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Posts posted by simcity

  1. Sometime you can find avocado for chiangmai in foodland but it is really a hit and miss chance ( 80 baht a kilo ) the import are indeed expensive 80 baht each !

    last time my friend find some in pattaya super market (not the import stuff)!

    My greengrocer at the fresh food market get me when I need some import stuff like leek and celery , but i have not been able to get avocado from them yet !

    Hard to find item !

  2. Just now the BBC cable channel news was interviewing a woman who was saying she didn't like the way the constitution had been abrogated and she would prefer to see Thaksin tried in a court... and then it was cut off. Now it's back to international news. :D

    I saw that too, I managed to hear the rest of that interview on the world service radio!

    everytime Cnn or BBC talk about Mr Taskin , the chanel is cut off for sun outrage lol

    must be someone with the finger on the switch!

    or idem when the CNN want to show pics who as been sent to them !

    we are been watch .... :o

  3. Hi - my source in bkk didnt work out - amd not i am back in the uk - anyone got any ideas how i can get that book of winning numbers ?


    Khun Bob , i think you best bet is to go to Ratchadeom avenue , near the democratic monument ! there you have the wholesaler of the lottery tickets !

    that is the where everything start ..

    you have few book shops around , i am pretty sure they will have what you looking for !

    i think to take a Thai speaking person with you will be good !

    if you not there you can send someone if you have contact in Bangkok !

  4. So now we have won how do we collect our winnings?

    better to go back for small sum to your vendor , they will charge 40 baht commission , every ticket have a logo of the donation fund , some fund is a little bit more , do check before accepting the offer !

    did the first price drop from 3 million to 2 million ?

  5. yes you can get a O visa from Australia !

    i have one

    no married

    under 50

    if one consulate tell you No , ask a other, off course you need to have a good financial positions !

    I know three consulates who are not flexible , but mentioning name is not wise , do some search !

    as stub said :

    Each consulate and embassy is different and seem to be a law unto themselves - if your local one doesn't give them out, try another one in your home country if that is possible.

  6. To my knowledge, the Non-Imm O visas are issued prusent to various lets call them sub-catagories (as the name implies, they are "other" visas for situations that don't fall neatly into one of the other visa classes (B or T). The situations include being a student, a monk, studying to be a monk, marrying a thai national, being a missionary, etc, however, I don't recall any of the "other" situations qualifying for this visa being someone not-yet 50, financially self-supporting from non-thai sources and wishing to reside in thailand. If I am wrong in this, I would love for someone to corect me. If anyone out there as applied for a non-imm O visa on the basis of basically the cretirea of the "retirement" extension but not yet being 50 years old it would be great news. However, I have never run into any such mention.

    I am on a O visa , under 50, single !

    i have a good consulate, off course a strong financial position, i think help me to get it !

    but one has to realize not all consulate are the same , shop around !

    I am not sure how hard it is to get it somewhere else!

    first two years in thailand i have a NON B visa / the next 4 years i was on a 3*3 entries / now 3 years on a O visa !

    i did change consulate

  7. okay here is a hypothetical situation:

    an american comes to thailand to live. but he has a job in america. he can do the work from his house in thailand, everything works over the internet. the money is deposited in his US account, nothing passes over thailand's borders. this american has a house and family in thailand, and takes nothing from thai society, in fact he is ONLY contributing by spending his US-made money here. he stays on a tourist visa- triple entry from penang. no point in trying to get a non-imm, as he does not have en employer in thailand to write the letter to get the visa. it should be perfectly alright for him to live on a tourist visa.

    what happens to this person now? when he has used up his first 90 days of the triple entry visa (60 days + extension), if after Oct. 1, would they make him leave the country for 90 days before he could come back in, or would they just renew for another 90 days (60 days + extension) as usual?

    Thanks for any input.

    that is my situation the last ( 8 years in thailand ), do not work but still trading online, but do it as a hoby !first two years i got a one year visa ( 3 month max stay ) after the consulate give me 3 entries for 90 days and did find a more understanding consulate who issue me for the last two years a 1 years visa ( 3 months stay ) !

    shop around

  8. forgot to said ,

    i ask why she said the top of the range 8200 was the best when the 8500 was more expensive .

    she said the 8500 have more Accessories but made in china , when the 8200 was made in japon !

    Just wanted to know that I appreciate you doing the leg work. Im gonna bye one for the little nephew in-law so I can spend the days kicking his ass. Haha, and not to mention taking his money gambling on it. Or should I say my money back?

    Is there a large selection of games? Tekken perhaps?

