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Posts posted by simcity

  1. Having Eye Surgery and need to produce an AIDS Test prior, where near Nana Plaza can I get a quick AIDS test.

    Thanks :o

    any medical clinic on the street , they take your blood , send a messager and you get the reply few hour with a fax send back to them .

    cost 330 baht

    or hospital

  2. That is correct. I am still looking.

    The package has to be in Amsterdam monday morning at the latest.

    Offer is 10.000 baht to take it with you.

    If you read this and are thinking about it, please contact with PM.

    If i not find anybody i will need to buy a ticket soon, timing is critical.

    That perhaps sound pretty stupid Khun jean , but why not try your change directly with some steward at the airport , who are flying there !

  3. That is correct. I am still looking.

    The package has to be in Amsterdam monday morning at the latest.

    Offer is 10.000 baht to take it with you.

    If you read this and are thinking about it, please contact with PM.

    If i not find anybody i will need to buy a ticket soon, timing is critical.

    That perhaps sound pretty stupid Khun jean , but why not try your change directly with some steward at the airport , who are flying there !

  4. if i may , mitsubishi electric , only can be bought from mitsubidhi shop , they will do the fitting , more expensive as other unit !

    Heard that M/ELECTRIC are good.

    What size air con do I need for a bedroom 3 meters by 3 meters?

    Also does the size of small attachment next to the compressor [outside] have any significance on the running of the air con?


    i have the wide & long , but now they have new models , with cleaning facility ! nano technologie !

    the filters, i get them from The old siam as the shop price is to much !

    you need to find a shop and go there , to have a look at the brochure for the unit you want .

    sadly they are expensive unit around 35000 baht !

    the unit have two parts the compressor and the one you have inside .

    Also does the size of small attachment next to the compressor [outside] have any significance on the running of the air con?

    sorry , do not understand this question , only the compressor outside , size of mine is 870*295*850 ( outside ) 1100*227*325 ( indoor )

  5. the good news is the new gibson is treated for termits

    Simcity, that's interesting, our house was built about 6 years ago and we've recently had to replace most of the gypsum downstairs. When they ripped it down on the back it was printed "Thai Gypsum Company" which I believe is a large company here. I've been wondering for a while why a "respectable" company has been selling gypsum which is clearly delicious for termites. A friend of mine told me it's because they mixed lots of rubbish, like old wood and re-cycled paper with the local gypsum, and that's why it so attractive to termites. Apparently it's very rare for termites to eat gypsum in the USA, presumably because it's better quality.

    I've been wondering how long it would take for the termites to start eating the new gypsum, but your post above provides me with some hope. Sorry to question you, but how do you know the new gypsum is treated for termites? It's good news if it's true.

    lazy , when my friend saw the damage and the work involve regarding the termite destruction, some part of the ceiling on the floor and hanging light ! he was at the same time doing some renovation in his own place and ask the builder who confirm the new gypsum is treated against attack !

    NEED perhaps to be check again !

    the total cost for me was about 9000 baht , that was remove / clean / do again and paint with material cost , 2 week works , two workers !

    amazing Thailand

    the pest control company 4500 baht , 1 main treatment , plus a spray every 2 months after recycle again with new contract .

    That is a fraction of the cost as somewhere else !

    termites in Thailand do not like hard wood , more into the stamps collection .

    they are air born , many came from the bathroom fan in the third floor ! after they buried in the ground deeply !

  6. Im looking for somewhere to go for a romantic break with my TGF over the holiday period in October (21, 22, 23).

    I have checked out the usual places such as Hua Hin, Phuket etc but the prices are extrmely high with limited availability.

    I wonder if someone could suggest somewhere which won't have ridiculous prices but is a nice place to visit. We don't particularly want a long journey (from BKK) so somewhere close would be good.

    We are a young couple so would like to have plenty to keep us occupied as well as being able to relax.

    Thanks for your help.

    why you do not tryo Khao yai , not so much in the tourist track !

    as a poster said Kanchantaburi sound good !

    i try to go there last year , with my small pug , but every hotel said no , my condo in bangkok is much more elaborated as the room i was looking for :o

    only one place did said yes , was the rabbit resort in pattaya !

  7. i know i have a problem for 1-2 years , i bough numerous of cans they sell in super market and spray !

    they was eating my book collection , everything no move often , they going for it !

    coming back from a 10 days holiday , i find my downstairs partition ceiling on the floor !

    time to do something !

    get two workers , remove all partition ceiling and stair case , clean , redo partition and paint , 8 days works about 9500 baht with material !

    but they come back after 1 month and then i call the pest control company . no more problems!

    they do not go after the hard wood , partition / Gibson and soft wood the yummy for them ! but if nothing else they will start to chew on anything ..

