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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 3 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    I do know there is a problem , but putting them down just like that . Jave a bit of symphaty these are lives as well . 


    Ah, sympathy. A word between <deleted> and syphilis in the dictionary. Regretably, the dog sanctuary has made a rod for its own back and now expects to be bailed out. 

    Release them all, no one cares, problem solved. As long as none can be traced back to the sanctuary when they have bitten children, etc...but then even those dogs are never destroyed.

    There's an old addage, no good deed remains unpunished.

    • Like 2
  2. On 7/3/2021 at 3:51 PM, falangUK said:

    Before this proposed 20% hike >>

    Currently paying 100% more compared to my immediate neighbour, 87% more compared to other neighbours.

    last rent increase was 5 years ago.

    also we have invested in improving the bathroom, roof, etc


    'invested' in a rental property, by making alterations? One hopes it was approved by the landlord in writing and you have it notarised.  Sticky wicket, otherwise, I would suggest. If you leave, you may be asked to restore the accommodation to its original state.


    One also.wonders when you found out how much other renters were paying, and why nothing was done about it before.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, webfact said:

    District chief officers of every district in Chon Buri, in their capacity as chiefs of the operations centres to control the disease, have been ordered to enforce the ban.


    It wouldn't work here. Brothers in law are both district chief and deputy, village head geezer is one of the worst offenders. Last year we had security posts, manned from 11pm to 4 am. Nothing this year.

    Shops selling and permitting drinking on the premises, well, when I say shop and premises, I mean somebody's house and their garden, will not  close, as they sell everything else. Someone will buy a bottle of beer with their Mama, someone else will smell it, and there will be a weeping and wailing in the streets. Both brothers in law will rock up, followed by the head geezer and there will be a party.


    Ban all this as you can, but he prepared for a reality check.

  4. I think this is all great stuff. Everyone incensed at this imbiclie, and yet, this is what happens when you go to a coffee shop to drink coffee. You remove your mask. You certainly don't slurp it through the mask.


    I have to admit that salt is rubbed into the expat's wound when he states they have all been double vaccinated.


    ANyway, dish washing is calling, as I promised to get a life.

  5. 2 hours ago, jippytum said:

    Thai immigration are absolutely useless regarding online applications via their websites .Nothing they introduce works..Its not rocket science .If they can't do it themselves.Why don't they admit they are unskilled, swallow their pride and  ask a foreign company  to do it correctly for them .


    One has to ask...Why should they? In person applications should be the norm, in my view, to ensure the identity of the applicant.



  6. This is all still boring the <deleted> off me. 


    Why do we even get engaged with all the horse manure that comes our way? Things change weekly, sometimes even daily. I think I should get a life, what's left of it, before I die of covid, through not being vaccinated here.


    Time to wash the dishes and water the garden and feed the dog and nap before the football starts later tonight.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, bergan said:
    5 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

       It was already illegal to sell alcohol to school kids , having two different laws will not make it any more effective .

       School kids cannot buy alcohol at ANY time , day or night 


    It is indeed illegal to sell it to them, but your second sentence would make so much more sense if you removed 'cannot' ????


    Cannot is not the same as prohibited under law. 


    It may well be prohibited under law for persons under a certain age to purchase alcohol,. However, it doesn't stop shops giving bottles of beer or LaoKhao to 5 year olds as their parents are already too drunk to get off their fat lazy drunken <deleted>.

    Shops are complicit, parents are complicit.

    I do note, though, on movies, the bottle may not be shown, but the glasses are. Will that change now too?

    Football club sponsorship, shirt sponsorship? Premier League games banned?

  8. 10 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    I thought you were Kidding.

    Guess not!

    Very contagious!


    "LA County health officials recommend wearing masks indoors amid spread of Delta variant"

    Indoors is not at home. Did you read his article?


    "Public Health strongly recommends people wear masks indoors in settings such as grocery or retail stores; theaters and family entertainment centers, and workplaces when you don't know everyone's vaccination status," L.A. County Department of Public Health said in a statement.


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, chalawaan said:

    My Thai lady has a "good heart" but yes, horrific attitude toward the Burmese. Its even worse than the Brits vs Everyone else! 555


    The wife, being Thai has a healthy hatred of anyone Asian, who is not Thai, and even more if they are not Buddhist.


    With respect to the last statement, it's everyone else against the English. Even the Scots hate the English. I say even...it's because the English reputedly treat everyone else in the world with equal  disdain

  10. 10 hours ago, shdmn said:

    Does it matter?  The contract says the local manufacturer needs to deliver 6-7mil a month or whatever the number they have been throwing around is.  If they can't produce it themselves I believe they are contractually obligated to get it from somewhere else.  


    Ah, the contract. Are you sure i t didn't say that they will make best efforts like the EU contract? And then the EU started to insist the difference was made up from UK labs... How did that go?


  11. Bored with all this <deleted>. Websites fail, foreigners have to wait. French embassy imports it's own vaccines as the Thai government is incompetent. Incompetence rules. Difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care. Seems to be the Thai government's answer too everything about the vaccines. 


    Buy or not buy, there is no try....to paraphrase Yoda.

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