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Posts posted by Nongwahyay

  1. So how DO you slaughter a rabbit???? I seem to remember as a kid that you give them a karate chop to the back of the kneck....... or was that only a fairy story???? Or do you wring their knecks like chickens??? (if that´s how they kill chickens???)................ or am I becoming too morbid???? :o

  2. I seem to remember reading somewhere here - although I haven´t been able to find the thread - that Thais consider rabbits as pets only and wouldn´t consider eating them. You wouldn´t find a market for them, so may just end up eating them yourself if you breed them (unless you sell them as pets), as Ozzydom appears to do. Can anyone confirm - or refute - this???

  3. Well I´m considering breeding rabbits and frogs (there was an interesting thread here recently) when I move to Thailand, so would welcome more info on rabbit breeding in there. Anyone want to become a member of my rabbits and frog breeding society??? :o

  4. What is the first thing you think of - those of you living in Thailand....or when visiting Thailand - when you first wake up each morning?????????

    Are you jubilant that you are living in a warm, friendly country......... do you look forward to a dip in the sea...... a jog around the Moobaan...... a cycle ride up the nearest mountain...... or do you groan at the thought of the hassle of coping with life there???

  5. "Mind the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves"........... of course I pick up all coins...... and for some people here, picking up the occasional coin is probably the most exercise they get, other than stemming their beer glasses and drawing on their fags..... :o

  6. Actually I started a thread sometime last year suggesting that those who wrote nothing in their profiles must have sinister rreasons for doing so. I must have got too near to the bone as it was stopped quite quickly!!!! I personally don´t mind who knows where I live or how old I am... I was a spy in Berlin from 1976-79.........listening in on the East German government (honestly... I worked for GCHQ in Cheltenham) ... and I don´t mind who knows it........ :o

  7. I just don´t agree with all this pansylike concern for other people´s health........... I´ll say it again.... if you´re not impotent but just want an extra kick, take a third of a tablet............it´s perfectly sufficient and offers all the results that anyone would be looking for (i.e. a solid and long-lasting erection!!!), without the side-effects of a headache or whatever. If you ARE impotent, then go to the doctor by all means to have viagra prescribed.. .... or try a third of a pill first of all... the problem may just be in the head!!!!! :o



    Don´t overlook the fact that you need to ensure that quota is available if exporting to Europe and that import duty and VAT have to be paid. Your cheap t-shirts from Thailand won´t be so cheap once they have reached Europe.

  9. If you´re not impotent, but are simply no longer the youngest of men and merely require a "boost" to get you going, then I consider viagra/kamagra as ideal. I´ve been taking a third of a pill (from chemists in Bangkok) for some years now before sex - not because I´m stingy but simply because a whole pill gave me an uncomfortably (!!!!) hard penis and created a slight headache afterwards. With a third of a pill (you can cut them up into 3 parts quite easily with a sharp knife) I have a great erection and enjoy it tremendously each time (so does my wife.................. :o ). Never yet suffered a heart attack (I´m 55) or side affects....... :D

    You should consider.

    What stops you from having a natural erection?

    If it's due to a poor vascular system, or some underlying medical condition, then taking viagra could aggravate your situation.

    Viagra, taken with blood pressure medication, can also dangerously lower your blood pressure, playing havoc with your health.

    The best way to maintain healthy erections is to regularly exercise, quit smoking, mimimise alcohol intake, maintain a healthy diet, and relax regularly. Viagra should never be used as a way of overcoming the results of a poor lifestyle.

    There's nothing wrong with taking products like Viagra and Cialis if you're otherwise well and you've sought medical supervision.

    This is what "Impotence Australia says about viagra for women:

    Viagra should not be taken by women.

    It is not licensed for use in women and its safety in women has not been tested.

    As they say in Thailand: "Up to you".

    As for heart attacks, you only need to have one. You can also have low or high blood pressure without being conscious of it.

    I´m extremely fit (been exercising 3-4 times a week at a fitness centre for years now and regularly cycle 50-80 km at an average of 24 kph), have perfectly normal blood pressure, have never smoked, rarely drink alcohol, eat mainly thai food and lots of salad and never mentioned that I don´t get normal erections. I certainly do!! The third of a pill merely makes the "sessions" more intense and prolonged. A third of a pill occasionally won´t harm anyone................. and if I do pop off that way, well............. can anyone tell me a better way to go??????? :D

  10. I´d say it´s nothing more than a question of belief................ same as with the question of whether there is a God or not. Some are convinced of the fact, others quite the opposite. Can anyone prove their case one way or the other?? No, they can´t. Just think about it.............. after more than 2.000 years no-one has been able to prove their case..... and yet countless millions of humans have lost their lives in the course of history.. in the name of God........ and if there isn´t really a God after all???? It was all a bit of a waste of effort, to put it mildly!!!!! Does reincarnation exist???? You´ll never get a convincing or definitive answer........ it´s all a question of personal belief.

  11. And I assume you all know why bananas are curved, thus creating the above-cited problem in the first place???????? :D

    No we don not, but something tells me we soon will.................... :D

    Well.... I read that they are in fact straight when they first begin to grow.... and..... as they grow downwards they begin to turn upwards towards the sunlight...and..hey presto..... you end up with curved bananas!!!!! Sounds plausible to me..... :o

  12. I vote for back to the basics; naked.

    And they should get rid of all the namby pamby stuff, that the original Greeks would never have allowed, like trotting horses around, synchronised swimming, diving, badminton, softball, shooting etc. Team sports should be kicked out as well, beach volley ball; duh, how did that get in.

    No, it should be about OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS, and that doesn't conjure up an image of a rounders team, (well, ok , baseball)

    And if you look over the IOC website


    They even recognise "bridge" as a sport, it is a card game played by OAP's. In fact, since they introduced that as a recognised sport, they should have lost all credibility and been replaced.

    I agree entirely................ I´m just waiting for the day when "darts" becomes recognized as an olympic sport........... I believe it was proposed several years ago..... then I´ll switch off totally........ :o

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