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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. The police are well paid if they did/do their jobs. The police receive 95% of any fine that they issue. The remaining 5% goes to the Department of Land Transport. The 95% received by the police is pooled with other officers that work back at the station. But being lazy barstools it pays them to take a bribe and split it with no one.
  2. Didn't do anything for me. I was expecting something to happen but it didn't.
  3. If you are saying THC is not legally available in Thailand then I have to disagree. You can get it on prescription from a government hospital. I did.
  4. I live about the same distance from Bkk as you do. Just do as I told you in post dated Oct 16 and save yourself some money.
  5. I know we're talking 'Australia' but I don't see the legal side of Oz much different to the UKs. And for the UK they accept the difficulties in providing the correct information, logistically and personally due to living in Thailand. So I just get a local policeman friend to write down job title, rank , police number and then stamp it with his station stamp. Never a problem. Give it a go. Cost 2 beers I did a similar thing for my 3 children's UK passport. For them I just got a farang friend to sign the applications form and job done.
  6. Chew it raw that's how men do it. My missus makes it as tea now and again. It has a very bitter taste and you have to be a bit of a Bear Grylls to consume it. But once you get used to it.....................................
  7. Absolutely correct. And we all know that fear is the best known laxative known to man.
  8. If I'm being attacked by a dog(s) the last thing I'm going to be worried about is whether hurting them, before they hurt me, is illegal or not.
  9. Get a 'cattle prod'. Available on Lazada. About 1500 Baht. Others available on http://thai.farmates.com/products-p9.html
  10. Something that may surprise many on reading this. I assume in the USA as it's from a Chicago report. In fact the first person to ever receive a face transplant after being savaged by a dog was a French woman and the dog was her own Labrador.
  11. Go to your local government hospital and a doctor will prescribe it. That's what I did.
  12. Thai Buddhists aren't supposed to kill an animal unless it's for food. And eating dog meat is now banned in Thailand.
  13. I got burgled before I had a chance I to put in window grills. Someone broke in and stole my safe, keeping this short, and it was found 60K+ away in a field. No damage to the door etc as you'd probably expect. They accessed by peeling open the back. Very professional job.
  14. They will have if it was a government one that they are not registered at.
  15. In a way it has. Since the scheme expired the price to see a doctor at a government hospital has risen to 50 for a farang. My missus says there is no difference between the 2 books other than the colour. You can't fool a Thai woman.
  16. Requirements of what departments want varies great in Thailand. Always has done and nothing changes. If you live out in the sticks, as I do, the chances of getting knowledgeable assistance is a rarity. All workers at the Amphur pay for their job position and therefore service is what you'd expect.
  17. If I recall correctly you are absolutely correct. A farang after paying for a medical, including a chest xray, were given the right to the same pricing as Thai.
  18. I got it for one reason and one reason only. And that was to obtain the free farang medical scheme. Getting the Yellow Book was top priority to joining that scheme. I've never used it otherwise. Cost to me to obtain it was around 4,000 Baht. Life In Thailand will go on with or without the Yellow Book.
  19. I think you are referring to having the translation confirmed by the MoFA.
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