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Posts posted by simcity

  1. I have in the pass paid for 2 window version , but the last 7 years in Thailand I use XP copy in the two computers I use over this time !

    I stop the auto download and work fine for me !

    I am due to buy a new computer the next few month , I will get a genuine copy for XP and load it in my computer , I can afford it , and Bill is doing good thing for the world .

    My question , what is the best , load the non copy window I have and register on line ? or buy a genuine copy from Pantip ? Is a genuine copy from Pantip 100% intouch ?

    is there a microsoft shop in pantip ?

  2. Mitsubishi is a name use by many company who add only the compressor to a unit !

    Department store have 'Mitsubishi heavy duty' who are not so good as the Mitsubishi electric company !

    only shops 'Mitsubishi electric' sell you this products !

    i will go for a Mitsubishi electric anytime ! I have the MR slim unit and my power bill drop of 1000 baht after the purchase! the price is more as other brand about 30000 baht

  3. Do not bring , moral justice into your answer , I never under look at people !

    They do it , because they need to survive , only few are making a ok living and it is because of volume they have !

    why so many ? because no other opportunities

    You want to know the biggest profit margins between selling fruits / soup / sumtum , that is the ridiculous part for me !

    Why not to look at transport and difference between a 5 baht and 7 baht bus fare , if a beggar in chiangmai is better of as the one in Bangkok , compare to the population minimum wage !

    Grow up , yes did , emigrated from Europe to Australia, make money and retired in Thailand under 40 !

  4. Having a beer with my mate last night and we started talking about what street food has the biggest profit margins?

    I personally think Noodles and those Pork Balls, he thinks Fruit.

    Your opinions?

    Oh yes they really make a fortune , the mercedes car is park few metres away !

    What was the point of your post?

    I was not asking how much street vendors earn.

    My point is :

    it is a lame business.

    Working long hours selling sum tum / fruits / noodle or anything , charge from 10 baht to 25 baht.

    your intro about profit margins sound to me ridiculous , why you do not ask to see a profit and lost statement and balance sheet !

  5. IMO the Asian sex tourist revenue already is X times higher (factory like efficiency with fully laden planes and tour buses) than the European segment. It's just that the establishments that cater to them don't have gyrating Issanites and northerners on poles and open air bar counters. And yes, these poor gals/guys get the funds directly as well.

    As for the 'haves' for Thai society, they aren't concerned either way as there is a vicious cycle of the poor buying things they don't need and/or getting them repossessed anyway, so it still ends up in the hands of the 20% (the haves of Thai society).


    Right on. Couldn't agree more. Even though mobile phone fees have come down it's still hard to understand why someone with an income of 5 or 6,000 Baht per month would buy a mobile and drop about 1,000 baht per month on constant yacking on the phone. But they do..and guess who's taking their money?

    The Consumer Economy is based on the old advertising moto that to keep the consumer economy ticking along you've got to "make them want something today that they didn't have yesterday and won't want tomorrow. And tomorrow we'll start the whole process all over again!" And it's the 20% who are doing just that.

    I do not think they will have a bill of 1000 a month for usage , trend is to have two mobiles now with two Sim card and jungle between best rates / time of the day , some company get you free calls for day time , I am not talking about the one link to your land line !

    If Thai could ménage business as they organize calls cost , this country will be up and up !

    not so good for full paid customers as I am who find a network unworkable at time !

    but now my friends call me and do not do the miss call thing !

  6. for the one who are using Epson printer with copy catridge or tank , you will run into a problem after some usage !

    you need a small program to reset your printer !

    it is call SSC SErvice Utility , you can get it from


  7. leather = leather

    PVC= plastic look like leather

    i container a leather sofa , i have two , left one in australia and took the same one to bangkok

    after 5 year the bangkok one is crack and do not look good anymore ! the australian one still perfect !

    i will not look to buy a leather item for here

  8. Simcity: are you saying that I am not a decent person because I will not lend this money? My experience has been that most Thai people are poor. They should not be borrowing money because they can usually not pay it back or let themselves get overextended. This has been learned from experience. It is hard to say no to friends and family because you feel guilt. All I am saying is that after being used repeatedly as an ATM machine, I no longer feel any guilt whatsoever from saying no and was wondering if others found themselves enventually with the same attitude. If I said yes to everyone, there would be a line down the street with sob stories and get rich quick schemes, so I am chosing to say no to everyone no matter what and am feeling totally burnt out. ie, no more Thai people allowed inside the apartment because inevitably they all ask for money.

