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Posts posted by treetops

  1. 9 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    In theory, the providers database should match the telephone SIMM number to the ID card number given when the SIMM was purchased. Non-Thai subscribers should also get this but I doubt the provider's system will be set up for alternate ID numbers.

    It certainly didn't appear to be for the free 10-gigabytes of mobile data recently made available.

  2. 1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    There's an immigration amnesty on visa renewals and 90 day reports until 30 April.


    But what happens if it's business as usual after that and you are expected to show up at Immigration?


    Are they really prepared for 1,000+ Farangs all turning up to do their business on 4 May???

    They have said there will be a "specified period" to renew/report so it's likely there will be no need for 1,000+ people on the Monday morning.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    They are 1000lt IBC's, they weigh about 80kg empty.


    I was guessing (from a distance) dimensions of 1.2 to 1.5m each side, so 1.0m and just over a ton if full.  I still wouldn't want to move one. ????

  4. 14 hours ago, Maybole said:

    Do they know something that we do not ? Have they been tipped off that some? restrictions or the state of emergency will be lifted on 1st May ?

    A few internal flights have continued to run during the restrictions, just few passengers presumably.  They'll be needed in increasing volumes if international restrictions are lifted, so it looks like they're betting on this being the case.

  5. On 4/19/2020 at 5:37 AM, Guderian said:

    It's a pity that they've just finished resurfacing a large part of Sukhumvit and now they've drilled dozens of holes into it so that the canopies won't blow away.

    I don't think there's any.  The supports are anchored by huge water containers.  Going by the size of the big ones, they could be about 2 or 3 tonnes each if full.



  6. 19 hours ago, AlbionBob said:

    My wife and daughter have been in lockdown England for four weeks with no sign of any symptoms, so that they could only be infected on the journey home, which would not show up on arrival.

    Just been listening to a doc on the telly saying this is not necessarily the case.  If they have been shopping and picked up a basket, or pushed a trolley, which an infected person has left the virus on, they could have it and not display symptoms yet.  With shopping being allowed under lockdown, this could easily happen.

  7. 3 minutes ago, crobe said:

    As has been stated many times by many posters - if you could only bother to read

    Flights are still occurring but only for repatriation or for cargo - no scheduled incoming services

    Not possible to book these flights as a normal passenger due to the restrictions in place from CAAT.

    Look two posts up - that's what I said.  The post you quoted was a direct reply to your previous post which was inaccurate.  There are Thais coming home on these scheduled flights up to a maximum of 200/day and being tested/quarantined on arrival.

  8. 20 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I flew into the UK on an Emirates flight last week - No tests.

    The Tunisia flight was the first (and maybe only one for a while) and probably more a publicity stunt, so no surprise a flight to the UK last week wasn't subject to it.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, 2 is 1 said:

    Like i get to know myself today. All airplane company whit flight here empty can load pasenser and flight away! Qatar,KLM etc. have flight out off Thailand.

    Yes, and I think they can bring in Thais being repatriated if they satisfy certain conditions.  They also bring in freight, so not a total loss coming in.

  10. On 4/17/2020 at 10:57 AM, crobe said:

    There are no decisions as yet.

    A lot of discussions going on but CAAT and the airport authorities are waiting for the government committee meetings next week.

    The likely scenario is that internal flights could restart in May - possibly towards the end of the month when all procedures are worked out, but there will be some restrictions such as no middle seats. Not decided yet if a medical certificate will be needed.

    International flights will not resume until both countries accept medical certificates and passengers will have to undergo 14 days of quarantine on arrival.

    It was hoped that flights to China and Korea could resume in June, but latest figures from China today and re-infections in Korea are causing a rethink. 

    Most likely they will just postpone any decision on international flights for the moment and the CAAT block on incoming passengers will be extended for another 15 days 


    Flights are still arriving and departing so I don't know where you get this information from.  Korean Air, for example, has KE651 in the air just now, and KE652 will return to Seoul later tonight.  Same as it has every day for long enough.




  11. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    This type of testing and travel certification doesn't exist now but something like it seems to me to be in the realm of possibilities before a year.

    Emirates implemented this type of testing on a flight to Tunisia yesterday.  I'm sure there'll still be lots to iron out on the test itself and the logistics, but it may be closer than we think.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, newnative said:

    And, not all the money is going into Chinese pockets.

    I didn't say all, but most of it does.  The hotel owners, bus company owners, restaurant owners (big ticket items) are predominately Chinese.  I mentioned the more menial tasks, you've just given a longer list, but it remains that the low spending tour groups are a scourge on Thailand's tourism scene they would be better off without.  The difference they make is to ensure crowded fume filled streets, a beach front you could not walk along and hotel buffets like a scene from a farmyard.  No thanks.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Paul Laycock1 said:

    Just to prove your all wrong except for certain locations my sister in law has just returned from Loengnoktha with 24 small cans of beer for me.

    Hey, google reader, what border did she cross to get them?


    Beer is still readily available for many within Thailand, despite being barred, but our OP was about getting it in Savannaket (sic).

  14. 2 minutes ago, Inderpland said:

    I just passed Pattaya Klang driving on 3rd Rd and no sign of any roadblock when looking up towards Suk Rd. AFAIK there should have been one just passed Big C.

    No, one draft of the plan showed it at the Big C junction but it was subsequently moved to the southbound lane of Sukhumvit, just north of the Klang junction.

  15. 58 minutes ago, Havefunme said:

    I bought non-prescription drugs online thai customs refused to give them to me said can have for personal use or I needed some kind of license 

    Your second nonsense post on this thread.  Well done.  If you look at the top of the page you'll see it's a request for information on "Postal time from UK - THAILAND"


    Thank you.

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