .

    Ion use to give a very very good dividends .

    Idem with non resident the tax have no tax-free threshold for them ! and the rate is higher

    Taxable as the 10 % mentioned !

    ‘ Non-residents are taxed at a higher rate and are not entitled to a tax-free threshold. Part-year residents may be entitled to a part-year tax-free threshold ‘

    Source : http://www.ato.gov.au/default.asp?menu=40

  9. Place I like to eat near Sukhumvit.

    Soi 2

    The Beirut Restaurant In Ploenchit Center , next to the Villa supermarket.

    Also on Soi 2 is Pendalasco Italian.

    Grand Majestic Hotel. Great Buffet for 350. Great Italian too!

    JWMarriot Bakery.

    Soi 3 has more middle east fare.

    Soi 4

    Steak One,

    Hillary bar.

    Checkers Bar for Fish+chips.

    Soi 8 has a bunch of places

    Soi 11 has a good German place and many many more. Good Thai at Rosabieng across from Ambassador.

    La Piola is down there too. Yum!

    Soi 12

    Times Square has the best Chinese in town 4th floor.

    Soi 14,

    Suda, Thai Food.

    Also another nice looking Thai place in a great looking Thai House.

    Soi 16 has a bunch though I never go there.

    Soi 18 and 20 also loaded with restaurants.

    Soi 22 Larrys dive and Bourbon St are well known, Try the Cajun or Mexican.

    Soi 23 Go look.

    Soi 24

    Emporium Food court or numerous places.

    Just past 24 is a small Soi with SINGAPORE CHICKEN RICE,mmm

    Soi 32 & 34, A cute cheap Thai place. 50 bt, good!

    Soi 31

    has some Italian places and more.

    Soi 38 has some of the best food staands around.

    Soi 49 is a good area to look.

    Soi 51 has 2 european places at the end of soi, excellent lunch specials.

    Soi 55

    Huge selection of restaurants. Trendy area.

    My favorite Thai place is down Soi 55/subsoi 13, don't know the name but full of Thai people.

    Another favorite Thai Place is left on Wireless Rd., about 150 meters on left. No english sign out front.

    The new Siam Paragon has a gourmet food ct on 4th floor and a load of food courts etc down stairs. They also has an unreal supermarket.

    Every shopping center have a food court. Buy a coupon and choose from dozens of kitchens.Nice.

    Man all this is making me hungry.

    LOL ok The skipper , now can you make a list for my area ?

    balhampuu / wisutcasa ?

    thank you

  10. I am looking to invest in gold right now and have closely monitored its rise in price. However, my wife assures me that it usually drops considerably in the weeks after Songkhran. I trust her opinion but the price continues to rise and I'm starting to think that maybe I should just strike now. Can anyone tell me, can I really expect a significant drop over the next few weeks?

    thailand is a very small player on the gold market ! look more at china and india , time of the weeding and chinese new year !

    Perhaps a lot of chinese people are waiting for the Yuan to sky rocket ( 5 % ) before to go into it .

    Do not let you go down by one poster!

    Buying gold is good if you can afford it! To have a % in your portfolio is advisable, if you heavy mortgage perhaps paying your mortgage first is better, to borrow to buy gold is perhaps not advisable!

    Going into commodity is very rewarding, and left a lot of people bitter, the one who miss on it, and the one we got burn in the 80 and some other do not give a dame !

    If you feel you will be happy to hold some gold or gold shares go ahead!

    I am into it , and do not see the circle finish yet ! I am planning for 2-3 years with it !

    Ok good luck then .

  11. hotel is full of single traveler ! hotel restuarant is good bet .

    i will miss ' Cabbages and Condoms' I got a dreadfull meal there 2 years ago ( service / food ) !

    i went to the Rang Mahal ( Hotel Rembrandt ) it was ok , happy to try but will not rush again , i went to the buffet ( only sunday ) not sure what happen there weekday !

    emporium have few place , plus coupon foodcenter where you will feel welcome !

  12. I did want to reply to few of you, and I decide not to! ( because think it is to personal at time ) and I come back to my decision.

    Firstly I would like to ask : If you are single, what is the age to stop harvesting for money?

    One reply said not a lot have see 40 million baht, well I hope many of you did see it!

    You buy your own house and a few more and you are much over it!

    In my case I came / retired in Thailand at 40 with a nice pecule behind me, the last 8 years a boom on property and shares make it even higher! But I never cash up on the properties or anything, not sure when I will call it quite! Still have risk factors with assets !

    Many I presume are asset rich but cash poor phenomena with a portfolio with diverse assets in it ! when is the time I life to transfer it as liquidity ?

    Once I said to someone, to have money is just a peace of mind to know it is here for emergency or really want something, she reply money is here to spend!

    I really find, to have 40 million and over is not so hard to achieve if you have plan well younger!

    My plan is looking at my life at 55 year old and to decide my next move .

    The secret to make money is to have a good income and know how to develop it or be born rich.

    I did vote for 35 million, just it sound right to me, if you get sick and need to have full time help and all you need!

  13. yes we are adding to our reserves as I speak.. we are at 12,000,000 ounces at the moment.. should be able to get another 250,000 this year from our reserve drilling..

    Do you work for Newmont?

    Nope.. Think bigger mate..


    Riotinto / BHP billiton

    well you must be a Ozzy then !

    perhaps a piece rapportee if english .. :o

  14. i will said it is easy to spend a lot of money on food , i like fresh food market , a fish for 120 baht or duck fillet , that is only one meal , plus nice mushroom ( the one from chiangmai ) or green .. well i do not eat that much of rice ! sometime a steak ( foodland ), nice salad pakarkeow with baslamic vinegar and olive oil . Well fresh food around 300 baht a day , eat at home ! if you add going out few time a month , with the bottle of hennessy , very easy to go over 20000 on food , and i do not think i eat foie gras / caviar everyday ! just eat like i feel like.

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