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Posts posted by treetops

  1. On 11/30/2019 at 9:39 AM, The Maltese Falcon said:

    I tried to do the evisa when i uploaded my photo i was told that my left eye is closed then i uploaded the photo again this time i was told that my right eye is closed i said whats going on, so i uploaded the same photo again i was told that my both eyes are closed. what kind of evisa is this. I gave up

    Things like that are not just a Thai evisa site quirk.  Another "photo checking" service told me my mouth was open when it wasn't.  If you want to try again, play about with the brightness and/or contrast on your photo and you might clear this issue.

  2. 4 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    Treetop the truth is as was discussed here before that the 3 embassies that were caught out were just letting people come in and sign a waiver. never actually checking.

    With the Cdn Embassy it has always been a requirement that we actually show paperwork substantiating our claim and we also provide that info to thai immigration

    Untrue as pointed out already.  In addition, you previously said:



    Canada needs to see at least 3 months of deposits into a Canadian bank or a tax return . . . .

    Deposits could be from anywhere and tax returns may not cover all income so there's no real proof available for everyone and some countries recognised this when pressed so bowed out of the process.  I don't know if the Canadian Embassy were asked and ignored any request, or if they simply weren't asked.

  3. 20 hours ago, getithere328 said:

    Thanks, have already done both of those, deleted old applications, refreshed, not deleted, tried again, logged out logged in, still not deleted. All files uploaded within the size criteria specified. Still pulling my hair out.

    Did you try extending the date range?  I had a part application in there from months back when I'd first registered and played about with the system that didn't show until I'd done this.  Cleared it and could start again afresh.

  4. 40 minutes ago, getithere328 said:

    My problems started when I wanted to start a new application, the site decided that it would only give me one option (tourist visa)  in the drop down menu for visa type. No matter what I did or from which computer, same problem.

    It picks up on one of your saved applications where the previous initial entries force it down the Tourist Visa path.  Delete the previous ones and start from scratch.  When you delete one, refresh the page as it clears all previous ones from the table even though only one is being deleted.  Refreshing it shows the rest of them up again.

    Also if you've been trying for a while, make sure the date range for previous partially completed applications is sufficient to show (and delete) them all.


    46 minutes ago, getithere328 said:

    It now wont allow me to  upload my documents for the 0-A visa I've applied for (it lets me select the relevant document from my folders but wont upload it).

    Check each file size as there's a max limit it won't let you exceed.

  5. 15 hours ago, lagavulin1 said:

    Not sure we are talking about the same. I transfer Barclays £ to BKK London as an Inter UK transfer no charge. BKK route it to BKK Udon where it appears in THB as an International transfer. No fee. I grant you the forex may not be the best but life is too short.

    Bangkok Bank London's website states there are fees whether you send in GBP or THB.  Are you saying you don't pay these?




    You may have to click on "Fees and conversion options" to open up the table of fees.

  6. 19 minutes ago, bangkokgalaxy said:

    Unfortunately, the funds weren't transferred in January because of a bookkeeping oversight.

    You'll maybe just have to hope Thai Immigration will buy that.


    19 minutes ago, bangkokgalaxy said:

    Transferwise is what my bookkeeper has been using to move money from my US bank to Bangkok Bank: https://transferwise.com/us. It's definitely coming in from overseas.

    The problem is that SMART indicates a domestic transfer.  Now it could be that Transferwise send it to another of their gateway banks in Thailand who then send it on to your BBL account (although that's unusual as BBL are a gateway bank too), but whatever happened, SMART is not good.  It can be traced back to an international transfer but it's more complicated than just going to your BBL branch and asking for a letter.


    19 minutes ago, bangkokgalaxy said:

    Regarding your suggestion to transfer money in early January and visit immigration after my visa expires on Jan. 1, that would force me to overstay by several days. Wouldn't that be setting me up for problems?

    Maybe, it was just a suggestion after all, but addressing the overstay may be less problematic than any alternative if/when denied an extension.  Hopefully someone else will comment on the usual practice if renewals are due on a holiday and whether it is permitted to be late due to this.  Rather than several days, I was thinking to do it all on the 2nd January.

  7. I think it's more because you're from a nation of relatively few expats so immigration either never pushed your embassy to accurately verify the claimed income, or your embassy chose to hide when asked the question.


    If you supplied a tax return it may have been good under the new requirements, if applied, but not all income is as easily verifiable.

  8. SMART transfers are not international transfers, and Transferwise to Bangkok Bank would not usually show up this way.  Can you clarify?


    Why didn't you make a transfer in January?  The leniency as I understand it was for those getting extensions and who couldn't get a year's worth since the changes were made.  You don't fall into that category so I'd be surprised if you're extended this leniency.


    My suggestion would be to transfer 65K baht on the first day you can in 2020 and attend immigration for an extension the same day, claiming they were closed on the 1st and you came as soon as possible thereafter.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Crossy said:

    3. Not sure, the 1s are not smaller, it's just the way the LCD is arranged


    15 hours ago, Guderian said:

    Thanks, I'd figured them out except for 2 and 3. I'm still not sure what the third photo is telling us.

    Photo Number 3 is the date.  251119 or 25th November 2019.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. On 11/24/2019 at 7:34 AM, Don Mega said:

    Cool thanks, just checked both my Kbank and BKK account and neither list PEA as a payee so kinda makes my question redundant, would be nice to set that up so I dont have to bother with it.

    Setting it up with Bangkok Bank requires getting a form and taking it to the office/bank.  I can't remember if the form came from the bank or the electric company.

  11. 6 hours ago, Number 6 said:

    I think this story is bogus. They might place monitors above carousel as future deterrent but I'd suspect the stuff is actually x-rayed in back and tagged. So look for tell tale marks and stickers.


    This will absolutely slow down baggage processing.

    Yes it'll be done "in back", but downstairs actually, below the baggage hall.  It's usually done real time so no reason for it to slow down processing unless your bag is identified as suspicious and removed from the belt for further screening.  You might then see a mark or sticker or more likely they'll just describe it over the radio to their colleagues upstairs.

  12. 5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    I get the xray process before boarding planes for security reasons, but going out of the way to x ray all incoming bags is not a security reason, well, not including bio hazards, unwanted plants, seeds, etc which all countries are on the look out for on incoming things.  But sure seems like money could be spent in better ways.  

    Bio-security is one issue, but the main reason for these is to prevent/reduce smuggling and to reap the associated financial rewards.

  13. 10 hours ago, bolt said:

    when you reach the end of the application, you submitt it online, and then it gets approved or rejected.

    Please provide a screenshot of the page where you think you submit it online.  I haven't completed one for a while (so maybe an older version) but at that time you confirmed the details you entered and the form was generated immediately.  No approval or rejection stage in the process.


    This seems to be the same on the app (which this thread has mostly been discussing) and the website.

  14. 12 hours ago, Pib said:

    But where "every" product manufactured is put in a room to burn-in for a few days to further check for any hardware problems/infant mortality failure that would require additional time, facilities, equipment, and manpower which means higher costs.   And that higher costs would probably not identify a significant quantity of defective material to justify the cost based on statistical data.

    I can assure you that there were PC manufacturers who did exactly this as I worked in the industry.  Whether the current Chinese manufacturers such as Lenovo do I can't say, but some of their Western predecessors certainly did when reliability was perhaps prized more.

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