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Posts posted by treetops

  1. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    There is no question that this pertains only to Thai returnees. Why would the government pay for a returned ex-pat? They do very little to support us, and if anything they seem to want us to leave. 

    There are only Thai returnees at the moment so true for now.  The government may want to pay for others to prevent the spread of the virus, and also to look good.  When the airport was closed a few years ago the government paid for hotels for farangs unable to leave, so there is a precedent.

  2. 1 hour ago, Laza 45 said:

    Mine often comes through very quickly from Oz.. I could be wrong but I think using direct debit card is faster than other options.. I tag mine 'monthly living expenses'.. what is advantage of tagging 'for immigration'? 

    Not conclusive, but I've found when marking it "for immigration" it takes longer than "monthly living expenses", maybe because they force the routing through Bangkok Bank?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Max69xl said:

    No, you can not enter Thailand. There are no inbound flights for foreigners except for people with work permits or pilots and diplomats. Every border is closed. 

    Work permit holders are also no longer permitted.  The latest rules for getting on a plane are:


    Flights to Thailand are suspended.
    - This does not apply to state or military aircraft, emergency landing, technical landing without disembarkation, humanitarian aid, medical, relief and repatriation flights.

  4. 22 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    It's "State" quarantine - i.e. paid for by the government.  It would be nice to think it's in a decent hotel, but the naval base sounds more likely.

    Rattanakosin Hotel and Elegance Hotel, both in Bangkok, have been the recipients of quarantined incomers from Suvarnabhumi in the last couple of days.

  5. Just now, Jumbo1968 said:

    If eventually B.A. recommence flights do I have to advise anyone Thai Embassy or other she and our son are returning on a certain date or does she just go the airport.

    I don't think anyone can give an answer to that at the moment. Before the shutdown there were permission to fly and Covid clear documents, with long queues at the Thai Embassy in London for the former.  Next week or in a month or whenever flights start again there may be different requirements.

  6. 2 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    How doe the agent get their monthly commission and how much do they get for rentals? As a renter as after the initial rent is paid, you are directed to pay directly into the landlord's bank account, not the agent. So how do agents get a cut?

    My agent and landlord sorted out the commission between them on a month to month basis, not sure of the logistics.  I have read that in Thailand it's often done as a one off, up front, payment from the landlord who then collects all the monthly rent as you say.  Either way if the landlord wants "X" per month and knows an agent will cost him "Y", the rent will be"X" plus "Y" over the period.

  7. 1 minute ago, smutcakes said:

    Possible i suppose in some cases. I would always use an agent for a condominium, purely as they can do the asset lists, defect lists, organize things like cable tv and most of the time they help when requested throughout the tenancy. Personally i have not seen what you are saying, it may be true it may not, either way its completely unsubstantiated.

    Rest assured it's true.  Where I am just now decreased by exactly the agent's commission when I re-booked directly after about 6 weeks away over February/March.

  8. 1 hour ago, smutcakes said:

    Not sure this is correct. In Thailand throughout all sectors of real estate the Landlord pays the commission as standard. Why as a tenant would you pay the commission, when it is completely against market normal?

    Okay there may be very isolated cases where the buyer pays but this is far from normal.

    The monthly rent is increased when using an agent so the tenant ends up paying in the long run, even if it's coming out of the landlord's income.

  9. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    . . . . and you will likely face a mandatory quarantine of 14 days in a hospital, if you are allowed in so soon. At your expense.

    Hotels.  At Government expense.  If you believe this from the site we're not allowed  to quote:


    The Public Health Ministry would initially pay for the accommodation of returnees at hotels and the Defence Ministry would help sponsor it later, he said. In the future, there might be different classes of quarantine hotels for returnees who could afford to pay, he said.

  10. 7 minutes ago, andy72 said:

    You can go to the USA UK both countries still letting in folks

    UK agreed,  but USA has this:


    Passengers who have transited or have been in Austria, Belgium, China (People's Rep.), Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland (Rep.), Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland or in the United Kingdom (excluding overseas territories outside of Europe), in the past 14 days are not allowed to enter the USA.


    Might not affect many here, but if this is to become a reference thread it's important to say it.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    AFAIR Eva is based in Taipei,Taiwan. 


    The flight is Taipei, BKK and LHR.


    At least it used to be.

    Yes, and the return was LHR-BKK-TPE, but is currently missing out BKK and going direct to Taipei.


    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, brokenbone said:

    until you read the fine print, 4000mah battery,

    even budget phones can do better

    I don't know much about it, but that seemed odd to me as I expect to get 3 full charges from my 10,000mAh battery pack, and I very seldom have to use it even once.  Looking at this site, I see a lot at around 4,000mAh and the top limit you can select if doing a search is only 5,000.  Seems to me that 4,000 would be more than adequate.



  13. 3 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

    This will be a stupid question for many and reason I asked I have shied away from any Cloud storage since my mate got caught by his wife, sending messages to his girlfriend lol. He gave her one of his old devices to use and forgot it was still linked to his phone.


    I understand the concept of it, and I use Google drive for some storage now, but I don't synch everything up, I prefer to choose what I store / back up.


    I see Huawei and Samsung offer cloud storage too. What are we referring to when we talk about Cloud? Same sort of thing? Is it a google thing or generic term?

    It basically means storing it on someone else's drive at a remote location.  That drive could belong to Google, Samsung, Huawei or one of many others.  It's all known as the cloud to me and you.  Only put stuff there you're happy to be opened to the public as it's no longer under your control.

    • Like 1
  14. 15 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Are you a chef? Cooking my whole life since grade school, never heard of blitzing.

    Quick Google search, once again proof most on here use British English with no understanding their local colloquialisms in Stockton-on Tees are not globally understood.


    A Burger is made from 100 percent ground beef. No bread crumbs. No god damned eggs.

    Looks like you're well in the minority, so the parochial little late addition to your post makes you seem a tad foolish.  Even more so given you use the term "grade school" which won't make it into anyone's regular vocabulary much outside North America.



  15. 2 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

    Chicken mince? What kind of a burger are you gonna make with that?

    A chicken burger I know. But that would be a grilled chicken breast in a bun.

    Three posts in this thread so far and each one showing your ignorance.  It's sometimes better to keep quiet when you have no knowledge of the subject.

    • Like 2
  16. 2 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    I admire the guy, its amazing, wonderfull ! Amazing so many people willing then to give!

    It's only sad, as there are other people controlling that money and rip off the cash for own gain.

    How much will be there effective working for the purpose?

    It is with every collection of money, flies will come to that pile to rip.

    And when the money is gone, they hope on another world disaster happens, go there as fly and rip again.

    You are one sad puppy.

    • Like 1
  17. 34 minutes ago, ben2talk said:



    There really is no substitute for intelligence...


    My TV is too heavy to hold, so I use a stand.

    Same for my ipad.

    Even my Kindle, I have a stand to hold it at a good angle for reading if I'm lying down.

    No one wants or has advocated holding your TV, silly.  If your ipad is the same you may want to check exactly what you bought.  You probably shouldn't have brought comments on intelligence into the thread.

    • Haha 2
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