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Posts posted by simcity

  1. Somebody enlighten me:

    I hear that the actual spread between BUY/ SELL price alone is about 20 %. If correct, that would mean that the price of Gold would have to rise 20 % before a profit is made?

    I am ignorant as far as this is concerned. Enlighten me!


    If you buy jeweler gold, you will resell you gold at weight price , lost perhaps 200 baht for 1 baht plus off course the labor !

    if you sell gold bar you will lost just the difference between sell and buy .

    20% is not the figure ! perhaps 1.8 % to 2 %

    But off course that include no movement of the price of gold during the time you hold it !

  2. Do not buy the fancy gold from department store / or gold master !

    Chinatown ( yolawat ) is recommended for the gold shops , the day price is on the door ( sale and buy ) you will be charge 200 – 300 baht extra for every bath ( gold weight ) on jewel ( cost of labor ) !

    The price today is around 11400 baht for 1 baht !

    a chain vary between 1 baht to 3 baht

  3. 3. It is now forbidden to obtain Thai visa's 'not in person' in another country.

    that must be very recent , 1 month ago i obtain my 1 year visa by courier , sent and received !

    You may have done that.. but that visa will be invalid. Immigration will be able to see you were still in Thailand when the visa was issued in another country.

    totster :o

    To be precise I was out Thailand when I got the new visa on my second passport ! I did not go in person to the consulate

  4. Hello,

    I am new to this forum, and this is my first letter. I am seriously thinking of doing condo rental business in Pattaya. I have saved up about $100,000 and want to know if it is profitable to buy condos with it rent them out. Of course, I would be investing all my money into it, and possible get a small loan from my bank (to make $4,000,000 baht).

    The question is:

    1. How many condos should I buy and which of the following is the most profitable?

    a) 800,000 baht/condo X 5 condos

    :o 800,000 baht/condo + 200,000 refurbishing X 4 condos

    c) 1,000,000 baht/condo X 4 condos

    d) 2,000,000/baht X 2 condos

    I will said if it was profitable a lot already are doing it !

    Perhaps it is why if you look a rental condos in thaivisa Rental Websites something like fairproperties, you can see pages after pages of condos waiting to be rent or sale !

    I am a firmed believer to achieve your income from you own country and not from Thailand !

  5. Frank dividend are paid at company rates of 36 % to the dollars , if your tax income is less of 36 % you will get a refund from ATO.

    If you are on a higher rates you will have to paid !

    Dividends need to be include in tax return !

    sorry i do not mean to be hard , but nothing free , perhaps they have special units/fund for non resident at different rates , but not to my knowledge !

    for tis guy who is 26 with a good pecule i will capitalise for the next 15 years, not doing any move yet !

    This statement is plain wrong. Yes a company that pays fully franked dividends pays company tax at 36%. If your income is less you will NOT get a refund. That is the catch of living overseas, no refunds for non residents. On the other hand it does not matter how much income you get as long as it is fully franked NO FURTHER TAX. Example in this case, Mr. Canadian invests $510,000 in Commonwealth Banks shares. They pay 5% Fully Franked, which is tax paid. Times 510K by 5% = $25,500 AUD. Times that by 28 Baht to The AUD and you have 714,000 Baht per year tax paid income. Divide that by 12 and you have 59,500 Baht per Month income, not too bad for a good lifestyle in Thailand. :o

    Mr Bmanly , You are plain right ! i just give a call to ATO this morning from Thailand and did ask them !

    fully frank are final , no more tax , and capital gain are non existent for non resident !

    I repeat you have been right all along regarding the shares.

    Sorry to have been so stubborn, but I admit defeat !

    i got a different information 8 years ago when i put myself on retirement!


  6. Frank dividend are paid at company rates of 36 % to the dollars , if your tax income is less of 36 % you will get a refund from ATO.

    If you are on a higher rates you will have to paid !

    Dividends need to be include in tax return !

    sorry i do not mean to be hard , but nothing free , perhaps they have special units/fund for non resident at different rates , but not to my knowledge !

    for tis guy who is 26 with a good pecule i will capitalise for the next 15 years, not doing any move yet !

  7. Non-residents form ATO home page :


    Withholding tax paid by non-residents is a final tax.

    If you were not an Australian resident for tax purposes for all or part of the year, include dividend income paid or credited to you during that period on your tax return unless:

    the dividend was fully franked, or

    the dividend was not fully franked, but either:

    withholding tax was (or should have been) withheld from the unfranked amount, or

    the unfranked amount was declared to be conduit foreign income in the dividend statement.

    On a separate piece of paper, print schedule of additional information – item 11. Provide details of any dividend you received during any period you were a non-resident that was not fully franked, and was not declared to be conduit foreign income, or on which you have not paid withholding tax.

    Sign your schedule and attach it to your tax return. We will work out the amount of withholding tax you have to pay on the dividends, and advise you of the amount.

    see table above

    Again sorry , but you will have to paid !

    I received a letter from the australian taxation who ask me some explanation of some transaction and income I make in france , after due research it was a credit of 45 euro because my mother did close a bank account I have with her !