    No that did not cross my mind ! Perhaps it is the way I am putting my French / English together!

    just said in every society some people are decent, my friend was, the relation was finish when he ask me, I got him residency and a Australian passport but he decide to come back to Bangkok to a international company, it is why he ask me for the loan for personal reason, I was at the same time renewing a finance mortgage and did increase this loan for 20000 dollars more for him, it is why I did charge him same interest as the bank charge me.

    Because I do not like and truth paperwork in Thailand I did not ask for agreement, to tell you the truth I bought my house here way before from his father but it was already in his name, I bought it and did not change the name on it!

    I care more about a strong bound with him, been living happy for the last 8 years without problem; he became the executer of my Australian will the last 6 months!

    As many said, if someone is not going to reimburse you and it is going to call on you for a hardship, better not to do it!

    I am cool , I can loose my house and everything I have here , I will be like a cat and land on my feet again .

    I took the risk, and was happy with the result!

    It is nice to know you can count of few people, and been a help to them is a prove but yes that can turn nasty!

    By no mean I will lend to everyone, only three people in my circle here, if you feel you do not want to lend perhaps you have a six sense, you just did the right thing for you.

    I did said no many times, but some time I did said ok! Depends who and my guts feeling .

    I land to a australian / french guy and he never reimburse me , because of my landing he escape jail term for car fines not paid !

  9. i loan my ex bf 20000 AU dollar , no papers sign , he give me back 10000 dollar and 5000 dollars, he was paying bank interest to me .

    5000 still to go , he want to paid me back but i said to keep it as emergency !

    hope this post will prove some people are decent .

  10. Did anyone saw the financial magazine in the Bangkok post yesterday (30 june ) ?

    For the first time in 6 years I really feel the magazine show a blink picture of the economy.

    Generally they try to water thing down a lot , but this time it was like a bomb !

    One thing missing was the inflation on every items like food , perhaps to scare to put it down on paper ?

    Look like the traffic is getting lighter in Bangkok too, due to the cost of the petrol.

  11. Some people live with less, depends who you are .

    Depends of your need and your age !

    Will you monthly will keep up with inflation?

    If you having a middle life crises and only a income of 1200 US a month I find it in a dangerous ground.

    Remember some high cost as visa run / trip home / medical .

    Help sometime someone, if you do not have enough to live a tip in a restaurant, well do not go out !

    Yes you will have a much better option here as France, my original country.

    You mention :

    Go lake fishing ones a week , where will you go ? Kanchanaburi ? if you find a nice place let me know , but the hotel have to accept me and a small dog !

    If you are miserable in France better to be miserable here LOL, but remember you do not have the free service as the liberte / egalite / fratanite country !

    Google here a lot of post has been reply regarding cost of living .

  12. Hi folks,

    Thanks so far for the replies, but euh . . . simcity mentioned that the inflation for the past 6 months was about 10 %, woah, I mean that’s a lot per year (or only the last 6 months??), if it keeps rising, I be better of here in Europe!

    Simcity, can you explain me some more about this inflation??


    Jimmy the cost of living have really increase the last 6-9 months , everything from service to food ! due to petrol cost and other cost! before it was under control but now it is rampant .

    the baht got stronger the last 3 months and that is balancing a bit,

    now it is election time , i will not be surprise to see some hidden agenda after the election.

    the economy is not doing well at all ! export and tourist lame!

    mobile cost and internet cost went down !

    taxi is the same !

    what i find with the thai system is they hiding everything to the public and drop the bomb in one go ! instead of keeping in track of what happen .

    what my point was , find the spending module you like from a search in visa.com and add a 10 % extra on it !

  13. Hi folks,

    I have been reading most of these pages and would like to re-start “yes again!” a famous question: how much money does somebody need to live reasonable in Thailand (Bangkok, Pattaya or Chiangmai). I found some topics but they where from 2002/2004.

    And I mean reasonable with:

    A 40sq m. appartement (1 bedroom) with swimming pool and internet

    Eat thai most of the time

    Small scooter (ok, not in BKK)

    Go lake fishing ones a week

    One beer a day


    I mean normal easy living!

    Or, how well do I live with 1200 $US considering the above standards?

    I have been many times to BKK but holiday living is always different; normally I spend something like a 1000 bht on food and entertainment a day plus 500 for a hotel! (Yes 45k p/m)

    Also, if I decided to stay in BKK, is it possible to find a apart with swimming pool near the chao praya (walking distance to the boat ferry) for 15k + 3k elec and water?

    sorry for the boring question but . . .


    Do a search , get the figure ( about 50000 baht ) and add 10% increase ( inflation ) for the last 6 months !

  14. We are not going to buy a high end TV, but have been looking at about 40'' plazmas and LCDs, and they are all widescreen, of course. What does UBC look like on a widescreen TV?

