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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Twice what a regular ride would cost is certainly an attempt at price gouging, the same as it would be if a UK or Canadian cabbie doubled his price for no reason. The fact one is more or less value than the other doesn't change that.
  2. In this video it looks like he did the Sandbox in Phuket and travelled from there to Samui. His final Sandbox test doubled up as his entry to Samui test and was not done at the airport. Results were obtained the next day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP-1fDTgbcM
  3. I've posted a screenshot on here in the past. I (and Google) can't find it easily now, but here's another one from earlier this year.
  4. It depends on where else you've been in the 21 days before travelling. If Thailand, UK then Thiland then yes, you're OK to use Test and Go.
  5. You need to read the thread to find the solution. Doing nothing will get you the same result next month.
  6. What did they say when you told them of the problem with their equipment?
  7. It doesn't matter for this requirement, but the long term stay option with Wise is no longer showing as a foreign transfer in Bangkok Bank accounts, and never did in other banks. There's a long thread on recent changes.
  8. I don't see the deal I described on there. I was using the app and it appears to be available for all the phone companies there.
  9. I was editing my post as you typed. You can save yourself a walk and a couple of baht on Lazada.
  10. One month. If you have a Boontherm machine outside your local 711 or wherever you can pay 12 baht for 10 baht credit and one month extension, or I saw something on Lazada the other day that offered the same for 11 baht. First time I'd seen it and didn't note details. Bangkok Bank allows 20 baht top ups with no charge and a month's extension for each. Correction: Lazada appears to have no additional fee for 10 baht top up
  11. IATA have requested governments, airlines, laboratories and travellers to contribute and if the respective governments and labs do, then the app may pull together the two separate jabs and give a solution - just thinking out loud as I don't know their intentions, but an international system would be the most likely option to do what the OP requires. If it does become a standard then I'm sure it could be used internally as well as across borders. Access codes are available on line, or I gave a couple on here a few weeks ago, if the OP searches in my posts and wants to have a look.
  12. Because Liverpool Lou can't use the MultiQuote function? ????
  13. I've just received a message from Grab asking me to verify my identity if I want to use GrabPay Wallet. It's part of the Know Your Customer requirements and is required by law according to the message. Could this be a reason for the OP's situation?
  14. Try the IATA travel pass app. It sounds like this is something it should be doing.
  15. VerificaC19 is a pretty basic app that gives a go/nogo signal. If you use for example Covid Tracker Ireland or SpTH (Spanish) it will generate an EU Digital Covid Certificate. There's no way the EU QR codes will mean anything to a Thai app, but the DCC would be more convincing than the VerificaC19 output screen if trying to get something recorded here officially.
  16. You don't mention a specific account, but for a basic savings account yes they can do it as it's what was signed up to. This is the specific bit in their provisions: And the full text can be found here: https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Save-And-Invest/Save/-/media/a56fdf080891431fa576b96d4d16d081.ashx
  17. Perhaps you're living a bit back in time too. My BBL account gives me free ATM withdrawals in other provinces.
  18. You might want to ask a mod to move this to the farming section if it doesn't get much joy here. https://aseannow.com/forum/104-farming-in-thailand-forum/
  19. If the person you communicate with does not know the procedure for tagging a receiving account ask them to pass the request on to someone who does.
  20. Page has just been updated, but not much more information than most probably already new . https://tp.consular.go.th/ COE pages updated too.
  21. They're only flying the LHR route once or twice a week. The indirect ones are probably on the off days.
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