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Everything posted by zhounan

  1. I like Yellow Fang, especially when they try to do some basic shoegaze.
  2. This smiling guy, since college years, was slowly breeded and trained to introduce neoliberalism measures in Thailand.
  3. If mom and grandma agree who are we to judge this happy, united family?
  4. I am not worried. I am quite sure that Mr. Gates already has got the jab to save my life.
  5. All they want acceleration, without understanding fhe consequences of this step.
  6. It seems a porn movie script.
  7. Excuse me, what exactly means "party entertainer"?
  8. It is normal for Thai people to have lovers among work colleagues. Thai people should know this from birth. Why be jealous?
  9. Just one of the few reasons why most of the tourists, before arriving here, download ride-hailing apps. In a decade these apps will monopolize the business.
  10. What about simply renounce to be a global empire, think about your citizens and let 2/3 of humanity live as they want to live?
  11. Planned Parenthood, William Henry Gates The Third Foundation and all the Malthusianists agree with these supporters.
  12. 10.000 pounds shouldn't be a big burden for a British.
  13. Good. Foreigners are all tracked and registered here. Won't be difficult to find these "Chinese Investors", or not?
  14. The journalist with the biggest pool of viewers interview the most important political leader in the world. This interview potentially is the best of the last 100 years.
  15. Good for Africans gangsters in Pattaya
  16. The only person to be arrested should be Mr. Anutin.
  17. Excuse my ignorance, if the problem is burned fields, in the decades and centuries before, wasn't there the same problem?
  18. Spend & Consume is Thailand motto.
  19. So did the alleged assailant have such precise aim that he was able to stab the syringe into the victim's cardiovascular system? I am amazed that a professional doctor could believe such a fiction.
  20. I honestly see nothing scandalous in praising certain aspects of the countries with which one has diplomatic relations. Moreover, since the corporate media lie about almost everything, it is very likely that they also lie about North Korea by exaggerating. I also find it pathetic that the post was deleted because groups of lifestyle leftists were irritated.
  21. People now are more individualist, prefer to have a consumeristic life, don't sacrifice something to have children.
  22. It's just the techno-socialist scam.
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