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Everything posted by CHdiver

  1. Things you do to safe on your tax bill.
  2. Did she made a point about the new Guy has to pay for a new set of Silicone Tits as the one she has now may soon have to be replaced......
  3. Biden will have all forgotten by tomorrow. Of course, if they don't change the text on the teleprompter he will repeat it again.
  4. Thats the night I can go out and get laid. Because everybody looks as scary as I do.
  5. That just shows he is a great Business Man, the right person to be president. Btw. what about Harris getting a salary for 3.5 years impersonating as Vice President, without doing very much?
  6. I am sure this young Girls did just visit there Grandmothers working as Bargirls in the Bar. We are talking here about Hua Hin. Hardly any Bar has Girls below 30 (or 40). So everything below that age would stick out like a light house. A Bar Owner who would have underaged Girls really has to be stupid. Btw. there is an Official App Barowners can check validity of ID Cards. No excuse to fall for a false ID Card anymore.
  7. I would not put my little toe in a pool with a pool bar. Perfect place for day drinker. They can drink all day and do not have to get up to pee. Nobody will notice as long as they not shart...... 💩
  8. then I will be worried about you Jingthing. I hope you have somebody looking after you in the critical hours of the election.
  9. Somebody should tell him that he does not have to marry just to get laid.
  10. If I did understand her correctly in that youtube video, she is saving the world climate change one flight at the time. Or did she sail from New Zealand to the Windsor Palace? One more that is talking water and drinking wine.
  11. Am I the only one who expected something different after not reading the title properly? Bombshell, office, turns head......
  12. Well the answer to Harris voters you find in this headline: Aktivist mistakes Greek Flag for Israel Flag
  13. Yes, after the US was shooting Rockets into Mexico for a long time, I am sure they intend to attack Mexico....... ohhh wait, it was the Hezbollah doing it to Israel, not the US to Mexico, sorry for messing up. So yes, weapons hidden in tunnels near to the Israel Border are most probably intended to use agains Israel. They are one of the Terrorist Organizations who want to eliminate Israel.
  14. Just before Mash, very easy to find. 😎
  15. As soon as "boarding completed" is anounced you can try to change. Either by just moving and then ask them if its ok, or asking first and then move (but then maybe somebody else was faster). Exeptions may be emergency exit rows.
  16. If you take a Taxi, I recommend this company: Cheap Taxi to Hua Hin Trustworthy, I used them 5 times now without problems.
  17. Fun fact: in my home country Puff is slang for Bordell. nomen est omen
  18. You are not very good at prediction. I guess you "predict" Kamala to be the next POTUS too. Don't or she will loose.
  19. Thais paid my deposit back every time without delay. Unfortunately I rentet 2 time from fellow Farangs. With both I had to put pressure on them, till I finally got my money back.
  20. Exactly, recent research has shown that the fertility rate is much higher when Gay Couples are not married 🤔
  21. Not with a plane accident. That would end in a lot of additional death. Just no space (and time in most cases) to move them into the front.
  22. Cotton is not good for hot climate. If you sweat, it will stick to your body and will take a long time to dry again. I changed all tshirts I use in Thailand to tech material ones or at least a mix from cotton with tech material. Be aware that they may start to stink if you don't wash them after you use them. Or hang them into the sun to completely dry out, then put them into the laundry bag.
  23. We are innoccent officer, that was just part of our role play.
  24. As a father you should know what to do if no justice is served. I guess Thailand would not extradict one of her own citicen.
  25. There is one (or maybe two) threads about the war between Russia and the Ukraine but somehow it needs hundrets of fxxxing threads about the US election clogging up half of the forum. It would be great if the Mods could restrict this topic and close some of this endless mimimi Harris mimimi Trump stuff. Thank you.
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