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CM Dad

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Everything posted by CM Dad

  1. I doubt very much that it is possible for you to live anywhere without being vaccinated, but it is very probable for you to die wherever you decide to stay.
  2. My certificate looks just like this except except for the vaccine used. Both of my doses were Pfizer. I took the A4 certificate to a copy shop and had it laminated then took a screen shot to store on my phone. I will go the the local Provincial Health Office next week and show it to them. They will issue the yellow vaccination booklet mentioned by others on this thread.
  3. I have lived here for more than thirty years. I think I have been to a beach once during that time.
  4. China used Sinopharm domestically, not Sinovac. They only used the latter to make themselves appear to be aiding other countries by giving away small amounts and then selling much more at inflated prices to make money.
  5. My 49-year-old wife has been registered for AZ for three months and has heard nothing aside from initially being told she had successfully registered. I also want my 16-year-old son vaccinated with a quality vaccine, NOT Sinovac, before he returns to on-site learning. I expect all faculty and staff at his school to be fully vaccinated as well.
  6. I agree completely with reopening Thai schools, both government and private at the beginning of the second semester. These schools only have about three to four weeks left in the current semester. Let them finish that and then get as many of the secondary students - those in their teens- - vaccinated as possible, but NOT with the ineffective Sinovac.
  7. I had no problems registering on the first day the Expatvac site was opened. However, I did have a question I wanted clarified. I called the support number given to ask if my registration could be amended the next day after obtaining a medical certificate from my doctor regarding my having one of the seven underlying conditions listed to receive vaccine priority. A very pleasant Thai woman who spoke excellent English checked with her supervisor and then suggested that I resubmit my registration the following day using a different email address. I did that and received an email with an appointment for my first shot the following week. That initial vaccine, Pfizer, was administered very smoothly and professionally. I am now scheduled to receive my second Pfizer inoculation at he end of next week. I found the web site to be extremely professionally operated. I have nothing but gratitude for the way everything has been handled thus far.
  8. Same for me - registered August 1 - second appointment is for September 10. Everything was handled very professionally and proceeded smoothly and courteously.
  9. I don't want my 16-year-old son attending on-site classes until vaccines are offered to secondary students - and not Sinovac!
  10. I received my initial Pfizer vaccine yesterday morning in Chiang Mai. I will get a second shot of Pfizer on 10 September. The entire process was very well managed by Thai nurses and staff at McCormick Hospital.
  11. I have lived in the North for more than 30 years and I find the people quite friendly. I have no problem finding great Thai food either. If you have a 13yr old daughter, you must have lived here for a long time. Why haven't you made an effort to learn to speak Thai? Perhaps then you would not feel so isolated and filled with regret. I am very happy here. I have not been to my home country, the US, since my mother passed away 15 years ago, and I seriously doubt that I will ever go back again. Happily, I have made a nice life here and have no regrets. I began learning Thai the day I arrived and have many Thai friends. I don't find the need to speak English very often. I try to avoid the Farang bar scene which seems to be filled with complaining, unhappy, old men.
  12. I have no problem answering and would always answer truthfully. Sadly, as of today my answer is no, I'm registered on three websites, but still waiting.
  13. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that if any expat here, especially an American, really wants Pfizer or Moderna vaccines the only sure way of getting them is to go to the United States.
  14. Send it back! If this Chinese <deleted> were any good, then why is the government wasting the decent Pfizer donated by the US giving boosters to medical workers? Order better and more effective vaccines please.
  15. I find your bragging post about getting your THIRD Pfizer inoculation highly offensive. Did it give you pleasure to post on a site that is read by many who are still waiting to receive an initial jab? Please keep your gloating to yourself. Many readers here are immune compromised and may very well die without the chance to ever receive a decent vaccine.
  16. I'm over 70 and I have an "underlying medical condition". I have registered three different times and on different sites including a photo of a doctor certified certificate verifying my medical condition. All I have ever heard is that I "have successfully registered". I check every day, but I have still not been given an appointment for an initial injection. My Thai wife has also registered numerous time. She is still waiting as well.
  17. I am over 70 with one of the seven underlying conditions. I registered on expatvac on the first day with a photo of a medical certificate verifying the medical issue from my doctor. All I have received is the email right after submitting my form saying that I had successfully registered. I have received similar emails from two other vaccinations sites during the past two months, but I have yet to receive any vaccine - amazing Thailand!
  18. It has been announced several times that appointments would be given out on the 10th and 11th - Tuesday and Wednesday - with priority given to those over 60, those with one or more of the seven listed underlying conditions, and women who were at least 12-weeks pregnant. People need to learn to read before they whine.
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