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Posts posted by Nongwahyay

  1. Do all of you cyclists have mountain bikes or do some of you also have racing bikes????? I´m thinking, obviously, about the width of the tires. I have a very good Cannondale racing bike, which I would consider taking with me when we eventually move to Thailand but am assuming that the roads/tracks in general will make it pretty useless. Better sell it and buy a good mountain bike locally??????

  2. I don´t think I would ever stoop to playing golf.................. :D To me, it´s only real sport if you sweat gallons for at least an hour and thoroughly knacker yourself in doing so (e.g. a hard game of squash or fast cycling)........... the feeling of satisfaction that follows is wonderful..............anything else is just for whimps....... :D (but do feel free to disagree..... :o )

  3. Don't know about anyone else, but I was under the quilt last night, I'm bloody freezing!!!!

    Same in Roiet. Rained all night and was very cold. Have to admit, it was a nice change from the heat and humidity. I too curled up under the quilt snug as a bug in a rug as they say. Reminiscent of my youth in the great Canadian Northland!!!

    Could you say how many degrees centigrade you had????? I just can´t imagine it being "cold" over there at the moment..... :o

    It was really cold!! OK, maybe not Berlin in December cold!! And to be sure we were still 22C to high to consider skating on the pond. But having acclimated to the weather here, like Thaddeus, I was bloody freezing!!!

    I agree that even 22 degrees can feel comparatively "cold" under the wrong conditions..... :D I will never forget the first time I arrived in Nong Bua Lamphu at 04.30 am with my wife..... an overnight bus ride from BKK....we then got a "saam lor" to go the 8 km to Nong Wah Yay ...... and I almost froze to death on the way, despite the blanket that was given to me...........mind you, it was only about 12 degrees at that time........... :D

  4. The problem with dogs barking and howling at night is THE thing which is making me think twice about moving to Thailand. When I first went with my thai wife to her family in a Moo Baan just outside Nong Bua Lamphu I don´t actually remember being really put off by the noise. However, the more often I went, the more it annoyed me - and the last time, about a year ago, the persistent howling at night and the sight of aggressive packs of dogs in the "main road" really go to me. I asked various neighbours, as well as the Poo Yai Baan" why they put up with it - and was met each time only by laughter, but no answer. I´ve spent many hours since then, wondering how to fix the problem - but have also come up with no suitable answer (yes, I´d love to poison or shoot them all...............but I´m not allowed to say that here.....). I will get one of those high pitched devices, which various people have written about in other threads, to try out when we go again next year................. but I doubt that it will help much.............. :D The "white noise" idea, is a good one, though..............I´ve done the same thing in other places to drown out traffic noise.......and it basically does work.......although it can´t drown out the sudden sharo bark of a dog in the early hours of the morning...... :o

  5. Don't know about anyone else, but I was under the quilt last night, I'm bloody freezing!!!!

    Same in Roiet. Rained all night and was very cold. Have to admit, it was a nice change from the heat and humidity. I too curled up under the quilt snug as a bug in a rug as they say. Reminiscent of my youth in the great Canadian Northland!!!

    Could you say how many degrees centigrade you had????? I just can´t imagine it being "cold" over there at the moment..... :o

  6. That was a good link given by mailman.................for Udon Thani have a look at this........................


    I hope the link works...............(if not, go back to mailman´s post). If you click onto the times given (6am, 8 am etc.) it gives you even more details on rainfall etc. Anyone wanting the exact weather forecast can save the link (other cities are naturally available) in his "favourites" and call up the weather report day and night whenever the need arises.............. :D

    Anyhow around Nong Bua Lamphu people whose land is not next to the river are not at all happy at the moment as the drought which prevailed several weeks ago killed off the young plants. My family fortunatley has land next to the Lam Pa Neeyang river so can pump put water from there. At present it´s not too hot at all (at least for the family......with the weather at the moment....it´s not too hot, plenty of rain and the rice is coming along just fine ...... :o

  7. I think I was the instigator of "disputes" about weather reports in the Buriram thread..................... but despite the fact that I was "booed" out by 1 or 2 people there, I still maintain that there is no need to post a daily weather report as is done in that thread. Have you tried reading the thread???? It must be at least 50 percent weather reports. I have nothing against people talking about the weather, but to post the weather report every single day is - to me - ludicrous!! A link to the weather for that region should be sufficient - anyone wishing to find out what the weather is like can click on the link and.....hey presto... he has it. Or am I totally way out of line with my way of thinking??? :o

  8. Interesting reading..............but could somebody please describe EXACTLY where Ban Dung lies??? N, S, E or W of Udon Thani.....and how many kms????............. Many thanks................. :o

  9. I´m a Brit, but have now lived for the past 31 years in Berlin - the last 12 of those with my thai wife from Nong Wah Yay, which is about 8 km S-E of NBL. We visit there every 2 years on average and will be there next year from 14th March until 5th April, when I would very much like to meet any Farangs in the area who would like to meet me/us....... :D

    We plan to move to NWY or NBL in the next 2-3 years permanently and already have small-scale business plans with my wife´s brother and his wife, part of which have actually already been implemented and running, even though the main area still has to come........... that´s to keep me busy, when I get there....... :o We won´t be financially dependent on this for our income, though - it´s just a side-line - so I´ll have plenty of time to pursue hobbies.......................... anyone there into cycling?????