    PS2 games in sapanlek , have may shops , a lot of games , price 60 baht or lower , Xbox games only one shop i know , price 70 - 80 baht !

    yes tekken is there

  9. My wife used to work for a Swiss company in Bangkok, and knows a tiny bit of French (I know a bit more, but not much!)

    She asked me to explain "ça va", and then postulated that the Thai word "sawasdee" has a similar sound and could possibly be derived from the French.

    Any linguists out there?

    (Sorry for the typo in the topic heading).

    Hum , what i can said is in the contest :

    how was it done , and if the answer is 'ça vas ' mean it is ' OK '

    if you see someone and ask him : ' ça vas ? ' mean ' are you ok ? '

    if you said tout someone ' ça vas , ça vas ' mean ' Ok , OK ' in the contest of ' go down one step ' as :

    A :i think you pretty rude with this guy

    C :ça vas , ça vas, you did not see how he look at me !

    i do not see any sawadee in it , but perhaps other will find better

  10. Just when you think you understand the system, they change it?

    Just tried to get a new non imm 'o' multiple entry in Sydney, and they say I need to have the following:

    1. Visa form filled out.

    2. Passport with not less than 6 months and a photocopy.

    3. Two recent photograph full-faced (passport-sized or 2 1/2 inches)

    4. A photocopy of valid spouse Thai I.D card/passport

    5. A photocopy of spouse Thai house registration.

    6. A photocopy of marriage certificate.

    7. A formal letter from your spouse identifying who he or she is? and what is the relationship to you.

    8 A photocopy of a birth certificate of your child (if using your children as a sponsor for the visa).

    I had the marriage certificate and both my childrens birth certificates. They insist on the letter, which I dont have. I have a copy of my wifes Thai passport, which they will accept. They don't seem to need the house paper or ID card.

    They also won't accept the birth ceriticates cause they say my children and too young to write a letter! I mean the fact that I hold the Thai birth certificates must imply that I have not abandoned them?!

    So I have to get the letter, which can be faxed. They say the signature has to be the same as on the passport.

    Are other consulars insisting on so much info? Is there any consular where I can just submit the marriage ceritifcate? Singapore last year was quite happy to accept just the marriage certificate, and when I saw them a couple of weeks ago they had no requirement for this letter (at that time they would not give me a new visa cause the old had not expired yet).

    Be interested to know cause my wife is not being very co-operative at the moment, she thinks this is not very serious :o Who said Thai women as like sleeping volcanos?

    yes strick ,

    please consider Brisbane cousular , if you need to know more privat me ! do a serach for his email , Mr Bill Dunn

    very helpfull :

    Bill Dunn

    Consul-General ah Head of Post

    Royal Thai Consulate-General

    87 Annerley Road

    South Brisbane 4102

    Tel 07 3846 7771 Fax 07 3846 7772


    [email protected]

    Int 617 3846 7771

    617 3846 7772

  11. it is a sad lost !

    i was thinking few time he like to tease the animal a bit to much for the pleasure of the camera, and was wondering if one day a problem will not occure !

    yesterday on animal planet (UBC ) they put a info they will stop for a while his program for the respect of Steve Irwin and it family !

    He was a true blue Ozi , but my bonus ++ go for Jeff Corwin

  12. As a newbie, and trying to calculate the unfathomable "how much is enough", I've read through this long thread and in trying to come up with the answer to how much do I need, tried to do some detailed calculations. Feedback is welcome. Are these amounts way off (either under or over)? The high and low estimates on this thread appear around 25,00 - 140,000 Bhat/month, with a figure of 60,000 - 80,000 appearing popular.

    My basic scenario is me and the Thai wife living in our own house with major set-up expenses taken care of (eg, bought house, cars etc.). Kids left home and finished university, so no support costs there. We'd be living up north, somewhere Chiang Mai or Chaing Rai, and outside the city. We're not extravagant, but want to be comfortable, so not cutting corners either.

    These are our first cut estimates in Bhat/month. I've tried here to break things down and think of almost all likely expenses.

    Food/Drink - 12,000 (this is eat at home, so doesn't include eating out).

    Utilities - Cooking gas - 200

    Utilities - Water 400

    Telephone and Internet - 2,000

    Electricity - 3,000

    Garbage collection / Security guards? - 800

    House Insurance - 2,500

    Home contents insurance - 1,800

    Medical Insurance - 5,000 (for two people)

    Vehicle insurance - 5,000 (two cars)

    Vehicle maintenance cost - 5,000

    Petrol - 10,000 (that's about 30,000 km at 30 Bhat/litre)

    Road tax - 1,500

    House repairs and maintenance - 4,000

    Rates/local housing tax - 1,000

    TOTAL = 54,200 Bhat/month

    With a 10% contingency that would equate to about 60,000 Bhat/month.

