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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Knowing how to spell the concept is obviously different than the ability to use it. You don't seem to understand the simple concept of staying on topic
  2. You obviously haven't read the full story. Not sure what tailors has to do with the OP
  3. That is a wonky metaphor for the situation. That report is a status report. It is good information to know and follow but it does not indicate a cut in benefits at this point but does point to the need to act on the system before 2033 and they run out of funding.
  4. Not sure what you saw but she wasnt at fault as she had right of way traveling straight and the person turning didnt
  5. Here's the notice that was on the email confirming (which I got in seconds) I had made the purchase but is not the ticket copy just the order copy. Just so everyone can see that it could happen at the worst time and maybe best to buy ahead to avoid that last second surprise. Expect delay in the ticket delivery process! This booking order was made out of our ticket office hours and is queued to be processed as soon as our office is open in the morning (08:00AM GMT+07:00, approximately 5 hours and 10 minutes from now). Thank you for your patience!
  6. That report is a status report done regularly based on current condition and a projection of what would be available in the future should no action be done. Its not locked in currently to cut benefits but may well occur along with other actions to correct the future position. Thats speculation at this point. Pulling singular status statements out of the overall report is helpful (and smart) to monitor the situation moving forward but not completely accurate. Medicare being portable would be nice but irrelevant to the OP topic
  7. Yeah I have no idea why as I never had an issue before and it caught me off guard. Not sure if its a common occurrence or some special issue like site maintenance or what but had I been in line at check-in it certainly would have been inconvenient to say the least
  8. I'm just relaying my experience on the last ticket I order and what happen to me. I needed the confirmation page for my visa application and had to wait about 8 hours. I've gotten them several times immediately as well. I would advise people to not wait and apply while in line checking in but book before so your not caught out at the last minute
  9. I've gotten them in seconds before as well but the last one (recently) I booked was after there office hours and I got a email that it was accepted and the confirmation would be emailed when the office opened again. I didn't get the confirmation until about 8 hours later when there office was open.
  10. Your review of what this study was isnt completely accurate with what the study was or the results it shows. It also was not a huge study with only 604 patients. It also was also not specific to Covid MRNA vaccines and showed similar response in other vaccines. You may want to go back and read it again as it's primarily identifying the action on IgG4 in relation to interaction of treatment drugs for Immunosuppression.
  11. All your comments on future actions are just speculation although well worth paying attention to it.
  12. The only problem with Onward ticket purchases at the check in line is their office needs to be open to get the confirmation. Last time I bought one I had to wait till the following day to get the confirmation so it wouldn't have worked last minute at check in had I been at the counter in the airport.
  13. Its a requirement from Thailand not the airline. They are just enforcing the regs as they can be held responsible for returning passengers not in compliance if they don't check. Having a visa is often accepted but not a guarantee. Also the evisa system in the US has started to ask for a return ticket before processing Tourist Visas on at least some applicants. I got an email on my last Tourist visa recently and had to upload a exit ticket before they would process my visa
  14. Being poor has nothing to do with being lazy, nor does the pic or the article. I like to see you try to live in the conditions the majority of thais live in and see how well you do in life.
  15. Skimmers dont have to only be in the card slot. they can be hand held or even just be walked past you and they can pull info off the cards in your wallet.
  16. Not sure of your country but It would appear so but you need to read the whole DTA to make sure theres nothing else that would change that.
  17. You need to read the DTA to see what it says. I have a US Social Security benefit that I don't pay any tax on but I'm exempt per the DTA from taxes in Thailand and elsewhere
  18. Thats correct and deserved at least a mention to refer back to your prospective country for the specific details on DTA. The DTA's make the panic about this taxing issue almost unnecessary in most instances.
  19. I would just get a tourist visa for the first 60 days and then do an extension for another 30 days. Far easier that way than doing a visa exempt and border bounce. Then you could do a bounce if you wanted to visit another country or get more time.
  20. Is it actually complete? It's a very good explanation of the Thai tax law but that only addresses 1 side of the tax equation. It doesn't address the dual tax treaties between countries that exclude certain moneys that are exempt from being taxed by Thailand
  21. Your thinking is slightly flawed. People living in cars or homeless generally have multiple issues going on that landed them in that situation. Its not always about money or the cost of rent that started the ball rolling down the wrong hill. If you're in that life situation with multiple mental or physical issues, living abroad is the last thing they are thinkng about.
  22. Well your the one that posted, so don't post if you don't want comments. As for the quality of comments, seems your fitting in perfectly with getting butt hurt when people tell you the truth. Welcome to the forum
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