  8. Firstly, does anyone know the English word for this(bpluak) and what to do to it to get rid of it.


    N :o N

    yes they are pest !

    i use C.S group , the first time they came to spray chemical under the house , plus 3 or 4 service after that !

    cost 4500 baht

    have many number 02412 8888 is the one i use

  9. By experience, did anyone know :

    a- If a bank statement from oversea ( Australia ) showing a deposit in the form of 5400 dollars monthly will be acceptable from the embassy to certified a income ?

    b- did they need to see the lease document as well ?

    c- Will they ask the clear position of this deposit ? minus GST / TAX / Interest paid ?

    d- Will dividend from share market can be show?

    e- Is individual tax form required?

    i do not have a retirement government / pension or retirement fund !

    OR is it better to have a sum into a Thai bank passbook as well ?

    No yet 50 but approaching !


  10. Hi Guys,

    I will have an aussie and french passport, Wont this allow me to use 3 stamps in one for 90 days then witch to the other passport for another 3 stamps and 90 days? Thus not having to leave the country at all for the 90 day period described in recent news?


    Skop ! i too have a dual OZ / French passport ! i am not sure if you family name will not show on the computer as a already user with other passport ! I presume yes

    My reply is to tell you the Brisbane consulate has been the most understanding in my situation , no married / under retirement age , and he kindly issue me with a one year visa, who permit me to go and came as I wish .

    Perhaps good if you send him a email with your situation..

    To make the thing easy for me, I supply him with good financial position in Australia.

    He is a good person to talk too !

  11. So Sad now about Thailand.

    extensions and visa fees gone up by 400%. no long 3 million investment enough. no lon 400,000 in a thai bank for them to keep when we die enough.

    Then the 30 day visa kickout.

    Next more bad news, more unwelcome messages.

    I'm not really welcome here.

    Having been coming to Thailand at least twice per year since 1986 - I do feel there is some truth in this. Gradually Thai people have beome less friendy - the certainly have become more aggressive in trying to remove ones currency. I have particulary noticed the attitude change in terms of hotel staff and people who perceive themselves to be important. The people who work in currency exchange booths are getting more rude every time I visit. This is just probably the way of things as a country grows and develops the people change. A pity really because I can remember when everyone had a smile.

    Perhaps that is due at the fast peace the world is changing! everyday million of Thai in front of the television are watching soap of people with houses / car / luxury !

    Life expense is increasing so much in Thailand, it affect low salary wage earner a lot!

    I will be not be happy if I live with 7000 baht a month!

    Perhaps the wakeup call is a hard one! Yes the smile is not there so much, but sometime I do not blame them.

  12. Today in bangkok post ( 23 sept )


    ON MAY 30 2001, mr CHATUMONGOL was sacked by the Thaskin goverment .

    that follow a dispute with Mr Thaskin over interest rate policies.

    Mr chatumongol had argued that low rates were needed for economic growth at the time, while Mr Thaskin had pushed for a rate hike to help strengthen the baht !

    what will be his stand now ?

  13. I have been told that they actually grow in I Nong Khia a real surprise I thought it would be much to hot.

    We are trying to grow some from seeds fro the Nong Khai fruit any advice?


    I have 50 avocado trees growing on our farm half way between Nong Khai and Udon Thani..The problem with growing trees from the seeds is that you will normally get very small fruit and it can be many years before they bear fruit. The trees from seeds are used for their root systems and grafts onto them are made from buds, etc from existing trees.. Grafted trees can start prodicing in the third year..

    Here is a good url for avocado growing in Thailand


    Very informatif, thank you

    Living in bangkok , anyone know where will be a supplier of thai avocado ? just for me , like to buy 2 kilo at the time !

    the one i saw here , was the small dark brown green with a very hard skin ( from australia 80 baht each ) and the other very green , soft skin from they said ( chiangmai 80 baht a kilo )

  14. i believe sunglass is relatively cheap compare to other country !

    i bough some in Siam center and Siam square ( opto shops )

    Okley more expensive !

    duty-free in the airport are over price .

    i bought some yamamoto, i do not believe it is copy if you paying the price ( still much cheaper as some countries ) .

    For the Okley I got some in Australia , and claim GST when I was living

    for some copies between MBK and siam center ( take the bridge footpass )

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