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Everything posted by CHdiver

  1. Samsung 25 is a good phone. Compared with the 15, you get a better Processor, more Ram, better screen. If you want a eSim in the future, you may have a look at the A35. But I would not go less then the A25. Not worth to safe a little and be disapointed down the line. 15/25 both are not watertight (no ip rating), that will start with the A35. Just in case you like watersport Songkran.
  2. No problem, just point some ships with the aft towards the sea, give full throttle and push the water back. Not my idea, that was the idea of some high up Thai politician during the last big flood. Thai magic, it will work.
  3. Yes, they did. Because Merkel is not in power anymore. Germans voted again, this time left. Thats the reason they have a left/green government (with a little addition of FDP). Merkel was, in the end, a disgrace for Germany. No wonder she completely disapeared from public. As a voter in Germany, the only way (at the moment) to stop this mess is to vote AFD or maybe BSW. If you vote CDU/CSU you will get a mixed Government with green or left again. Green/left does nothing but push illegal immigration (by doing nothing) and stopping every atempt of getting it under control. CDU/CSU should put a foot down and go into the next election by clearly stating how they will stop illegal immigration and by the promise not to build a coalition with SPD or the green party.
  4. Did you got struck by lightning?
  5. Vladimir forgot to tell that in Russia you can only be comrade No1 if you do not fall out of a window, are not poisoned, your plane has no accident and you have deep roots with the KGB and the Oligarchs. That way your Russian dream career from Zero (Taxidriver) to Hero (Comrade No1 and billionaire) will happen.
  6. 25 year old Syrian Refugee, IS claimes the assasination. Keep dreaming in your left cloud.
  7. Keep the tenant and sell the land. No reason anymore to drive by the building several times a day. 😎
  8. Did you not look for a Cat 8 Lan cable in another thread? You will get them on Amazon.
  9. Germans: refugees welcome. Refugees: Germans not welcome. German voters wanted it this way, so I do not see any problem.....
  10. As he did not speak up about it, and he knew that his campaign manager was lying, then he agreed with it. Simple as that.
  11. BYD is not the only one who is capable of doing it. Maybe your brother would like to read up on it here: https://www.cnet.com/home/electric-vehicles/bidirectional-charging-and-evs-how-does-it-work-and-which-cars-have-it/
  12. You either did drunk reading or you are a fan boy with selective reading abilities........ Imho it's not a problem anymore that he was driving drunk, but it's a problem that he was lying about it.
  13. I am sure a tattoo of Biden on Pelosis Bottom would look great. If she wants, she can then walk up to Mount Rushmore and expose her backside to all Dems. I think that would be very exiting.
  14. I am all for Harris, she is soooo funny .......... and woke. A pitty I can't vote for her. https://x.com/JoeyMannarinoUS/status/1820543130682499572
  15. Unemployment rate is rising, Stock exchange is falling. Both go in the wrong direction. How is Harris doing now, she was a big fan of the Biden economics till now. I think just being "brat" is now not good enough.
  16. Not the best day today at the Olympics for Biles. Looks like she better waits a little with her suport for Harris and concentrates on stuff she is in Paris for.
  17. I would anounce a BOTY (Bot of the year) election. I am sure we would have some candidates eager to win. Btw. every Harris Supporter has to be a Russian/Chinese/Hamas Bot. Harris stands for a weak USA.
  18. How is this Pattaya related? You don't have to watch porn in this City. You can enjoy the real deal, even with home delivery. Maybe a mod could move it to a more apropriate Forum?
  19. There are food groups on facebook where you can post your review without a problem.
  20. It's actually a civil matter. Has nothing to do with police. Police is not a bill collector. You lend somebody money , he pays not back. Usually if you lend money, you will draw a contract, there it's stipulated what happen with the money is not paid back. Now if you do not have a contract you will learn to make one next time.
  21. Sorry, that was meant if you brake (nothing to do with tyre that will break apart) typo on my side, sorry. So, an All Season will mostly have a longer braking distance.
  22. Interesting btw, it's always men who think they are woman (or with messed up genetics) who want to compete gainst woman. I can't remember it being the other way around. Now you have to ask yourself why.
  23. They should have special Olympic Games for LGBTQ+. Sports like cotton ball pitching or Handbag fencing could prove very popular in future.
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