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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 5 minutes ago, smedly said:

    nobody is disputing wearing a mask - what is being disputed are the penalties seemingly only applying to foreigners and not equally to everyone 


    If you think that is fine then your thinking is severely flawed as is the mayor of pattaya, when you apply civil laws they need to apply equally to everyone 

    Excuse me, I read just 1 day ago on here "... professionals around the world will tell you that wearing a mask is useless".

    Arguing forever.


    I saw foreigners just 2 days ago passing me into a mini mart, without a mask, where all others, incl. myself, was wearing one.

    I posted this a few times before.


    "nobody is disputing wearing a mask" ... yes, they did ... all the time.


    Now it's cash in time for the Bib's ... 20k for foreigners (if this get's trough) ... you know how this works with the police here.


  2. 12 minutes ago, bergan said:

    Well, apparently he didn't. Not really sure what you mean by your latter two sentences, though.

    For long time, many foreigners were arguing that it's useless to wear a mask, hence didn't do it.


    Disregarding the fact that they are in Thailand, with different rules and views in play.


    Now it's Thai style cash in ... 20k baht fine for foreigners. Games open to start.


    Just don't wear one tomorrow and meet the next cop .. then you might understand the last two sentences.


    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, bergan said:

    Farangs are white foreigners, or westerners if you will. They have different words for other races/nationalities. Your perception that Farang is used for all foreigners is incorrect.

    Anybody who spends more than 2 weeks in Thailand knows that ????


    Just too predictable this would happen, now it's 'cashing' ... Thai style.


    But but ... mask don't work, that's what professionals say ... sorry Mistuur ... 20k Baht or police station.




  4. 8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    They reported that any foreigners outside without a mask on could be fined 20,000 baht.

    That's the reason I'm so angry for the past 2 weeks with fellow foreigners in complete denial and ignorance of what the Thai's expect us to wear. All those useless mask discussions.


    We are just too much of an obvious target and look too different to Thais ... sticking out like a sore thumb.




  5. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    True that. Massive over reaction nationwide. Still under 2,000 cases and barely 100 new cases a day. Like a pimple on a teens face. That is NOT a cases rising rapidly scenario. 


    This is not the zombie apocalypse, though you might think so, based on the millions of businesses being shut down. The deprivation of income for the ones barely getting by, will be far worse than the 4,000 or 5,000 cases total that Thailand will likely end up with. 

    I think if there would be no cases as evidence as in Europe, UK and US etc. so rapidly increasing everyday

    ... then this would not happen here. No shutdown.


    But maybe, ppl are just worried when they see it happening somewhere else and take pre-cautions.


    Before it becomes zombie apocalypse.



  6. 2 hours ago, ParkerN said:


    Well, TVF has a Community Service Volunteer who likes to publicise the fact that he is one.


    Maybe his time has come.


    You posted this after my comment about military and possibly the curfew is there to provide security at night.


    I don't know what '...that he is one' means. Who is that one you are referring to?


    And not this riddle: 


    "Well, if you don't know, it means you haven't noticed. I which case, the answer is to notice more and demand less.

    Just a suggestion you understand..."


    No, I don't understand.


    Speak up clearly if you have to say something



  7. Just now, Solinvictus said:

    Oh how much all these negative comments welcome the loss of personal liberty.


    Let us now all welcome the draconian state! You after all deserve it.


    Too bad for both sides of the argument.

    It is too bad for both sides. I fully agree. I also love to live free and get on with my life.


    But that's how it works, unfortunately.


    I had enough parties for the past few years in Thailand, can I stop it for a moment, seeing and following all the other countries going into

    very strict lockdown already ... yes. Not a problem.  I can party later again. 


    Come on, having a roof top party with 5 prostitutes & 8 guys, drugs etc. As if nothing is going on. I don't know ???? 


    They already have announced yesterday, or a day before, that the police chief is on his way to Phuket. It was all over the news.



    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, steelepulse said:

    Have you seen a mandate that states you can't have a friend over to visit?  What about if they stay 10 metres away at all times?  Please show me where the gov't has said that having anyone over to visit is a crime. 

    That's the thing ... social distancing ... has been strongly advised.


    But ppl prefer to see mandates, in writing, black on white, enforced by law.


    Anyway's, everything closed now, curfew kicks in, military on the road ... until the last person get's it.



  9. 6 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

    Security? Hahah . I will buy everybody on Thaivisa drinks the day I see security officers roaming the streets of Thailand to check on people breaking curfew. The lazy cops and military here would never be bothered to do their jobs. 


    Don't know, I do remember military, sand sacks and road blocks on the street in Thailand ... not so long time ago.


  10. 2 minutes ago, ericdiam said:

    So <deleted> stupid this dictatorship regime. Zero brain at all. Only army people like curfew and lock up everybody, showing their power. The spreading wont reduce with this. From 10pm to 4am there are nearly no people outside anyway. The biggest spreading happens daily in public transport, BTS, MRT, busses, vans. Thousands of people travel there daily in day and evening, NOT in middle of the night! Same closing convenient stores on the quietest hours of the day. Had someone in this regime any brain that thinks proper and looks whats happening in other countries with mass of people together.

    But what about ppl having no money and roam the streets in the night to look for some?


    As many said, not much savings for the average Thai person ... without a job. This could get ugly.




    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    Shows is the key word. As opposed to ACTUAL. 

    I listened to a guy on TV yesterday about incorrect numbers (not only in Thailand.)


    One thing he said, a slight positive ... with the number of death people being the same.


    And a much higher infection rate, that would put the death rate vs infection rate much lower as it is today.


