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Everything posted by CHdiver

  1. I will spill the beans to you: it's the whores. Or a little more nice, the Bargirls.....
  2. and then there is I, thinking he could have done better 555
  3. Citroen 2CV in red with double headlights (pic from Internet, my one was fully red). Removed the back seats and put pillows in. Great to "test the suspension" in summer nights with open open roof. Had it for 4 years. Never a problem with very minimal maintenance. It was the fastest car on the road too, allways in front of the other cars 😎
  4. Written like a true Forensic Investigator ........ 😎
  5. You would not mind giving us a link or two? I just ask, because I can't find what you tell us.
  6. That daily training with 40 Ladydrinks did finally pay out. She's still standing 😁
  7. Directed by a man called Smallbone, what did you expect?
  8. Next time she should drive a car. No hoking needed, just run him over. That would teach him a lesson.
  9. I use it too on a regular base. However, I am not sure about the health benefits. As with many other spices, they never tell how much you need to take to get the clamed health benefits. So, I just take it with a grain of salt (pun intended).
  10. Got short changed more then once, double scanned items too at 7/11 or Family Markets. Once even at Tops in Central. On the other hand I got pointed out 2 for one items after I put only one into my basked. As everywhere, there are good and bad apples.
  11. You missed your chance there. She wanted you to come back and clame the lip balm and ask her out for a date. You silly buffalo 😎
  12. First, it's nothing new. Happen all the time. But to label it a scam is totally wrong. It's theft, pickpocket or however you want to call it, but not a scam. But maybe the good Indian will later scam his Insurance, because his "gold necklage" was fake? Who knows.
  13. Is there a "best off" available, I don't want to waist 48 minutes of my life to listen to all this dribble. I ask because in the first two minutes he already said "it may sound stupid" two times. Yes it does. Thats the reason I just want to see the highlights.
  14. As soon as the next delivery of tissue paper arrives at the police head quater, they will investigate new cases.
  15. Stop with this nonsense! There is no benefit in underfilling a tank. Because as a diver you will do a buddy check. Part of it is check the tank pressure. So, even before you dive, you know how much air is in your tank. You do not dive with a tank that has not enough pressure in it. Actually you check the tank pressure before you even put your BCD on. You open the tank valve, then check the pressure and take a breath from the tank. As I said, there is no benefit for a dive shop to not fill a tank properly. Nobody will start a dive with a halve empty tank. Now go to your drink buddys in the Bar and check that you don't get a halve full beer bottle. Thats more in line with your knowledge and to sell you a halve empty bottle would probalby benefit the Bar.
  16. The equivalent to flat earther. Both stupid to the core. Why they not go and fight alongside with Hamas is something I will never understand. I think that would solve the problem, at least for us.
  17. Every time. I like to have a relaxed day around the pool of the Novotel, then have a leisurely stroll to the Check In.
  18. Many moons ago, best Food court was in Royal Garden. Top floor with a terrace overlooking Pattaya Bay. I went one time to Central Festival Food Court shortly after they opend. At the pizza station I did see a cockroach crawling over the pizza. Turned around and have never set a foot into the food court there. I am not a big fan of eating in a underground place anyway.
  19. Maybe Newsom could organise some marshmallows for the poor people. If they loose there homes, at least they have something to eat. Rainbow colored of course, so they know who is looking so well after them.
  20. Harris had 3 time the money and lost big time. I guess there have been some very big spender similiar to Musk on her side. Pitty they could not "buy" the election. Betting on a duds. Outrage in Germany comes from the left press and propaganda machinery. Musk has a lot of money invested in Germany and has every right to give his opinion about the election. Now lets have a look what Ralf Stegner did. He is a Member of the German Bundestag for the SPD (Socialist Party). He is part of the left wing of the SPD. He actively went to the US, going from home to home to support Clinton. Now that is totally ok for the left, he even bragged about it on social media. Another typical story from the left side. It also does not surprise that the German Office for Foreign Affairs made jokes about Trump and openly supported Harris. Btw. Minister of that department is Annalena Baerbock, green Party and leftist to the bone. Not sure if you need more exaples about the double moral of the green / left and communists.
  21. How dare you! Half of the western world was following a Girl with autism and had no problem with her lack of control.
  22. As a father, you just need a gun to solve this problem (and some balls).
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