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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Not so much any specific nationality have immunity (except hi so) but its more a lack of police actions and lack of judicial presence and prosecution in general. No action in either if those areas has gone on for generations and is accepted at all levels, except to the victims of the crimes. Doesn't matter if its murder, domestic violence, physical attacks, traffic violations, drugs, gambling you name it. It makes the headlines only if they want to give the impression they are doing something. This story will fade away to never be heard again as the next story comes along.
  2. Do a web search and you'll find lots of info on this and other data stripping and sharing features from your trusted sites, not just issues with browsers
  3. Anti tracking is different than capturing your history from websites that ask you to verify you are not a robot. As soon as you click the confirmation button your not a robot it pulls your recent activity
  4. The speaker issue is easily disabled in the settings but thats the least of your worries. Every use of a browser stores your info and sells it or shares it. Also the newer trend even on your trusted sites ask to verify your not a robot and as as soon as you click it they download your recent web activity and again share or sell it
  5. Its common in most western countries to have fire exit doors magnetically locked to prevent use from the outside. When the fire alarm activates the magnetic locks disengage as part of the safety system
  6. Again you try to deflect your petty existence onto others so you don't seem so sad. It doesnt work. I don't tend crops or work as we have staff for that. I guarantee you my life is far more intricate and significant that whoring around drunk and making up bs like you in the dreg's of despair. Go check yourself for the latest std and make up some more bs for your next installment
  7. I'll match my life here with your fictional life any day of the week Bob, Any day
  8. Nothing wrong with NST. Close to the best beaches and real women that aren't used up hookers. Have plenty of land, big house, a few ponds and a real life not a fictional one that changes every time you get drunk. I'll give you a rest now so you can think up your next installment of life and times of a narcissistic drunk
  9. Nope relaxing rent free on our farm in NST bob. Yeah condo bob, that little one you live in or is it an apartment. I can't keep your stories straight but your postman boyfriend knows where its at
  10. Oh now your condo has its own pool bob? Don't you mean bathtub bob. So now you wanna see who's dick is bigger? It really passes you off that I call you out on your bs posts doesn't it?
  11. I'm completely happy in my life bob so you trying to deflect your pathetic life style onto me or others doesn't work.
  12. You mean stop spreading the truth. Its a public open forum so don't post bs and you won't get comments telling you you are full of bs
  13. Not trying to be important Bob, just calling you a full on bs artist that can't keep your stories straight. You are NOTHING to envy only pity.
  14. More of his bs. He can't even read the caption on the pic
  15. Kinda hard to accidentally fall over the retaining wall and rails.
  16. Easy enough to test everyones hands for powder residue and know who shot the gun oh wait this is Thailand never mind
  17. Use an acid based stain as they are far more durable and penetrate better. There are a number of brands available. Test a small area to get the color mix your after as you cant take it off once your done
  18. Bob you were never a "big cheese" and will never be one. You have changed your stories so many times its pathetic and you should be ashamed to even post your bs as no one believes any of it and you can't even keep it straight yourself. Your narcissisic behavior gives you away and its very sad that you don't seek some professional help
  19. Your can use a concrete stain and change the color.
  20. Send it via western union and he can pick it up at many locations without any need for a bank account. Send him a weeks worth at a time
  21. probably havent done it because you cant hear the conversation on the street from your bar stool and your too drunk to walk that far anyway. Doubt the premise of your involvment in a situation like this to start with.
  22. I believe he referring to using an agent to circumvent not having the money in the bank requirement which is not actually legal but done regularly and can cause issues later if you choose to go away from using an agent for future extensions. There are agents that handle the process and are paid to basically hold your hand and process your paperwork for you. using your money in the bank
  23. Nope I have a real life outside of AN unlike you. Feel bad for yourself bob I'm doing great.
  24. Not as much as you Bob. At least I have a real life not a fictional one like you
  25. Sure do enjoy calling out bs from Bob. Truth isn't negative except to the liars. Are you in that group?
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