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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Fantastic . And there are States in the US that execute murderers. Give them all a suspended prison term and community service of 30 hours. It would save a fortune on prisons. Who needs supermax, deathrow, expensive drugs, firing squads, electric chairs? Killing another person is obviously nothing to worry about in the Land of Smiles. 500 baht and a wai to the dead person's nearest and dearest. No wonder Boss is still out and about. His conviction, if there were to be one, would of a similar nature, one suspects.

  2. Out come the Crystal balls again.


    If I were  betting man, not that it's permitted in Thailand, I'd bet 10 baht this will fall flat on it's proverbial.


    One question though...is a hybrid considered to be an electric vehicle? Doesn't it have a petrol or diesel engine? 

    Oh, another question...Don't hybrids have the same local emissions as a normal petrol or diesel engined vehicle?

    Sorry, another question, would a solar panel on top of the car help with range?

  3. There's a routine?


    I shaved daily when working. Always electric, after cutting the more sensitive areas too often.

    Now I shave when told.


    A combination of wet shave and electric. I use an orange coloured wet razor from Tesco. Don't know the brand. Electric shave around bottom and top lips and nostrils. Philishave. 

  4. I read today, in an online article from the Thai newspaper whose name must never be spoken here, that this applies to ALL foreigners living in Thailand.


    It says, and I paraphrase, that the cabinet approved the proposal yesterday and the Government said it would apply to all holders of the Non Immigrant Visa, (NIV).

    It also says, again paraphrased, about the NIV O-A visa applicants and extensions having to show the 400,000/40,000 baht combination insurance, but goes on to say those seeking to buy the 3,000,000 baht insurance from overseas may do so, with all the hoops discussed above.


    So, no longer 400,000/40,000 combination insurance, just for NIV O-A, but 3,000,000 insurance for all non-Thais living in Thailand. All....



    • Sad 1
  5. On 6/12/2021 at 7:59 AM, nobodysfriend said:

    I was just used to cross this land for 5 yrs already , until a  ' thief ' tells me that she does not want me to do this anymore .


    You have verified that she is a thief and she has no legal rights to this land?


    You had no rights to cross this land without permission at any time. Just because you did it for 5 years, doesn't make it right. It just makes it wrong for 5 years.


    I concur with previous comments, keep out of it. It does not concern you. The welfare of the trees on someone else's land is not your concern at anytime. Nor would it be in your home country, unless there was an equivalent to a preservation order on them. 


    Complain in the house, but keep it to yourselves. If a Thai person wishes to stir the pot, then that is their decision.



  6. 8 hours ago, Naturesway said:

    In Europe some countries totally stopped vaccination plan because too many suffering of symptoms and death was resulting and THAIland just keep pushing it with full gas. It’s unbelievable how much they always delaying in any kind of understanding 


    And these countries are...?


    Pushing with full gas...? 8.45 doses per 100 people. Gibraltar, 230 doses per 100 people, UK, 102.74 doses per 100 people, US, 91.4 doses per 100 people, Cambodia, 30.67, Bhutan, 62.56...




    Full gas, my aspadistra.

    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    Wasn't drug dealing ruled an insignificant offence by the Constitutional Court so that it is fine for drug convicts to become ministers, at least if convicted in countries considered Mickey Mouse jurisdictions with questionable legal systems. e.g. Australia. 


    Ah, but this only applies if the miscreant was convicted overseas. And that conviction is only judged as not being a disqualification to be a Government minister. If you or I had an overseas  conviction this would rule us ineligible to reside here, but we could become government ministers.

  8. I guess the question is: What is one to do when arrives at the vaccination centre for an appointment and there is insufficient for one's vaccination? The appointment has not been postponed or cancelled, in accordance with the wishes of the DPHM, but no vaccine has been given. Another appointment? Not to be postponed under similar circumstances? How many times does one have to have an appointment where nothing happens?

    What does the majority of people, who have no transport of their own, or have but a <deleted>ty motorbike or 2 wheel tractor, do? We, the wife and I, have the only 4 wheel transport in the village. The hospital is several miles away and the bus service is now non-existent, the nearest 'bus stop', when it was working, a 45 minute walk....



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  9. There are few things I detest more, and not just because the Prime Minister has allegedly said it in an English translation of his comments in Thai.


    That is, 'I would like to apologise if...'


    Why say it? 

    5 hours ago, webfact said:

    I would like to apologise if there are people who have not received the service or if there have been changes to your appointments.


    You don't know If people have been affected? What are you? Prime Minister,  Head of the CCSA?


    • Like 1
  10. Is it not normally the 'media' that sensationalises things to sell space online and print? It seems to be easy enough to allocate the issue to where it was first detected and give it an easily memorable name.

    In Vietnam, for example, there seems to be a variant which is a mix of 2 other variants. This is going to be alpha/delta, or Vietnam variant?

    Singapore was extremely upset when some one lied and said there was a Singapore variant. 


    One wonders why we just don't take ownership and not offence. The human race, constantly and consistently screws up, live with it. 


    Why not call it what it is, B.1.1.7, or B.1.617.2 and be done with it? How many names does a thing have to have?

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