    I once asked a bunch of morons selling UBC subscriptions who had plazmas hung all around their shop to demonstrate. They told me the guy with a remote is on a lunch break and they can't change channels for me. When they found the remote they showed me widefaced HBO movie and thinly spread motorcyclists on motor GP circuit.

    Nowhere on their website could I find techinical specifications of their broadcast signal, only that it's "laser disk" quality.

    I have a high end plasma samsung 42 inch PS42p4h, i have no problem with it ! cost under 300000 bahts few year ago ! i am sure now cheaper and better !

    I look at all brand at this time , was only interested with panasonic and samsung .

    Sony was more expensive and did not find it so good !

    UBC is ok but not laser disc quality, looking at dvd movies is better .

    I am watching UBC on 4:3 , movies dvd on full screen .

    many said LCD is better , some said plasma is better ?

    I think sony for LCD is the way to go .

    you need to have a digital box from ubc , not the analogue !

    over all , happy with it !

  15. Yep a few games, but since I am not a gamer, I would be quite happy with only 2 or 3 games.

    Should I wait then ? the PSP is not even released in Europe yet and the official price in Thailand is 20,000 baht for one, that is $400

    Maybe time to grab those "Japan" imports before it's too late and prices go up

    you said you knew where to get them for 8,000 baht now its up to 20,000 bit of a jump there

    Yep. I got quoted 20,000 baht from Central (official import) but in some "game shop" it's about 9,000 (Japan import).

    Well as a former frequent visitor to the shops of Hat Yai I can tell you from experience that what is on the outside often is not want you find inside. Buyer beware. What may look like a name brand is often 30 day garbage inside.

    You make a very good point , i did ask once for the playstation2 in Sapanlek , they told me price is relative to the quality of components inside !

    body look the same , but what are you getting inside ?

  16. My son will need a laptop computer for school in August. The Acer Aspire Model 5542NWXMi for B40,900 plus VAT seems to be what he wants and what the school specifications require.

    I have looked around at several places that sell laptops and they all ask the same price for this model, no discounts no haggling over the price. I thought haggling over the price would be natural and was hoping for some kind of discount but no such luck. So my question. Does anyone know of a shop where they will negociate on price? If not where would be the best place to make the purchase? How about the Acer sales office? Or maybe the closest shop to where we live for convience since the price is the same. All the places that we checked did offer to install the latest software and throw in a free carrying case.

    I look at acer for a friend, they are good for the price , but i went for a BenQ ( same company) bit better for my liking !

    I got back the 7 % for him at the airport !

    be award you need to show the laptop before you enter the duty free area .

  17. We have a number of clients that are over 50 years and choose the investment visa route. The reason why is the difference between the two visas. On the retirement visa, Immigration would like that you spend the 800K in a year and top it back up for the renewal. On the investment visa, you are not suppose to touch the money, the investment visa makes more sense if you have the financial wherewithal. In 5 years you may have spent 4 million Baht and with the investment visa you have the same 3 million Baht with 4.5% interest each year or owning a condo( of course you still would have your daily expenses)


    Definition on the ' would like ' , what is happening if the retiree like to use his visa to purchase / dine / travel in Thailand .

    how strict is the ' would like ' from the immigration ?

    thank you

    My second questions Sunbeltasia

    Said you decide to go on the route of the condo purchases!

    You need to buy the condo finish and new, with a guaranty you will be one of the 49 % farang owner !

    No possibilities to buy on the plan then.

  18. Thailand has Gone Sour. The Thai facade is so weak now.

    The chinese-thai own the country, media and anything of value now and use the media to control the Thai-Thai popultion and it's important to keep for the chinese to keep Thai people dumb.

    Sad to see the country fooled like that.

    I'm leaving with most of my lifes savings wasted in thailand but i've learned to not care same as the thai people.

    Thailand as a country is a trick. You foreigners are all the marks. It's just time before you lose your money and feeling here too.

    This is my last post. Good Luck and i hope you all get out with out too much damage. You'll need it with all the chinese tricksters here out to screw you over any way they can.

    There are tricksters of every nationality on earth. FULL STOP! So what's new? However, I have a number of ethnic Chinese and Thai/Chinese friends and furthmore my wife was also Thai/Chinese, so before making generalisations it would be a good idea to keep quiet!

    Many parts of the world have put themselves in high gear to achieve so much in so little time!

    I agree with bquick , religion and power do like to keep a illiterate and placid population for different reason !

    I feel the same , Thailand is lagging behind ! the power of thailand are the thai/chinese, they are my friends to but in the end so much will be lost .

    I do not see a bright future coming for Thailand in the next few years !

    But still live here and enjoy it .

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