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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 2 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I look basically constantly at the news. And I see news from different countries and what politicians did and didn't do. And sometimes I see the leaders of those countries giving statements and press conferences.

    I think in times like this it's unrealistic to expect perfection from any of them. It's even unrealistic to expect that they always do a good job. Lots of mistakes were made and will be made. And that's not surprising because it's such an unusual situation and nobody trained for that.

    What puts Trump apart from all the others is the fact that he constantly tells everybody he did and does a fantastic job. He gives himself a 10 out of 10. And he blames the DEMs, the WHO, the media, anybody but himself. That is a big problem - like now cutting off the funding for the WHO.

    I think Trump could make lots of points if he would say something like: "We all made mistakes and I also made mistakes. I should have acted better and faster. But now we are where we are and now let's work together and solve the problems together." It would be great for everybody if he would do that. And I am pretty sure it wouldn't hurt him for his reelection. But will Trump ever say something like that? Will he ever admit that he did anything wrong? I have my doubts.

    Exactly that ...!


    Trump or not Trump ... just act responsible, and that's it.


    • Thanks 2
  2. 21 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Stay calm, i remember that Phuket story, again drama out of nothing, Thais get angry at Thais not wearing masks and other stuff too, doesn't mean all Thais are hostile to farang. They are fine where i am in Pattaya, apart of trying to get food and money

    Not quite, you have to see the 'bigger' picture, as described. And it's very true.


    I can only speak for myself, living here long enough to see a change from i.e. 3 years ago, 2 years ago, 1 year ago, never an issue ... and what it is today. Agreed, not the majority ... but there have been very very 'subtile' changes, good hints!


    Just don't try to argue against it all the time ... take some of it to your heart. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. That was really funny (or actually not?) ... but 3 days ago, I went into a 7/11, and a woman in the same aisle was in a real hurry got get away, rushing over to the cold drink station. Looking around for nothing.


    A bit later, I accidentally met her again, in another aisle ... she didn't had a drink in her hand, from that 'cold drink station' earlier .. but

    she couldn't wait to get away from me again. Run Forest run.


    Never experienced something like this before in all those years ...  


    (and before someone asks ... yes, I did take a shower before, and was wearing a mask, and I've been here since many month before that corona topic, I'm not a fresh import from Italy).


    It get's to the local people, I could clearly see this changing over the past weeks. In that, OnTheGround has it spot on with his post!


    Hence my anger to the ignorant fellow foreigners before, insisting to not wear a mask.

    That was so crazy to experience and the actual need to discuss/debate this on a forum. 


    Glad when this is all over and everybody get's back to normal.


    It's the same when I would see a group of foreigners ignoring all rules and have a party, wherever, on the beach, on a rooftop.

    Brings up all sorts of feeling up in me ... first of all, not understanding them ... we are all far away from home, into this together.

    Whether we like it or not. Don't bring this <deleted> over your fellow expats. It's the wrong time to pull off stuff like this.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    A bit of an exaggeration, Thais aren't angry at us, we didn't cause it, it was the China virus plus govt actions. I read 100s of Thai Facebook comments and none have been angry at Farang except at the usual people not wearing masks

    ... then you have missed a bit of news over the past weeks. 


    'OnTheGround', to me, listed exactly the timeline how this went and as it is, as of today ... as I've also experienced it.


    But never mind, that is already behind us now.


    Let's look forward ... so far, it's looking promising.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, OnTheGround said:

    ● Thai people are obviously very stressed at this time,

    out of work,

    out of money,

    already pawned their belongings to eat,

    many don't qualify for 5k handout,

    their favorite holiday Songkran are cancelled.


    ● We foreigners who visit or live in Thailand, must now be very careful and follow current orders, given by those in charge.


    ● Thai people see us foreigners still enjoying our life here without worries, as if nothing happen.  Some foreigners also access the beach, that is OFFICIALLY OFF LIMIT for the time being.


