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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 2 hours ago, Phillip9 said:

    If you are married, I would bet there are lots of countries in Asia that have no income requirement.  Philippines for one, I know has no income or proof of money requirement if you are married to a filipina.

    What´s your point? Do you mean that you are not going to need any money, just because there is no requirement to show money for getting a visa? You will still need money to live, right? What´s the problem with showing them them? I think Thailand has a great system, when it comes to this. Only 400k baht for a family for a full year. That´s not enough for a year. The thing it does, though, is to create some kind of safety for both the foreigner and the Thai family that is connected to him.

    Or are you just saying that you want to move to the philippines?

    • Sad 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, checkered flag said:

    I agree. Mr Trans likes to talk about financial misfortunes a lot. Maybe he invested in too many sick buffalos, but the money seems long gone. If it ever existed in the first place. Like many Brits he came to Thailand when the exchange rates were very favorable, but can no longer afford to pay or stay. He feels he's entitled to live as he has and gets upset when the immigration rules are enforced. 

    Maybe he feels superior to other falongs, but this is an illusion in his head and not his bank account. The loss of embassy letters then border bounces, has had a devastating effect on others in his condition. In reality he and others in his condition shouldn't be in Thailand any longer.  

    I definitely do not want to take this conversation with you. If I did, I would break all the codes in this forums rule book and be banned for all eternity even if I changed my personal ID number, name as well as country and IP address. You have no right to blame him for ant currency changes. Attitude and the ability to accept is another thing. However, I end it there.

    Now you know exactly how I feel about you and your comment as well as try to get a companion in your stampede to look down on people.

    My answer is no. Not joining your star spangled road to madness. Have a nice day! ???? 

  3. 23 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    there probably seem to be a lot here because they have, for various reasons, a need to be vocal, others, who are able to do basic financial planning and live within their means have no incentive or desire to bang on about financial matters... thankfully i'm in the latter.

    Probably like you post. I am just surprised there are so many members in one forum that seem to have all from hard times to problem. 

    • Haha 1
  4. Sounds really strange, due to that there is an official document from immigration that clearly states that they are obligated to put a regular stamp in your passport for stay until 26 sept. if you ask for it. That will mean that there has not been any extension made after the amnesty went into effect since April.

    Have you tried to show them that document. Because if they do not adhere to that, they go straight against their superiors. Don´t think they wish to do that. ???? 

  5. 4 hours ago, transam said:

    I myself came to LOS on a whim after my life went upside down, and was nursing an illness, thought I was only going to be here a few years, but it turned into many and I do not want to return to anything like my previous life, yeh, it's been a bit tough at times but I can still smile every day.

    Sometimes life is just tough. However, if as you say, you still make it and can smile each day. Yeah, then you life is probably quite much better than many´s on this forum out of the total overload of complaints. ???? 

    • Confused 1
  6. 1 hour ago, The33 said:

    I think everyone understand what you are saying here, you are much more intelligent than the average person on here, pat yourself on the back, again.. You arent making your comments,  nor yourself look any better by stating that you are so intelligent.. And others are not..  Apparently not intelligent enough to know that one person's situation is different from the other... And there are many various reasons to why some people, many people are struggling with extending their visas these days... 

    Sitting up there on your high-horse looking down on everyone else, and not being able to see how it makes you look even, tells me that when it comes to social intelligence, you have non...  

    Are you saying it´s ok to try and live permanent in Thailand on tourist visa, or that people should do what they can to walk around the rules and regulations regarding showing money for an extension? That´s what I am talking about, and both those option are wrong. As for now it is a situation like this in Thailand. To not live permanent on tourist visas in a country, that even a fool understand. Regarding the economic situation, that has not changed. Has been like this for many many years. That means people must be aware of what they must be able to meet up to, before settling in a foreign country like Thailand.

    Now my questions.


    Question 1: What in the world is it that you see as incredibly intelligent with that? I would see that way of thinking as falling under normal intelligence. Maybe it´s just you having difficulties separating what is more intelligent or less intelligent. Wonder what the reason for that might be.

    As for question number two: Do you consider it right to come to a country and settle down with the knowledge of the rules, and then after a couple of year not can meet up to the requirement, and for that reason complain about them as well as try to break or circumvent them?

    Alternative 3 & Question 3: Do you believe it´s ok to come to a country living on back-to-back tourist visas for permanent stay just because any other is not an option due to financial requirements or age? (Some actually live and work here as well, which makes it even more wrong and illegal.)

  7. 7 minutes ago, aBigSmile said:

    what should I do? Apply for Non-O in a foreign embassy and convert it to “retirement visa” after 90 days in Thailand?

    Yes, when all is open, you could just go over a land border to, for example, Laos and get a new fresh Non-O for 90 days, and then do your one year extension on that one.

    Of course, if you have plans to go home, you can always do it at home to. 

    As you have the funds, everything should go perfect.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, ouagadougou said:

    There is a lot of truth there.


    That said, I have come across some offices that are no go's.... Hat Yai and Mukdahan.


    "Friendly" offices.... Lopburi and surprisingly Phuket Town (but maybe I've been lucky there).




    Mukdahan was bad like 5-6 years ago, but out of what I´ve heard it has been better since. Might be wrong, of course. Just hearsay. Out of what I´ve heard too, is that Sri Racha is horrible, but never tried myself there either.

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