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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Not sure of your country but It would appear so but you need to read the whole DTA to make sure theres nothing else that would change that.
  2. You need to read the DTA to see what it says. I have a US Social Security benefit that I don't pay any tax on but I'm exempt per the DTA from taxes in Thailand and elsewhere
  3. Thats correct and deserved at least a mention to refer back to your prospective country for the specific details on DTA. The DTA's make the panic about this taxing issue almost unnecessary in most instances.
  4. I would just get a tourist visa for the first 60 days and then do an extension for another 30 days. Far easier that way than doing a visa exempt and border bounce. Then you could do a bounce if you wanted to visit another country or get more time.
  5. Is it actually complete? It's a very good explanation of the Thai tax law but that only addresses 1 side of the tax equation. It doesn't address the dual tax treaties between countries that exclude certain moneys that are exempt from being taxed by Thailand
  6. Your thinking is slightly flawed. People living in cars or homeless generally have multiple issues going on that landed them in that situation. Its not always about money or the cost of rent that started the ball rolling down the wrong hill. If you're in that life situation with multiple mental or physical issues, living abroad is the last thing they are thinkng about.
  7. Well your the one that posted, so don't post if you don't want comments. As for the quality of comments, seems your fitting in perfectly with getting butt hurt when people tell you the truth. Welcome to the forum
  8. Your welcome. Just thought I'd help you since you seem to need it as newbe here.
  9. If you're cooking food yourself at home its exactly the same as in any country and nothing to do with Thailand. You pick the ingredients yourself so you control the health quality of what you eat.
  10. I'd love to see you deal with life if you started in the same place average Thais do with the same life options. Hell you had a huge leg up over them for options and look at the mess you've become
  11. You should have showed her your rolex Bob
  12. Your making moron assumptions that he was or that was referring to hotels in my original comment. Go back and read it again
  13. You seem to feel entitled. You won't last long here acting like that.
  14. He wasn't at a hotel and thais do eat runny eggs regularly. I ask for well done every time I eat eggs at numerous resturants and hotels and never had a problem
  15. Well done would be the proper way to order the eggs as you expected. Thais eat eggs only partially cook regularly. You should already know that and also how to order your eggs if you want them cooked like that. Its pretty simple, even for you Bob.
  16. you have no counter points that weren't addressed, you're just trying to deflect now. not upset at all, unlike you, but you can go.
  17. I think its a variety of factors. Violent video game playing non stop helps to desensitize youths. Same with many action movies with over the top violence.. Lack of strong parenting and supervision (especially in thailand), the approach that every one wins and no one is a loser so you automatically get a participation award. Over emphasis of having to show respect by never questioning authority (especially in Thailand) and mental issue never being acknowledged and addressed (loss of face ) they all contribute their own portion to a ticking time bomb.
  18. Its a reasonable contribution IF you point out the limitations or uselessness of the data which wasn't. Many unknowing people reading that would walk away thinking its far safer than it is and also probably presume the police are on top of crime and problems, which they certainly are not. I pointed out the limitations of what was posted as you put it and it apparently upsets you, but thats on you and the issues you may have with your MIL. Again as you know well or now admit there isn't any data to show real events so asking for it to be posted in this instance is pointless.
  19. Kinda ridiculous to ask me to post something that doesn't exist as is posting faulty data without disclaiming the flaws in what you data. Sorry that I'm pointing out the uselessness of that data, but it is what it is.
  20. It doesn't and that's my point about you posting that data. Its not very accurate since in the case of Thailand its common that the majority of incidence are never recorded or filed so statistics are less than usable.
  21. Your story has nothing to do with lack of respect being shown to Thai's. It shows the exact opposite, nothing more.
  22. They dont count the incidence that are never recorded because the police typically dont file a case and require you to settle it between each other in a large number of occurrences whenever they can?
  23. The wife went to the media last week with a lawyer and a support group and laid it all out. That is the only reason he was charged with anything.
  24. it was only claimed by him to be consensual. Would you expect him to say anything else? Being harrassed and threaten by your high ranking police husband so you cant get help and then reporting it to 6 different police stations and have all of them deny even to look into it as it was considered "domestic issues" is more than enough to show the bias. The only reason charges were brought was the wife went to the media. if you cant see that then your blind. I guess the next step is to blame the victim right?
  25. This was in the news last week. She reported this to 6 different police stations and they all refused to pursue it as it was seen as a "domestic issue". if that's not special treatment not sure what is.
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