    ● Of course the Thai people are mad at us. They need to went their frustrations they all feel, and we foreigners must start to behave properly and strictly follow current limitations.


    ● Some of us read last week postings on a fb page, about similar behavior from foreigners in Phuket. Enough to say that almost 1000 Thai people was furious in their comments about foreigners!


    ● Be very considerate to Thai people at this very difficult time,  and



    You have very similar thoughts going as I do ... good post. IMO only of course.


    IMO ... you are on the ground! ????


  6. 13 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    just use common sense, if there is 1 guy on the beach and another 200 metres away, as a policeman you should have something more useful to do and don't waste your time moving them on. 

    If it's a group drinking that's completely different. Unfortunately some people can only think in black or white

    I understand what you are saying ... but I don't think it's working like this, in practice. Not from the grouping side of things, nor from the Bib/fines side of things.


    At least not from what I've seen in Thailand over the years ????


    No offense.


  7. 35 minutes ago, smedly said:

    if the virus can survive for days on a door handle then the answer is likely - yes


    but google it and see

    That's the thing .. there are so many different articles, opinions, etc. 


    What's the most credible source to believe?


    I mean, it's hard to believe that the labs and medics all over the world can't get a clear answer to this.


    Otherwise, where do all these different opinions and arguments between people come from?


    Stupid example, we all know by now that smoking cigarettes is not the best to avoid cancers ... nobody in the world disputes this.

    They still smoke, but don't argue against that fact, because they know it. It's just a personal choice. The facts are clear and there, for everybody to see.


    Why are there so many people in limbo discussing and are opinionated ... all these conspiracy theories, they are really in a big uptrend right now, from what I see and read. No one is on the same page, in terms of knowledge nor believe, about that corona virus, on a door knob, on a dead body, yes or no?


    I would have thought with todays technology and capabilities, it would be such a simple question to settle and get answered, but apparently not.


    For what did people fly to the moon to, all that effort, knowledge and technology? ;-)))


    But no ... today ppl are vandalizing 4G masts (!!!), because they think 5G masts are driving corona infections. Bloody hell.


    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, smedly said:

    and just how does that work exactly when no testing is being carried out to confirm cause of death

    ... and then, dead is dead. Burning seems the most logical solution to me. Unlike many countries stacking them up or put them into cool boxes, to bury later. 


    Just to make sure I didn't miss reading up on anything ... is there a clear answer to this?

    Do dead corpses still carry the virus and possibly could infect the people taking care of them? Without them coughing or sneezing?


    I'm not arguing or debating, just want to know.


    There must be a country having tested this and figured this out, anywhere in the world? 


  9. 27 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    First sentence says you can't catch it from a dead body and the second says to take precautions incase you do catch?So which is it?

    Yes, which one is it?


    At the moment, the internet social medias are getting plastered with conspiracy theories ... it's really difficult to get good, honest and 

    accurate information. 


    Just today, one of my 'conspiracy fan boys' nephew posted on FB that you can't get the virus by just touching a door knob.


    He got his stand ... against government pre-caution measures ... thinks it's a robbery on his freedom.


    Fair enough ... everyone can think or believe whatever they want.


    But what is the real, medical proof and explanation to this? I'm baffled it's so hard for the medical community to get to a clear answer to this.


    Until then ... it's everybody throwing in their own opinions and believes.


    I stay at home ... get a beer, and wait how this develops. Not touch a door knob at public places. What else should I do? Lick it? ;-)))


    I think just burn all those corpses ... at least you know it's gone. What good is it to keep already dead bodies and take a risk?


  10. 22 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    So many?

    How many you know take the leg off?

    Sorry. I not believe you.

    You have photo of so many people you know one leg? Or no leg? Because infection in Thailand?

    Just to this point ... yes, there were many. 


    You know how many crash with their bikes, get a spider bite or similar.


    It was quite a good bunch with infections, and got into big trouble. Infections in a tropical country are not that easy to treat as elsewhere.


