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Everything posted by CHdiver

  1. Are this the same who like to line up behind Hamas? So people with no brain do support Harris. Chicken for KFC, Queers for Palestine and LGBTQ+ for Harris.
  2. They could have elected Bidens Dog instead of Kamala. Same outcome for the Dems, as long as it is not Trump.
  3. Stumbled over this video and somehow it reminded me about the new happy Candidate of the Dems.
  4. Summer Tyre are better in rain and the hot weather in Thailand. All Seasons will not perform well with breaking and wear down faster. They are made of softer rubber to perform in colder weather too. Just read some tests then you know.
  5. I have to disapoint you. By now it's clear that the money has not to be in a Thai Account. Now I just have to find a cooking school that will teach me. I am a slow learner, so I will need probably a year to learn how to make Somtam 😁. But I am ok with that.
  6. Some come up thrue the drains. First I used spray then the Cockroach Hotels. I still got them so I started to put boiling hot water (hot water maker with 2 ltr.) down the drains. All drains inkl. Shower and the ones on the floor. Repeated that every week. All gone.
  7. WTF! Last time "my family" decided over my life I was a child. You have to ask yourself who is in charge of the US. Clearly its not Biden. His "family" is. This old fart, together with his "family" (did you vote for the "family" 4 years ago?) has to step down now. He clearly is not capable to even lead his own life. He endangers the US and the rest of the World. Wake up, at the moment you have a "cared for" President.
  8. If you want be on the safe side, get yourself an International Driver licence from your local "Strassenverkehrsamt" or TCS if you are a member there. At least my credit card sized licence has no english translation on it. However its 15 years old by now, maybe that changed. They want to see an english translation in Thailand. The International Driver licence will take care ot that. Additionally you can drive legally in Thailand with in for some month.
  9. You are probably the first calling Warren Buffett a Communist. He owns 10% of Byd.
  10. He needs every positive news he can get at the moment. So, well done Joe.
  11. If Trans "Girls" and "Woman" have such an urge to fight against woman, why happens not the same with Trans "Boys" and "Men"? You never read about them getting upset because they can not compete with real men. At least I never heard or read about it. They would have no chance, so they do not compete with men. Only reason this cotton ball throwers want to compete agains woman is because they will win easy without much effort. The US needs a clean up.
  12. Hilarious what the US Press was reporting first. A prime example of how the left Press works. Imagine the same would have happen to Biden. Would they report about a popping sound or that he falls on stage? CNN: "Trump injured in INCIDENT at PY rally" CNN: "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he FALLS at rally" MSNBC: "Secret Service: D. Trump safe after POPPING SOUNDS heard at rally" USA Today: "Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises STARTLES former president,
  13. So she goes into the shop, then is not happy with the price quoted, wants a cheaper price and starts to argue when she does not get it. I am sure it's not the only Tailor Shop around. So why not stop being a bitch and leave the shop and go to the next? It's not an excuse for what the Tailor did, but that question has to be asked imho.
  14. Why do so many people think the wife of a President (or ex President) will be capable to do his job. Just because they hover around him and are well known in public does not qualify a Person. Did you ever hear of a big company replacing the CEO with his wife? However, looking at the state actual POTUS is in, I guess every person could be President, because the one you have now is for sure not leading. He is only a Mupped for the guys in the background.
  15. With the bad state the roads in Pattaya are, I would advice to host a WRC event (World Rally Championship). But even then, I am not sure if the cars would survive the condition the roads are in.
  16. Riviera Jomtien allows small dogs, I think up to around 7kg. However, you have to put them in a basket on the way from your condo to the street. I guess this rule is applied to other Riviera Condo's too.
  17. Pattaya International Dr. Waraporn Klanwarin. Cheaper as BPH and she is good.
  18. Typical German TV, they could report about the nearly daily knife attacs by "Asylum seekers", but that would not fit in with the leftist Management of the TV. Much better to have a story about the Sextrade. That will distract the viewer from the real problems in Germany.
  19. He is a lucky Guy. My sexual partners go missing too ..... and I am not even dead now.
  20. I ask myself how long till the left activists start to build a new Auschwitz? It starts to look like 1936 again. Just this time from the left side. I could vomit.
  21. Come on, get real, who would play along with this scene. I call bull<deleted>. If some stranger would put one of his legs between my legs, I would not loose my watch. But I am sure he would loose a tooth or two.
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