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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I love here so I know how quickly the roads dry. The video doesn't appear to show wet roads, barely damp but not wet to my viewing
  2. I'm not sure what "wet road" everyone is referring to. I don't see it anywhere in the close up photos. It looks pretty dry to me but hey what excuse works I guess
  3. Things do happen that we all don't hear about as it's normal life. Posters to this forum don't represent the vast majority of people in thailand whether tourist or expats so the situation posted is a fairly normal occurrence
  4. I have been trying to register off and on for months on their site but the original link I have goes no where and I can't find the workable link to requester. No sure if it's me or then. Anyone have the correct link to registration as a vendor
  5. In thailand its a recommendation on the 6 month not a law. They have the descretion at all times to deny entry for any number of reasons. Airlines action are separate and they have guidance on their IATA system of the regulations of each country they fly to. If they make a decision on their own it may be their own policy which may or may not match the Thai guidance. 2 different issues. As I said before I believe Thailand will only stamp you in for the length of your passport validity. You can't be in country with an expired pp is my understanding of the regulations, regardless of your visa category. We don't seem to agree so that's fine. Have a great day
  6. Airlines follow the country regulations registered with IATA system that shows on their screen at check in. I believe Thailand only recommends 6 months remaining at time if entry but not a law to issue a visa but will only stamp your permission to stay thru your expiry date on your pp
  7. I should have written with more clarity. The visa will be a 12 month visa but that only grants you the ability to enter the country in that category with its restriction. But upon entering the country you are stamped in for on a permission to stay and I believe they will only stamp you until your pp expiry date. If you renew the pp before the expiry they will transfer the stamp (new stamp) to the new pp and extend the date. Again I may be wrong but if memory serves me that what happened to me several years ago in similar situation
  8. I believe they will issue it to match the expiration of his passport if he doesn't get a new pp before and not the full 12 months. I may be incorrect but that's my understanding
  9. Real agents of the govt don't call and collect over the phone. Any app downloaded can skim all data, past and present from the phone including copying key strokes from the future log ins. Make sure you delete the app and clean the phone if any virus that was probably installed. Change pin numbers at the bank but not on that phone. Contact the bank and any credit card apps you have and change those pin numbers too.
  10. Not true. Once admitted they will not discharge for lack of funds as your as payment or insurance is taken care of after the fact in almost all cases
  11. Not just in Thailand but worldwide. More people and business' are looking for efficiencies in banking (and other industries as well) and electronic banking gives you that for the majority of services for your everyday needs.
  12. It's just a plain savings account. It's linked to the card and you can use it for anything you would use an atm for or for in store or on line purchases. You can also transfer in or out and do all the normal banking from the mobile app
  13. I went with the Debit Jad Hai D Visa card. All the same benefits and a cheaper annual fee. Be aware the Krungsri has been closing many branch banks in low volume areas lately. They just closed another one in my town today, leaving only the Mall branch and the atms scattered around the town. They've done that in several areas recently
  14. Many small stores that sell gas stoves also sell parts. Most cities or towns have a couple places like that. Not sure where you are but if you take the good knob with you they should be able to match it. If not contact the mfr.
  15. Everyone going on about the Red Notice but that's not why he was picked up. They grabbed him because his Student Visa was canceled for not attending class and he was on overstay. The Red Notice is mentioned because it's on file and an added bit to make the news article exciting. It's up to Poland to decide what to do after he's deported.
  16. Blank pages don't help in any way. All your travel entries, extensions and exits are in the computer and will be available for review.
  17. He's probably right because those "grey" business' were his before the triads took control of them
  18. They lost money because investors expected every user to buy from dispensaries and they drove share price to inflated levels. Once decriminalized many people take it on to grow and supply themselves as there is minimized need for dispensaries at a high volume and the share prices collapsed to a more normalized level.
  19. There's 1 across from King Power on Rang Nam Alley on the just before the 2nd soi on the left and another farther down 3 or 4 soi's on the right. That one you have to walk a bit down the soi. Google is your friend
  20. Sadly those multi-million pill siezers from "small time" dealers is a weekly event. If you think about it for a second, if they're catching that much then how much is actully getting thru?
  21. Yeah and he took the sentence without appeal and kept his mouth shut. So I'm sure he'll be taken care of and also almost automatic parole after 1/3 served ( if I remember correctly)
  22. Isn't this how "Joe Ferrari" got his start? Getting a kickback of the cars and money he seized?
  23. The issue I have with these "news" stories is the fact that they are written in an attempt to generate clicks and get views to remain popular. The quote this group or that group as outraged, offended etc. When in fact it's just a "reporter" generationa story. Did they take a poll and find some larger area of the population commenting or did they talk to a spokesman for a group of people or just generate the story to have something to report to get a paycheck. If that story was ne ER posted in the media how many people outside the party goers would have even known about it. It was a private party not a March thru the middle of BKK
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