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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. As I believe answer your question, is that you will not be able to switch from O-A to O inside Thailand. That can only be obtained by crossing a border, but is not possible right now. In your case you will only have the option to a one year extension of your Non-O-A as described by ubonjoe above.

    The only other option right now would be to leave thailand and obtain a new Non-O in the Thai Embassy in your home country. However, that will open a can of worms regarding other requirements at this pandemic times. It will also include a quarantine when you come back. Hope you can fix it with 800k in the bank. ???? 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    The good people of Kensosha are not fooled by carefully editted video footage, this isn't the first time a narrative has been crafted to attack conservatives, only later to spectacularly implode(Sandmann and Smollett for 2 recent examples of this exact thing). Trump's visit is a great show of strength. Potential rioters, looters, and anarchists may not have Kyle to contend with, but not to worry, Trump himself is watching. 


    "Kenosha GOP chairwoman says '80% of people in the city support teenage gunman Kyle Rittenhouse' - and the remaining 20% are 'probably people that can't stand Trump'"


    I am just wondering if you have a poster of your idol on the wall, next to the flag?

    • Haha 2
  3. 51 minutes ago, transam said:

    I disagree with most of your stuff, you do not seem to have the ability to think of others possible plight and how they got there.

    All you think about is 'you', which shows in your posts. 

    BUT, you crack on, I am not the only one reading, eh....????

    No, you are just twisting things as usual. Please read the message below before posting another silly remark.

    I am not only thinking about myself. I am thinking about a normal reaction from a person that suddenly gets into problem. The normal reaction would be to try and minimise the damage and get out of the problem as easy as possible. That´s my way to, out of an intelligent perspective, think about others. If I would find myself in problems out of economic character, then I would not demand that the system is change just to suit me. I would accept that the rules are as they are, because I am the one that have forced myself into the position I am.

    Now I do understand, out of your mant promotions and replies regarding all the harsch rules and financial demands, that you probably are a person who has fallen in a hard position and it looks like you have to fight to survive everyday. If so, I am sincerely sorry for you. Unfortunately it doesn´t look like there would be any changes coming up in the near future regarding that matter. So, I guess I, you and everybody else that have chosen to live in Thailand out of one reason or another. Yeah, we just have to find a way for staying, or try to find another solution that works.


    And, dear Mr. Trans, It´s not me that are cracking on. I am trying to explain it as painless as possible for you. You are the one that constantly continue to complain and seem unhappy with your stay in this wonderful and friendly country. In other words, you are the one cracking on, you are. I mean why are you just trying and fighting so hard? If your plan has fallen apart, isn´t it much better to find a place of harmony in the world where you can feel at ease with the rules and regulations?

  4. 8 minutes ago, transam said:

    Really, but at least I don't run down members here who may have a financial problem and want them deported after a 14 day overstay now do I....?  ????


    Run down????? when????

    I person with financial problems should have a brain enough to understand that, and either stay home, do short trips or see to that a buffer is there for a ticket home. Probably intellectual over course for you when looking at you replies.

    One thing a normally intelligent person should not try to do, it ot circumvent the visa rules and try to stay as long as possible without money. Or do you disagree on that point as well?

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    Aaaah, so you're a hi-so member, that also knows every farangs financial predicaments, amazing..............:clap2:........................................:coffee1:

    No, he just made a very valid point! But, It might be very hard for all the people that are living on the line and always fighting for their possibility to stay, right?

    ????????......yeah, Amazing!.....:clap2:.How is it, is it working another year? Nobody knows......:coffee1::welcomeani: or :1zgarz5:

    I guess that´s how it feels for many to not have the money for an extension. Why are you seeing that as Hi-So? Out of all the complaints and problem we read daily here on Thai Visa, it has become wide-spread it a fact about the fighting for enough money to stay.

    • Confused 1
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