    No, I don't have any pictures, you just have to believe me a little bit, I'm afraid ???? Also, I said, they leave back home, before that leg got cut off ... not that every leg got cut off.  A bit of a difference ... I don't have pictures from them leaving at Suvarnabhumi airport still with 2 legs.



  11. 7 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    So many?

    How many you know take the leg off?

    Sorry. I not believe you.

    You have photo of so many people you know one leg? Or no leg? Because infection in Thailand?


    IF is true, IF, I think doctor in your country is idiot. I not know one person who cut the leg off because infection. I know one cut the arm, because motorbike. 


    “All”? Hmmmm a lot? 

    Yes, Korea is amazing job with medical beauty. Number 1


    Good idea. Thai health official recommend it.

    Good boy.

    You know what I mean and want to tell you, overall ... I'm sure ????


    Yes, I'm a good boy and stay at home, I party later again.


    ... for what do you think I'm counter arguing that end-less mask discussion with fellow foreigners.

    Now that one luckily has gone with the wind ... no one dares anymore to go out without one.


    Anyways, just wanted to point out a few things to you. Hope you get some of it.


    Maybe you could comment on that 'health insurance cover' comment of mine a bit ... how would it look like 

    if I have to go to a hospital tomorrow, and it's not covered?



  12. 10 minutes ago, Bangkokazy said:

    I've lived in Thailand for 15 years and never got anything for free. That's why I laugh all day
    and throws bread crumbs over the wall

    Why should a Norwegian guy even expect to get anything for free in Thailand, since 15 years?


    What is it you are looking for to get for free?


    Strange posts of yours, but just my opinion.


    So far, most Norwegians I've met in my life, were all well off and taken good care by their country.


    I know booz is not for free in Norway though ...


  13. 3 minutes ago, Aland said:

    More like I’m being critical of all the geniuses here that constantly go on about how the Thai government is fudging the numbers. 

    Sure, but if you take under consideration how numbers are being juggled all the time ... and that this article is saying that tests are not the most important or effective thing (if I understood that correctly) ... and you compare this to other countries, who carry out 50, 60, 80k tests per day.


    Then maybe they do have a valid point?



    • Haha 1
  14. 27 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Right, but it´s the present time we live in, I hope. Even if it seems like too many people would like to stay in the past. ????

    I hope so, too. I do see Thai news opening up ... so sometimes think the discussion could be more opened up, be on par with Thai TV news.

    But who knows, I leave this discussion at this point.


    Nice weather, great rain yesterday, finally, after so long time. That was really refreshing ????




    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Not according to the leaders of the rest of the world ....

    Yes, but that was when he got elected and was a politician for the past few month.


    What do leaders of the world think tomorrow when i.e. BJ, DJT or any of them, suddenly shows up in a mil uniform?


    Anyways, not that important ... just the way it is here ... ????  


    Thai's love uniforms, it is just like that ???? Put the local news on and count the uniforms. You can't keep up.

    Put the news on in the west, hardly any.


    Hey, who is this military lady on TV? 

    That's not a military lady, that's a ordinary school teacher.


    Oh, why is she wearing a mil uniform?


    Never mind ????


    • Haha 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Griffo63 said:

    I'm no expert but I don't see any evidence of ambulances queuing at hospitals with urgent admissions, patients lying on gurneys waiting to die, or on ventilators in packed out hospital wards, exhausted nurses and doctors pleading for more PPE, mass cremations or makeshift graves. I don't even see pictures of ordinary folk applauding on Thursday evenings in support of key workers. So show me the evidence you naysayers  

    And that's really great news. I wouldn't want to see it any other way. 


    If my house hasn't burned down, or your car hasn't crashed ... that's not an excuse to not buy new insurance next year.


    Prevention measures ... that's how I see it. 


    Also people hopefully create good protection habits on how to deal and live with this

    ... since it will not go away for a while and already countries are starting to losing lockdown restrictions 



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