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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 22 hours ago, WineOh said:

    isn't that the dangerous one that lonely planet etc advises against traveling to? 

    Yes, it is and I would not advise to go there.... Been there for work.... The rest is OK.. Don't worry about local police. Same as here, in over 20 years, I have never been checked or had any problems... Cebu is nice, so is Angeles ( for different reasons close to Manila ), Luzon, etc..

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Fex Bluse said:

    This was long the official figures from the State. However, they finally admitted recently that it was at least 20%. And that is official tourist money. Does not include gray market and black market spending. It's likely over 30% Thai GDP, especially when sex is included. 


    Of course, they Thais are embarrassed by such a heavy reliance on foreign tourism. 

    Ahhhhhhh. I didn't include sex as this is a daily occupation. 555555

    • Haha 1
  3. On 1/19/2021 at 4:25 PM, NobbyClarke said:

    Thailand shot itself in the foot with the Chinese.

    That's why no one came.

    The Chinese ruined LOS and now they want to buy the cheapest vaccine on the market from guess where!?

    The good people of Thailand deserve the best not the cheapest s**t on the market.

    Thailand was considered the best holiday destination in the world before the influx of the Chinese.

    The people at the very very very top of the day tree will not be having the Chinese vaccine. 

    Please allow the good and undervalued people of The Kingdom to have the same as the people at the very very very top of the tree.

    I think you forgot to mention in YOUR ' statements ' a good part of Th Nationals have Chinese origins, roots..... Maybe look it up ...

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/23/2021 at 10:38 AM, rooster59 said:

    TAT forced to face reality: more than a third of the Thai tourist industry has gone bust



    Image: Reuters


    The Tourism Authority of Thailand are having to face reality after one of their own surveys showed them their rose tinted view was a complete sham.


    Earlier in the week TAT governor Yutthasak Suphasorn - author of the failed STV scheme - claimed that 10 million foreign tourists would be arriving from midyear and, along with Thais, would be spending 1.2 TRILLION baht on the tourist industry this year.


    This was greeted with incredulity in many areas.


    Now the starry eyed governor has had to admit that little might be left of the tourist industry even if people worldwide start to travel again. A highly debatable question.


    A TAT survey between January 10 and 12 asked 1,884 businesses how they were getting along. 


    34.66% said they had already shut down and gone out of business.


    Those that were left begged him to provide emergency assistance on utility bills and for staff wages.


    Without this help they feared that they too would go under.


    The TAT surveyed businesses in the areas of accommodation, travel firms, restaurants, vehicle rental companies and public transport businesses, reported Thai media.


    The message came back loud and clear.


    We've either gone bust or will do without immediate help.


    A far cry from the governor's optimistic outlook just a few days before.



    -- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2021-01-23

    Where do they get all the zero's to manufacture all these TRILLIONS?????? 0/0+0 -0=0X0= still ZERO 555555

  5. On 1/23/2021 at 9:22 AM, Mike E said:

    I'm currently in Thailand for I'm hoping about 3 months.  This will be my first extended stay here while considering moving here permanantly.  While here, is my best option for access to cash to just take money out of an ATM with my debit card?  I've got access to WorldRemit, Western Union, or Bank transfers.  Any reason to open a bank account for a 3 month stay?  I'll probably be paying for rental stays with cc if I rent through airbnd.

    Just spend it all in the bars, if or when they ope up again post-covid.. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

  6. 15 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Oh Dear God, we're down to the ladies again!


    Well if you want that, The Four Floors of Whores has enough to satisfy anyone in a very small island!


    But again comes down to where you are in life.


    At the time me and my Thai wife lived in Singapore, our Friday date night after work was a few drinks at Clark Quay with friends, then off for dinner somewhere.


    It helped we had the ubiquitous live in maid to help with looking after our son, but it was fun...at the time.


    After the first few years I did hate the weather. 365 days of exactly the same, hot in the morning, torrential rain in the afternoon kinda grates.


    But we had a great time there, moved on to Thailand, had a good time there, now we share our time (although not this year obviously) between our home in the US and Thailand.


    It's a fantasy to think one place has it all, and as you age your needs, likes and want change.


    One of the downsides of Thailand compared to almost everywhere I've lived; would I want to be elderly and worst of all infirm or disabled, Hell No!

    The neighbor's grass is always greener...

  7. 20 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Obviously this is subjective.  I couldn't disagree more.  So often in Singapore I'd be walking and see a girl in front - great legs, body, nice long hair - you speed up and pass them then see they have the face of a 50 year old woman with bad teeth.  Happens all the time - constant disappointment.

    Thai girls are infinitely more attractive.  

    The option of covering up her face with a blanket or your National flag still exists..55555

  8. 15 hours ago, VYCM said:

    What are you guys smoking?


    I made no reference to Backpackers.
    Just the quality of people that come, these people travel without Insurance. because they have NO money. These people shouldn't travel.
    Thai people dont need these tourists without money.
    This is why we must  pay for their medical expenses.. 


    Also, I spoke about offshore work because every month I'm in an airport and I said 300 baht would add up.


    If you are not native English speakers I can translate for you.

    Djaaaa yen yen..????

  9. 23 hours ago, webfact said:

    CCSA team faces risk of infection as TV anchor tests positive for Covid-19

    By The Nation



    File Photo


    After a TV anchor tested positive on Friday morning, Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) spokesman Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin announced that he and his team may be at risk.


    The National Broadcasting Services (NBT) TV anchor usually helps the CCSA team during their daily press briefing.


    Taweesin said he will take a Covid-19 test in the afternoon and then go into isolation.


    Mobile biosafety units will also be sent to the NBT building to test everybody inside. So far, there is no information on who may be at high risk.






    -- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2021-01-22

    That's a problem... How will we know anything now??? 55555

    • Haha 1
  10. On 1/21/2021 at 10:59 PM, Sheryl said:

    Moving this to General forum as not visa related.


    There is no law to this effect. May be a policy of that specific bus company.


    I haven't heard of foreigners being unable to take trains. And as far as I know there is no train station in Rangsit. ?


    Nor for that matter a bus station in Rangsit. There are intersections where a lot of interprovincial buses stop but not a station with station manager etc. 


    Yes, I used to live Rangsit and don't recall any bus or trainstation.....

  11. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    "Fulfilling National Service..."

    - I'm guessing that means from your birth country.

    - Is there an age limit for that requirement.

    - It wasn't on the list when I applied (23+ years ago) but things change.

    (- If I applied now I would send a translated copy of my Australian army service/discharge certificate which includes details of my period of service on active duty in Vietnam.)

    "National Service" in terms of Army or NAVY. In country of Origin

    Items are still not on the list but were requested....



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