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Everything posted by CHdiver

  1. Interesting, because the UK was never part of Schengen.
  2. Being the black sheep of the family. Let's see in a month or two if he/she actually left. Same as all the actors who wanted to leave for Canada. Wokewood is still not there but at the same place it was.
  3. I guess for there turn at the job center? She will do anything to not miss out on unemployment benefits.....
  4. She may be busy applying for a Job with McDonalds. Who else wants to employ a looser like her?
  5. Could a Moderator please get ready to change the title of this thread? My suggestion would be "Looser Kamala Harris" or "not the President Kamala Harris".
  6. Well I think most people like this kind of stuff, started many years ago:
  7. But do you want to be in a Airbnb Building filled with short time guests? There are many complains out on social media about a lot of noise from this kind of guests, mostly Chinese with no manner. OP wants to stay up to a year, he will go crazy from the short time guests around him.
  8. Take it up with Bolt, I think there is a report function in the app somewhere.
  9. I actually like the new Terminal. No problems arriving or departing. Fast and easy. Must be because I am used to the Heidi Train in ZRH Airport. Similiar to the jodeling on the ZRH Train, they could implement some typical Thai noice like: you want massage mista, hello sexy man, you want tuk tuk and so on...
  10. Just don't fart after or you may blow bubbles.
  11. Soon in another topic: Chiang Mai Film Director arrested by Police for stealing womans underwear.....
  12. Because in the West a 13 year old Girl looks now like she already is 18 or even more. At least as long as she has all the warpaint on. Maybe not in the countryside, but in the cities it's more and more the case. Many tourists now come with that mindset to Thailand and see underaged Girls in all the Bars. Of course there are some Bars in the Tourist trade having underaged Girls. But not many, risk is high and usually not worth it. My impression was, when I had a look at some bars, that the same Girls from 10 or more years ago are still working the Bars or even Gogo's. The amount of porky MILFS/GILFS working is unbeleivable.
  13. Fun fact: 0.010% of Germans have the surname Deutsch. 0.003% have the surname Land. So if Herr Deutsch marries Frau Land, she could have the double Name Frau Deutsch-Land.
  14. Sentence for life does not mean much in Sweden. If she keeps on putting her make on every day and batting her eyelashes she will be out after some years. She would only have to be worried when she gets sent home to Thailand to finish her sentence. Now that would be not as nice as the Prisonhotels in Sweden.
  15. They just rule as long as they get the permission from Air traffic control. As soon as you do your own thing as a pilot and do what you want, you will get in deep dodo. May even end up with some Military Jets help you along. Also declaring a false mayday will again get you into trouble. Of course having nearly no fuel left will be an emergency, but only if sertain limits are reached. Do stupid things as a Pilot and you loose your licence faster then you can say but but but I rule the sky... 🤣
  16. You get Hotels in that price range too in Jomtien. Not sure about street food, but as long as you are not more specific your comparsion is rather useless. That said, I guess nobody really cares if you do not visit Jomtien. Already to many people around.
  17. That is probably because they can not get laid back home, even when they chase the fat Girls. Now they are happy that they get laid, does not matter how she looks. Sad world really.
  18. Most probably the Restaurant owner has had a vacation to Italy and found out about coperto. Then he thought, hey when they do it in Italy, I can do it in Thailand as well.
  19. As long as the OP does not tell us if he is pissing the bed or sweating like crazy, we can't give any advice. However, if it is sweating, it may be a health problem. Stop drinking however will most probably help in both cases.
  20. Funny that such argument was avoided by the Dems as long as Biden was stubling for President. Must be that they have been afraid to get the word out about this problem. That was till the Dems could not hide it any longer. Now they think everybody nearing 80 has to be the same. No it does not. For the rest, of course Harris is the helper. She is nearly as perfect as Biden was to get Trump to win. A true number 2.
  21. Ad Blocker could be a problem. I had one that restricted links, for example I searched for a product and then could not open the link to the company selling it. Even after trying to whitelist that site. I deleted it and switched to a different one (adblock plus). No problem anymore till now. Another one is the browser extension from malware byte witch my give some unwanted problems. Deleted that one as well.
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