    Don't know, maybe some truth in it ... not sure how much this matters.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. 50 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm ashamed you call other white guys 'farang'.

    Sometimes I'm ashamed of male supremacists.

    Do you want to argue the fact that all Thais call us Farangs?


    That I am a male supremacistic? This has nothing to do with that, at all.


    I'm tall and blond myself, living in Thailand between millions of people who look different.


    We stick out like a soar thumb ..., hence no good time to be ignorant right now. 

    Is this so hard to understand?


    We can have these discussions later again ... over a beer, as we had for the past 20 years. That's a mickey mouse discussion.


    But right now, I really hope some of the guys who can't behave, read a little bit on TVF and start thinking about that.


    That's why I'm posting this.


    I don't know, I read your posts and I know you lived here long enough ... I'm sure you know what I mean. 

    It would surprise me if you don't.




    • Like 2
  13. And just to be clear, this is not about that usual discussion ping pong about the word 'Farang'.


    Fact is, its about the Thai ppl ... and they will go home today and talk to each other ... everybody wear mask, only Farang not.


    I'm not defending any Thai gov or all that, most Thai's I talk to are completely fed up with this, too.


    Just that living together right now, with the Thai ppl on the street around us, don't be ignorant and switch your brain on.


    • Like 2
  14. 6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm ashamed you call other white guys 'farang'.

    Sometimes I'm ashamed of male supremacists.

    No, I have read and listened enough over the past years about that.


    I'm living in Thailand, and you, too ... and you know exactly what I talk about.


    This is not a time to be ignorant.



    • Like 1
  15. No alcohol related, so maybe off-topic, but still about 'smart Farangs', smarter than Thai's, while I was on it today.


    Just back from a local mini-mart ... everybody wears a mask, everybody ... every single person. On news in the West they

    already started discussions to make it 'mandatory' for everyone to wear one.


    I put mine on before I enter the store.


    Here comes Mr. Farang entering the store, tall guy, blond hair, blue eyes ... arrogant walk .. no mask! He doesn't need one. 


    It's the only guy within all the Thai's, sticking out like a soar thumb ... but don't want to spend 1 minute to put a mask on?


    Where is that Western common sense? I can't see it. This time really brings the best out of everybody.


    I don't care whether this mask is protecting me or not ... I know it doesn't. They want to see it, it's a respect thing.

    If I cough ... I don't cough my stuff around in the mini mart ... but into my mask.


    We stick out just a little bit between all the Thai's ... show a little respect and wear that damn thing, for 5 min. shopping.


    And then they also sell you that box of beer, out of allowed selling hours.


    I'm really ashamed seeing fellow Farangs behaving these days. Before it was a bit of 'whatever' ... but now, no!



    • Like 2
  16. 19 hours ago, 2long said:

    It's the gangs of Somchai's and Nong's who gather to eat & drink together that needs to be reduced or stopped... but banning alcohol penalises many others.

    This is exactly that kind of 'superior' farang non-sense I read in/out for years, which makes my blood boil.


    There is a nice, very very empty place, maybe 1 or 2 couples sitting on tables far away from each other .... you can sit down and still a little bit get on with life.


    Yesterday, I was shocked (but not surprised) to see 6 fat old, super smart, educated, loaded with Western common sense, not as stupid as Somchai and Nong, ... Farangs .... sitting around a small table with 10 bottles of Leo's, most likely talking <deleted> about the Thais and how stupid they are.


    As soon as Farangs find a place which is open, they make it their watering hole! They just can't stop or control themselves.


    Please, stop this superior Farang over Thai thing ... can't hear it anymore. Far too many idiot Farangs in Thailand to hold up this argument.


    Somchai and Nong, what an idiotic comment to say about ppl you have chosen to live with, as a choice of alternative country to live in.





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  17. I just had a funny thought.


    For as long as I can remember, the Thai girls are asking 3 questions to all the Farangs.


    What's your name, where do you come from, how long you stay? Singled out! But no, not racism.


    Everybody love it, young girls interested in me old fart, ego gets a fat boost

    ... even with knowledge of there must be something else (ATM) in the back of mind.


    Now, Thai's are asking the exact same questions ... because they read Europe & US are heavily infected, and are worried 

    ... but now suddenly it's racism.


    Come on! ????


    ps. Take this post with a grain of salt, not too serious


  18. It's only 3-4 weeks ago that I sat on the beach and saw a group of Chinese walking up, in direction towards me.


    I instantly got up and walked away ... I don't need a group of Chinese passing me by right now.


    How is this any different? I'm the same with that kind of thinking.


    2 weeks ago I packed my stuff and my girl and booked a bungalow for 4 weeks in a very quiet area. Away from busy areas with a lot of ppl.


    Sure, initially someone asked me, how long have you been in Thailand, or did you just arrive?


    That's a normal question, I understand that. I would ask the same.


    Being in this quiet area now, I see ppl getting more and more serious about social distancing. 


    Yesterday, the 7/11 staff had plastic shields over their heads, everyone kept distance and lined up in a respectful manner.


    I put a mask on before I go into any public space ... I know that doesn't help me, but it's a token of respect to others, it shows them

    that I care about them ... they want to see this, it calms them down. 


    I don't see anyone behaving strange to me. For sure, there are always some idiots doing something stupid. 


    But it doesn't come up to me that this is a 'Thai' thing ... you got them everywhere in the World.


    Same as I walked away when a group of Chinese approached me.


    On the flip side, I see many Farangs doing silly things and not to read some of the discussions I follow on TVF.

    So called educated, superior ppl, as they often think and talk about themselves. But in reality, many of them are not. Far from it.






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