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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. That tax consultant is wrong in his reading it. Read your country's DTA for yourself as most all exclude govt pensions from taxation outside the issuing country.
  2. Also like the weed deregulation. Deregulate it for medical use but opps forgot to write the laws for controling non medical use. TIT
  3. If you come from a country with a DTA then you most likely will have no impact as most countries with a DTA exclude govt pensions from being taxed in other jurisdictions. You should read up on your country's DTA to make yourself knowledgeable. All these articles are slanted in there headlines and presentation to attract readers. Most of this article is on the impact on legality to change the interpretation of tax code, thailand investments overseas and economic impact to Investments and little to do with targeting expats although they will be caught in the potential net in some instances.
  4. You need to be careful with what you ask for as you just might get it. The industry asked to extend the open hours in tourist areas and that's exactly what they got. Hahahaha.
  5. Excellent Thai execution of a policy change. Opps I guess no one thought to ask about alcohol service when discussing extending the hours of operation in entertainment venues
  6. you may want to step back and think. its almost impossible to pick up money without a valid ID and the Transaction code. To have it happen by 2 different companies is even harder. Either someone you know is scamming you or someone has the ID and info for the transactions and know that they were made and by what service. look in your own backyard first. both companies record the pickups so they will have you answer
  7. Maybe you would stand there and do nothing but most normal people would help in some way
  8. Not real accurate what you heard. Thais' often smile in awkward embarrassing situations but thats not the same as laughing and video taping someone drowning and not helping.
  9. You might want to look in the mirror for your projection issues and not try to deflect them onto others
  10. I believe its on the last page. You may want to double check it as I did one about 1.5 months ago and it was there.
  11. ummm no i tend to believe that they were connected to the original complaint. Their story now doesn't match the story they gave about the occurrence when it first happened.
  12. trafficed women are seldom considered housekeepers
  13. yeah you actually did make up your own version but hey if that gets you through your day go for it
  14. Yeah I suspected as much. His only visited 1 week excuse is obviously bs. Sad to see people still paying money to a gofund me account for him without checking up on the story
  15. yeah its always great to not read the story and just make up your own version
  16. I suspect theres a bit more to this story and I'm not buying the story being told
  17. Here's an observation, posting on an open forum gets you comments and replies. Don't like replies, don't post. Pretty simple.
  18. Not sure where you got that idea from as there wasn't any barstool girl involved. Maybe read the full story for details next time
  19. Several years ago before I rewired the house a local the wife knew installed a replacement tankless water heater in the bath while I was away. When I got back I was pleased to see a nice fat ground wire run over the exterior wall to the area the main ground rod was on the other side of the wall. When I checked outside the ground wire was about 1/2 meter short of reaching the rod and just pointed up in the air. I fixed it with a new wire and later when I saw the local I asked him about why he didn't fix it and connect the ground wire. He looked at me kinda puzzled and said "oh Its ok and works fine" I asked him how it could and with a straight serious face he explained it works just like wifi signal thru the air.
  20. Having a search warrant issued by the court is drastically different as criminal charges can come from anything they find when searching for evidence. A home visit by immigration for visa compliance is hardly on the same scale as they are not searching for evidence connected with a warrant or criminal wrongdoing. Why are you so worried about your "rights"? It's been my experience when people are too paranoid about "rights being violated" they generally create situation that makes them appear suspect and Thailand isn't the place to do that
  21. Your trying to be a word smith to walk around what the report actually says to prove your right and it doesnt pan out. A currently produced status report that indicates that IF nothing is done there will be an issue in the future and providing a mathematical calculation to show what the extent of the impact would be IF nothing is done is speculation and nothing more. Will there be a problem should nothing be done, absolutely. Are there any plans to avoid that scenario, absolutely. What will be the final outcome or change as a result to deal with the issue, no idea. Should people pay attention to the situation and plan accordingly to protect yourself ABSOLUTELY. END of STORY and this discussion. Have a great day
  22. "advocates for the introduction of special incentives to stimulate investments in artificial tourist attractions across the nation" This is the only thing she is really interested in. Incentives for her to expand her assets at someone else's expense
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