    Then of course entertainment and travel would be on top of that. I've seen other's post that for 60,000 Bhat they would include entertainment and local travel expenses, so maybe the above is a bit high. Comments?

    Yes sound a bit hight to me too , nice to have 60000 a month and keep what is not spending in a nest egg !

    i find the car insurance / house repairs bit high , i got a problem with termits , got two workers for two weeks to take all partition / replace them / clean and paint , plus company exterminator . the total bill was 12000 ! but think i am safe for many years now !

    cooking gas and water is to high too, my electricity bill is bit higher as your !

    food the same 5000 baht every two month to lotus for all dry good and normal stuff , trip at the fresh market every two day who is very cheap !

    my insurance at home is 5000 baht a year , i do not take a contain insurance in thailand .

    petrol 2 cars 10,000 (that's about 30,000 km at 30 Bhat/litre) , hum that is 500 kilo a day for each car ! plus everymonth you have a maintenance of 5000 .

    Hum glad i do not have one !

    MY Garbage collection is 40 baht or 60 baht for three months .

    but better to have a nice marge

  13. there does appear to be a lot of ripping off of farangs on their dental work so shop around and get a number of estimates ,on another forum a guy reports being overcharged by 2000% and refused to pay the dentist. We could do with a specialist website itemising how much is a fair price to pay and you can bet there is double pricing going on for dental work. i know that there are cowboy dentists operating in BKK that have no formal qualifications and use dirty unsterilised tools which could infect you with something you dont want .

    brother of my friend ( chinese/thai ) did 7 implants in one dentist , not same as mine , paid 70000 a tooth !

    i saw cheaper in south america

  14. using a combination of CAT scan imaging, computer programming and a personalized stencil for improved precision in placing the implant

    that should keep the costs down !! :o

    what is PLASTRA , i've never heard of it and cant find anything on the net about plastra .

    kind of feeling they put between the post and the gum , and add more on the top !

    no more stitching and open gums , advantage not so painful for the next few days, did not open the gum as much .

    they did not give me a list of the not to do :

    drink cafe / hot / mouth wash / do not drink with a straw etcetera.. just back to normal quicker !

    one week after i went back to see the dentist, everything ok , next appointment in two week .

    take around 3 months before total work finish, he charge me same price as before 60000 baht , if you want more info i will message private the name of the clinic i use , and you can ask him directly !

  15. "http://www.dental-implants.com/techniqu.html"

    the link above , i just googled implants and that was one of the first , will give you some idea of what is involved in placing implants (note the suturing , simcity) and you should be able to understand that there is a bit more to it than just a couple of hours work in the chair.

    implants may not be cheap , but they do represent good value. (when done properly by a competent professional)

    finding a competent professional is the hardest part of the lot.

    Suturing taxexile , i got it done for my first one , but not for the one done last month , as i said it is a new technology , king of plastra and do not need stitching ! no more flapping and open gums :o

    time will tell !!

    But i am not telling it is more difficult or less , just the fact of the no need to have a stitching .

    read :

    Now, a fledgling Israeli company plans to make life easier for both the dentally challenged and their dentists, using a combination of CAT scan imaging, computer programming and a personalized stencil for improved precision in placing the implant. The classic implant process involves a technique called "flapping," where the patient's gums are sliced open so that the dentist can see the correct path to drill the screw through the gum line and into the jaw. Once the screw is in place, the gums are stitched together again. Recovery can take a week or longer.

  16. performing such surgery , and stitching it all up afterwards in the confines of the mouth demand very fine and precise skills indeed.

    the misplacement of an implant by so much as 1mm , and you have put it into a nerve bundle , a blood vessel , the maxillary sinus etc.

    By the way , the last one i got done here ( thailand ) do not require stitching , they have a new technology , a king of plstra wall around the new titanium .

  17. I know you do not want this answer :

    implant has been quote in australia for me between 3500AU ( 10100 bht ) to 5000AU ( 145000 bht ) someone told me around 7500AU to 8000AU dollars , this link is to confirm !


    the cost here is between 55000 bht to 65000 bht depends if need bone feeling !

    said the dental work here is three time cheaper , it will be nice to see a implant between 40000 bht to 50000 bht .

    will the price is going to drop ? are the price fixing ? hope many answers will come .

  18. I've just opened Nationwide's Flex account, which boasts no withdrawal fees for any ATM in the world. Does any else hold this account and if so, does it do exactly what it says on the tin?

    I do not know about flex , my visa charge me about 3 % for withdraw or purchass !

    my amex charge me a fee of 1.50 $ but the rate of change is not good as visa !

    try compare the both : flexi versue visa

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