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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 23 hours ago, Wuvu2 said:

    In normal times there are an average of 65 road fatalities per day in Thailand (2019). In that year the Songkran “7 dangerous days” totaled  386 death on Thai roadways


    I did some.basic arithmetic. 386 divided by 7 is 55.14... Less than the normal average of 65.


    Comparing covid deaths to road deaths is a little fanciful, I would suggest. How about comparing it to deaths caused by old age, heart attacks, cancer, flu?

  2. We, when I say we, I mean the wife, have a 2018 Ford Ranger Limited which the wife likes to drive at around 140mph sometimes. A bit bouncy, but otherwise not a bad ride. Keeping to speed limits doesn't exist. Overtaking sometimes can be fraught, but not that often.

    Figuring out what other drivers are going to do is a real test. I have found that the worst things on the road, for me, are: racing minibusses, blacked out window VIP transport, boy racers, other pickup drivers, busses that don't signal, the bloody 2 wheeled tractors with enormous trailers with no lights pulling out of fields without looking, and don't get me started on bikes...

    Last night, driving back from a dinner out, we were progressing nicely from traffic lights, when the Bangkok plated car in front decided to pull off left, onto the off slip road of a dual carriageway to go on the wrong side presumably to go back to Bangkok.


    I watch YouTube videos of idiots in other countries to remind myself that Thailand doesn't have the monopoly on moronic drivers.

  3. So, I hit the article on the email page sent to me that said... 'No curfew, but new restrictions set to be announced for Bangkok...'


    I opened the article and the headline says...'Thailand imposes tighter restrictions...including curfew'. So, my questions are...when is a curfew not a curfew? When will the click bait reflect the headline and the headline reflect the actual article.

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