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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. The hardest part is to obtain ones first passport. Thereafter it's just a case of a renewal. A far easier prosses. So get a Thai passport ASAP.
  2. Try this web site. https://windowcleaningforums.co.uk/topic/23147-whats-the-best-upvc-cleaner-for-window-frames/
  3. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/upvc-hg-500-i2587589469-s9207002589.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:12654756915!117524295342!!!pla-294682000766!c!294682000766!9207002589!320655438&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1ouKBhC5ARIsAHXNMI_maM1BaqfBeRninBTVl5XTL2C0BGvMWL_x-Kha2BzK-rdHBu2sIwwaAm1BEALw_wcB
  4. It really is the other way around. Women want financial security long term. Looks and age do not matter. Suvival is rule one.
  5. Thai ID cards are only compulsory from the age of 7. Before that, not needed.
  6. So they can't get picked up by speed cameras but able to show at a police check point. I would assume.
  7. Google is your friend. https://map.longdo.com/p/A10050200?locale=en
  8. Both Denmark and Thailand are signatories to the Hague convention. The Hague Convention is clear on where the boy should be raised, Thailand.
  9. The Hague Convention rules. Ship him back to his real family.
  10. I reckon the Danes know what they're doing and all channels of the boys case have been legally scrutanised.
  11. So in your opinion and 'bbythai' the person was tortured to get into Surin? That never happened and was never indicated.
  12. Doh. The link never mensions '3rd degree'. You made up that quote. If you're gonna quote something then please do it as it is written and not something that is floating about inside your head.
  13. Have mine in the fridge for the last 3 days. No probs. https://kratomspot.com/storing-your-kratom-dos-and-donts/
  14. No problems entering Buriram when I went tuther week. No problems entering Korat yesterday also.
  15. Up til now 3 times. I felt nothing. First time I had it as a tea. Second 2 times I chewed it. It's very bitter to chew but not enough to put me off.
  16. 350 Baht for 15 cm sapling online. So my wife tells me. “THE BEST TIME TO PLANT A TREE WAS 20 YEARS AGO. THE SECOND BEST TIME IS NOW.” – CHINESE PROVERB
  17. Aparently canabis oils etc do not work for everyone. I seem to be the odd one out. Same seems to apply to Kratom as that didn't work also. May be it's all down to having ginger genes along with the hair.?
  18. I got mine at my local government hospital. I just went in and said I was getting this and that syptoms and the doctor never questioned it. One problem being that I asked for CBD and he prescribed me THC. Irrespective being as that didn't seem to work. Not in CR but there must be in most places.
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