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Posts posted by treetops

  1. 38 minutes ago, Why Me said:

    I pulled out my calculator. 150mil/year is 285 passengers/minute. Even if IOs are processing passengers in 30 secs. each this would need 140 immigration counters if they don't want a backup to start building.


    Well, maybe they expect everything to be automated in 10 years, passengers just filing past a face/finger scanner.

    Thais and those from Hong Kong and Singapore alread have automated gates on arrival at immigration.  These will be expanded to passport holders of other nations well before the airport reaches 150 million passengers a year.

  2. 7 minutes ago, how241 said:

    These are exceptional/unusual times that I would not consider as "part of the job"...

    Many landlords won't, but denial doesn't change the facts from being facts.


    Now if all landlords had tucked away a bit of their profits during the good times, the bad times wouldn't be such an issue.  It's been that way in life for thousands of years but some still don't get it and live too much for today only.

    • Like 1
  3. 22 hours ago, Kalasin Jo said:

    Can you eat a sandwich or any food through a mask? To be honest I haven't tried. But therein lies the answer I suspect on any for food or drink consumption on a plane????

    I think spidermike007 has probably got the message from all those that posted the same thing before you.


    22 hours ago, stouricks said:

    At 0.50 it says 'no cabin bags allowed' and the next shot shows a guy boarding with a backpack. Doooooh !

    It's these big stupid rollaboards that are banned.  Laptop bag, hand bag, backpack etc are OK but you have to read the small print to know this.


    17 hours ago, SilverBeast said:

    No food or drink?  I guess these are all flights within a country...I'll wait.

    Do you understand what domestic flights are?

  4. Just now, how241 said:

    If the people renting are decent people then it should not be 'high risk' BUT there are always people that will try to use anything and everything to their advantage.  Most of these renters never were on the 'other side' of the story and assume that the landlord is some super rich person. The old saying applies, do unto others as you want other to do back to you.

    I disagree.  With any money making venture the return goes up as the risk goes up.  These problem tenants you describe are part of the risk and if survival depends on rental income then a landlord has to accept that.  They could always have put their money in 1% supersafe bonds but chose to aim higher, with everything that goes along with it.

  5. 1 hour ago, fusion58 said:



    More than enough funds in account to cover transfer.


    Just curious as I've been using TW for about a year and I've never encountered this particular message before.


    E-mailed TW with request for more info. No reply yet.

    Better to ask your own bank if the money is still there.  It sounds more like a glitch with them or you than Transferwise as the Faster Payments system is usually immediate but has a maximum 2 hour limit IIRC (assuming nothing major is down).


    Was it TSB?  I had an issue with a (non TW) Faster Payment with them the other day.

  6. If you're in Grand Avenue just now and like the area, you'd be nuts to move to outside the area enclosed by Beach Road, South Road, Third Road and Pattaya Klang.  Even if you don't have a lot of time to go hunting. just walk down Soi 15 that you're on and check the places there out.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 4/22/2020 at 10:07 AM, bodga said:

    You need to be aware  of EU  rules even if  the flight originates in Thailand as regards REFUNDS.

    Rule 261 you are entitled to a refund, many airlines trying to get out of this but the law is there if the flight lands in the EU they have to abide by that. Of course they will try everything to wriggle  out of  it, more info here https://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/passengers/news/2020-03-18-covid-19-guidance-eu-passenger-rights_en

    You do  not have to accept vouchers but they will try to push you into this, this only applies if THEY cancel the flight, if  you cancel it its  different.

    You are incorrect.  If the flight originates in Thailand you are only covered by EU261 if it is on an EU carrier.  The OP was flying from Thailand with a non-EU carrier (Thai Airways) so it doesn't matter whether he lands  in the EU or not, he is not covered.

  8. On 4/22/2020 at 10:31 AM, zippysteve said:

    It’s not much of a “lockdown” lol I was at Lotus after midnight last night and I saw a few foreigners walking around which is slightly unusual right now. As well as a dozen local nationals in the store last night. 


    On 4/22/2020 at 10:37 AM, lee b said:

    Whats the point to leave your house, theres nothing open and nothing to do.

    Wait - that would mean zippysteve was lying?  Surely not?

  9. On 4/22/2020 at 10:13 AM, bodga said:

    No it could not, many are at  home furloughed on almost  full  pay, I personally  know two  people who are at  home until July with no work to do, the NHS  is  free, so  will this person get free healthcare should he become ill in Thailand?

    That doesn't answer or negate any of the points I refuted.  The UK's numbers are misleading and their plans are all over the place.  For the third, it may be correct that Thailand isn't offering much financial support, but it is more than able to do so if it chose to.



    21 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    wonder if his insurance cover covid if he has any insurance .prolly not as its not possible to get cover for covid on a  travel insurance ..many brits have ended up in hospital fighting for their lives and no cover in los so out with the online begging bowl

    Of course it's possible he has travel insurance covering Covid.  Many travel insurers excluded it only from the time it was declared pandemic.

  10. 1 hour ago, JusticeGB said:

    Certainly absolutely no booze available in Pattaya city not even in Mom and Pop stores .

    I had no problem stocking up in the first few days of the ban, but the small distributors seemed to be unable to restock so once it was gone it was gone.  However that seems to have changed again recently for at least one. ????


  11. 16 hours ago, thaiflyer1 said:

    can also confirm Habour Mall is all shut down

    That's surprising.  It was open couple of days ago.  I only got as far as the guy with the hand wash and temp gun at the entrance, as he told me the shop I was wanting to go to was closed, but something in there must be up and running to warrant the check.

  12. 12 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Well, good for them.

    10 years ago Sihaunokville was good.

    Went last year.  Now, it has over 100 casinos and is a filthy hole shell of what it was.

    Overpriced, garbage everywhere, just a dump full of Chinese gamblers.

    Would not return if it was free.

    Are you aware that most of their gambling activities have been banned and most of them have left?

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, hiero said:

    I thought the same thing, 1000s of people descending on immigration on the 1st of May. I think the issue is clarity, its seems obvious that when the ministerial order ends that there would be a grace period such as 7-10 days to leave the country or extend your visa its just that (afaik) has not been conveyed.

    I believe it has been conveyed.  Immigration has said there will be a "specified period" after the situation is resolved in which to apply.  I've not seen details of the specified period yet, but at least it's been thought about.

    • Confused 1
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