  8. I am a retired investor and have been so for 5 years. I converted your $440,000 CAD to the AUD and it comes to $510,000 AUD. If you invest your money in tax paid dividend income producing shares you can easily pull a 5% tax paid return. Buying shares is also giving you the chance to get capital appreciation which will keep a check on inflation. Your shares going up nearly always outpaces inflation on the long run.

    A dividend return of 5% on the above amount would give you a Thai Baht income of 60,000 Baht per Month and I can assure you that is more than enough for you to live on in Thailand. My wife and I can do it very easily and I do drink, take holidays within Thailand and pay rent.

    as a non resident you will have to paid a high tax !

    Tax rates 2006-07

    Tax on this income

    $0 – $25,000 29c for each $1

    $25,001 – $75,000 $7,250 plus 30c for each $1 over $25,000

    $75,001 – $150,000 $22,250 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000

    Over $150,000 $52,250 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000

    if the AU dollar lost his steam and back to 48 cents to the US dollar your nest egg will be really checky !

  9. "Im a 26 year old male that resides in canada. A net worth of approx 330,000 (My province is BOOMING with oil and gas plants springing up everywhere) My house has increased 50K which I plan to sell after I hold onto it for the full year and I have stock options currently worth 60K that will vest in april 2008. Aprill 2008 I am SERIOUSLY thinking about at the very least semi-retiring with around 440,000CAD. Id like to teach english to all the kiddies (mostly so I wont spend money) Just curious about all your thought on this. Im pretty sure that I can live off 50K THB/Month as I have already built a house in TL (although small)."

    It doesn't matter what you plan to have when you retire - all that matters is what you actually do have. Being a "paper millionaire" is not nearly as much fun as beeing a "real millionaire". As compared to "pretty" sure, you shouldn't make a move until you are "really" sure. $450,000CAD sounds like a lot, until you see your account balance drop every month, and then reality will set in. Too many people leave the work force too early, and are forced to reenter it in middle-age, and continue to work until they die - not the best "retirement" plan that I can imagine. I'd suggest working in Canada, until your investment income will support you 100%. You can then travel to Thailand, and then work as an English teacher.

    Please reconsider what is your dream !

    I myself decide to retire in Thailand before my time due, I was 39 and with few strong asset!

    I did keep my house in Australia and the commercial property who bring me rental !

    Here I play on the stock market as a hobby and pocket money !

    To me , You much to young to make this move , if I was you I will get a small one bedroom flat where you live and put a large deposit in a good commercial property and work very hard for the next 15 years to reduce the mortgage.

    You will be able to retired, and see your investment increasing and a good rental coming every month!

  10. the one year visa is great , you can live Thailand as you want and every time you come back you are getting a new three months visa , give a lot of flexibility !

    if you use the last day of you visa , you will get a new 3 month , total duration of stay is 15 months !

    i use to have a 3*3 months entries , but sometime i want to go oversea before the end of the three month , when i come back i was activated the next entry !

  11. How many retirees live off fixed interest?

    I hope they also have some growth investments for the longer term.

    Quite a lot would have some interest bearing accounts for safety, good income and for having amo up your sleeve should there be a sharemarket crash or correction. Cash is king during those tough times and you need to be in a position to pounce on under valued shares.

    Bmanly i really do not think a retiree will put his nest egg into a online account !

    look more what the main stream bank are doing ( anz / nat / wesp ) !

    many retiree have the money into fund !

  12. ... for all that I know, If you're Thailand anchored and have a handfull of spare thousand-baht notes, you don't know how to handle better, buying gold "items" stamped by some well-knowned gold dealer, isn't but the best way to go ...

    better to buy some lingot from the thai shop if you want invest.

    the gold containt is bit higher , and you do not paid labor cost !

    but he you want your GF to look after the gold for you .... well

  13. In australia a blatant way for the owner to get key money is :

    When you want to sell the business and the lease is coming to term in said 1 year.

    the tenant turn over and agree to renew the lease at of condition of key money !

    the sum was 20000 AU dollars !

  14. This article show you the deep of the problems of Thailand !

    China is taking over by they low cost and professionalism, Thailand use to be a place where supplier was buying from , they most all vanish now .

    They prefer to deal with china, where the price is more competitive and they can have a small run.

    I am not sure how Thailand is going to be able to sort thing out !

    The tourist industry is not doing well , factoring also .

    Gorging the land of salt and chemical to be able to export prawns will back fire in few years !

    As many thing in Thailand when they scream fire , the house is already gutter by the flames !

  15. I bought some certificates from :


    you can buy coins and gold bar from them too .

    they can be Allocated (segregated) Coins or Bars or Unallocated (unsegregated) Bullion.

    They have a price list and information .

    Email them if you have some questions !

    Gold bought in Thailand is not easy sellable outside Thailand .

    I do not know if perth mint certificats are easy sellable out side australia , i think Kto have them too.

  16. you can also try Saphan Lek but they will not have very many either as most are NTSC-J

    I'm a fellow 360 gamer in Bangkok and my gamertag is Bangkokian

    Feel free to add my tag to your friend list :D

    Thanks I'll give it a try. I dont use xbox live, I dont think I have the bandwidth and its mostly for my kids. :o

    yes sapanlek near one of the entrance oppoist the little cafe stand , I know only one shop selling for Xbox, all the other shop selling PS2 games

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