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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Glad your admitting to being an alcoholic and proud of it.. You weren't too proud a while back when you tried to go sober for a week and loved the fake .mrs smith. Idnt last very long though. Admission is the first step to recovery. The lies will be a bit harder to overcome.
  2. A regular keyboard warrior aren't you Bob. Hiding behind your computer. I bet your rolex gets you plenty of action at that glory hole you frequent doesn't it Bob. Come add that story to your adventures
  3. Thats the best you can do Bob? Your alcoholism has gotten the best of you Bob. They have treatment centers here for that.
  4. Bobs your boy for a reach around. He has a rolex so I'm sure you'll swoon for one from him
  5. I'm not the one that needs help bob you are. They are plenty of options for help for you but its up to you to get it. Deflecting your issues on others doesn't work.
  6. Your looking in a mirror bob and trying to deflect your inadequate behavior to others. Your the one with some mental issues that need to be looked at. I'm doing great and enjoying a real life, not a made up bs one trying to feel important. So sad for you Bob
  7. Calling you out as posting bs stories just to get attention isnt being negative its call truth. Sorry if it hurts your feelings but you post bs to get attention so you get the associated comments on an open forum.
  8. Nope not envious, bitter or jealous in any way. Just calling out a bs poster nothing more or less. Thats what happens on open forums, people post and others reply
  9. Nope I'd rather call his bs out for what it is. Hes not a positive guy he's just a blow hard trying to impress someone to feel important. If you like read trash bs go for. You can take your own advice and move on from my posts if you don't like what I write
  10. Yeah bs are always entertaining to the feeble minded. I guess you may be in that group as well
  11. Entertainment isn't what I would call the full stop bs he spews.
  12. Yep here i am Happy to oblige and point out your nonsense posts for what they are. Do you actually think anyone othe than yourself believes your fictional tales on here?
  13. I've never seen or heard more BS than you spew about your adventures as well as your fake rolex stories. Your boasting is truely on a level of nonsense few achieve here.
  14. Not actually. if the NGO is currently not in compliance or were found not to be a true NGO, then that's the issue which it sounds as if it is. It may be a rule change (doubt it) but even if it is then the NGO isnt compliant and it doesnt matter what past rules were in place, you play the game with rules currently in force. My assertion is your speculating and claiming foul play without any facts other than the NGO is having issues. Contact the NGO and ask them why they are no longer accepted as an NGO for volunteer visa status in Thailand.
  15. Testing for flu is a worthwhile action as the flu mutates so quickly each season its helpful to identify what strains are present currently
  16. I don't understand half of you you posted as its unrelated to voluntary sample collection . The program outline is sample collection to detect virus and pathogens present currently. It has nothing to do with saying someone has a fever and trying to suppress it with guess work. Testing identifies viruses and other potentially harmful pathogens that are present in order to understand what's currently floating around out in the world. Global tramission of dangerous diseases is a real issue with the mobility of people to move around the world in short order. Covid proved how quickly things can spread. The sample collection isn't discussing any treatment plans but collection. I would suggest you go back do more research on what your claiming.
  17. Unfortuneaty their is little protection even with a real estate agent. Contracts are only as good as the person honoring them. If it goes south the foreigner is usually at a disadvantage if you try to pursue it legally. you may win in the end but the journey to make that happen generally isn't worth the effort
  18. I believe if you think about the role of CDC its is to monitor diseases and potential impact. Having a pilot program collecting voluntary samples in an effort to gage current or potential disease transmission and movement is an appropriate action. No need to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole
  19. Thats a difficult limitation to adhere to effectively as quite often the end result can be extremely misleading to the actual context of what's being discussed. This OP is a good example.. Posting partially extracted info from a article can change the intent and provide a very misleading perspective.
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