    Hello, I'm just joining the forum. I also am planning to come to Nong bua Lamphu to live around the first part of next year. Would like to meet some expats living there. Will be coming there in March for a few weeks. Do you know of any expat clubs in the area ?

    Expat clubs??????? :D:D That´s a good one....... :D I think we are somewhat inthe wilderness as far as that is concerned.........I did write somewhere that I met a Danish bloke last time I was in NBL, who lives somewhere outside - he saif that a few Farangs meet at some pub in NBL, not far from the market. Will you be living in NBL itself????? I can give you the mobile number of one of my family just before we go for our visit at the end of March next year.................that´s if you´re still there then???

  10. in NBL next to ubonrat dam it has been raining cats and dogs, anyone in this area,

    the wife was calling her mother and she had to hang up because the rain was to strong.

    but as i understood that NBL rarely gets floods since it sits high up? true??

    That may be true of NBL town but in the surrounding areas - in particular where the river Lam Panneeyang (??) flows - there is massive flooding every year. My wife´s family has land next to this river. I´ve been there several times and it was always a smallish river which you could cross by means of a bamboo bridge. Last year, however, the floods washed away the banks of the river to such an extent that it now looks like the Grand Canyon!!!! It was horrifying to see the difference - the masses of water which the floods brought via this river washed away vast amounts of the river bank on both sides and it is now impossible to cross. In fact, I´ve just remembered that a villager was washed away by the floods last year and drowned.

  11. ....does that answer my question??? Well not really ......... a few have been banned.... so what??? .......perhaps that even strengthens my argument....or rather suggestion .....that people should offer a little bit more info on themselves...... I can´t for the life of me see how anyone can abuse what´s offered..... and as for cyber identites and fears of stalking.........I can only say what childish nonsense........or a wild imagination....... :o

  12. A slight side track to the current thread, but do any of you guys have insurance for your bikes?

    In Thailand??? :o What sort do you mean?? Theft, fire, flooding, puncture......third party in the case of running someone over ???????

  13. -Anyhow, I still want to know why so many people are too shy to give even the merest of information about themselves...it´s not as though it is going to misused....(come on, tell me I´m wrong....... :D )

    Actually, in the not-to-distant past, information gleaned from TV profiles and posts was used maliciously against a member. If I recall correctly, someone had a grudge against another member. They took information from that person's profile, as well as copies of certain posts he'd made, and gave them to the guys boss (obviously trying to get him fired).

    Besides, some people like to hide behind an aura of mystery. Who knows who you are really chatting with ? Is that a 20 year old girl, or actually a 60 year old guy stringing you along ? Is kayo really as pink and fuzzy as most of his avatars would suggest ? Knowing the answer might dispel the illusion and ruin the fun !

    That´s exactly what puts me off chatting with nameless or rather info-less people!!!!! :o

  14. ..........aha......glad to see that there are a few Hartlepool connoisseurs and historians amongst us ..... :D yes, we did string up a monkey-looking french spy............. and would do it again, believe you me.......... :o BUT if you look at my profile, you will see that even monkey-hanging former Hartlepudlians offer a medium amount of information regarding themselves...........we have nothing to hide...so why the secrecy amongst other TV members??????

  15. My wife has 5 rai in Na Klang. We plan to build a house there in the next 5 years if all goes well. Already filled the land in. For now, we both work here in the US and try to visit each April .

    My new house is in Ban Thepkeeree, just five minutes from Na Klang. I go to Na Klang for the 7-11 and other exciting adventures.

    Is it Na Klang where the weekly cattle market is held????? We were there a couple of years ago but I´m not sure of the name any more. My wife comes from Nongwahyay, about 8 km SW of Nongbualamphu. We´ll be there from around 29th March until 4th Arpril next year. So you live there full time???? What do you do???????

  16. Would you really want to correspond with someone one this board that was a transsexual former lorry driver from Hartlepool, UK? Thought not, remain anonymous. :D

    As my thread on "empty profiles" was stopped last week (because there was a similar, more politely termed title once on the go...) I´ve dug out an old one.....this one.... in particular because I myself do actually come from Hartlepool!!!!!!!!!! Now, why pick on us Hartlepudlians to try to get your message across... I mean, we are the friendliest of people in the UK.........and if anyone disagrees, I´ll send my mate round to your house..... :D ...and before you ask....no, I was never a transsexual lorry driver..... :o

    -Anyhow, I still want to know why so many people are too shy to give even the merest of information about themselves...it´s not as though it is going to misused....(come on, tell me I´m wrong....... :D )

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