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  1. Why did he stop comsuming himself after the nipple? Keep going my friend and soon you may meet the real devil.
  2. A Malysian Airline full flex Ticket BKK - KUL. will set you back around 4900 Baht. You get the full amount back after canellation. Cost you nothing but does the trick.
  3. There is a downstairs in Mike Shopping? I guess I have to have a look down there.....
  4. Maybe next time you try to park it next to the entrance, or even better take your bike up with the lift to the floor you want to go. Private property, there should be no problem with police. Try it and then come back and tell us what happen.
  5. If you want, you can still buy a t'shirt with the picture of Mao Zedong on Amazon and other places. That's another mass murderer. Funny that nobody has any problem with that. Or you could get a Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge T'shirt. You want a t'shirt with hammer and sicle, no problem, even it stands for Soviet massmurder. You want a t'shirt of Stalin, no problem. You geht them everywhere. Nobody would be asking the question "are you offended by..." I do have the impression that mostly leftists and communists are offended. But because all other massmurderer and signs of them are from extreme leftists and communists, they will not be offended by there own.
  6. PAYG is cheaper then getting the bill later, and you get to try the newest model whenever you want.
  7. All luggage is screened. Hidden bags detected and found suspicious. Taken out and drugs found. No conspiracy theories needed.
  8. You must have missed the Tip from Lek: Oiiii Papa, you go buy Wave. More easy to pick up for you.
  9. You could have saved 500 Baht.... https://mikepattayataxi.com/rate-of-service/
  10. I got the same. Did think they may not be fully ready.
  11. That facebook post has a link to the website from the Bus Company ( https://tcl99web.transport.co.th/Home ) No online payment. You get a "tiket with a reservation No." then have to pay at the Busstation or 7/11. If you want to go from Suvarnabhumi to Pattaya, you select from Bangkok (then BKK Station) to Chonburi (then Pattaya Station). I guess thats Pattaya North Bus Station. Better and easier to use the Busservice to Jomtien.
  12. So, Russia will retreat, as soon as Ukraine has no Army anymore. They will give back all parts they already occupied. That would include Crimea I guess? Thats as convincing as the promise to respect Ukrainian borders if they give back all atomic weapons. That worked well, didn't it?
  13. Am I the only one who got misslead by the title?
  14. I did not want to sound rude. I did, I have only to blame myself for it. Thank you for your extended answer. It was not my intention to sound rude or even insult you. I should have formulated my question more carefully. I apologize.
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