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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. According to Wiki:


    Seeds of various species of lupins have been used as a food for over 3000 years around the Mediterranean[7] and for as long as 6000 years in the Andes.[8] Lupins were also used by many Native American peoples such as the Yavapai in North America. The Andean lupin or tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) was a widespread food in the Incan Empire; but they have never been accorded the same status as soybeans, dry peas and other pulse crops. 


    Not sure what makes them a super food now...and from down under? To me, that's the antipodes, namely New Zealand/Australia area. To Thailand, their down under is where?

  2. 20 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    Like the failed state of California, Colorado is a blue state. That is all you need to know as to why crime is up. 


    But the CATO Institute says it's like the grand old duke of york, it's neither up nor down.


    I wonder how youth crime can be up 11 fold, since the number of offenses on the statute book have been reduced. What were the numbers before and after the legalisation?


    What does the colour of a state have to do with crime figures, anyway?


    And why did no one challenge this political <deleted> to back up his assertion with data. Surely spreading misinformation is an offense under law nowadays, in Thailand? He opens himself to a defamation suit from the State mentioned.




  3. From the linked article...


    Visas of other six foreigners, who were identified as two Myanmar nationals and four Chinese nationals who lived at the mansion have been canceled, according to Region 2 police. All six are set to be deported once the investigation around the current incident is completed and remained at the Banglamung police station as of press time. The exact reason for the cancelation of their visas was not stated by relevant law enforcement officials to The Pattaya News or associated local press.


    Guilt by association? What happened to due process?

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  4. It seems perhaps, the Chinese were dissatisfied with the Thai government's rollout to 'expats'. Specifically Chinese expats. Embarrassing for the Thai government, I would have thought, that another government has to step in to ensure the safety of their citizens, as the Thai government can't. Perhaps the Chinese government realised that their citizens were not likely  to be vaccinated this side of Christmas, when the Chinese in Thailand complained to their government, over the number of times they had been faffed about with.

    Imagine the furore, had the Thais in the US or UK had to ask the Thai government to help vaccinate them in the US or UK....

    • Like 1
  5. Just Phuket? Why not nationwide?


    is this all going to be province by province, location by location?


    Yesterday the deputy or por dor, wife's nephew, was whizzing around the village with a pre filled list of residents to get their signature for vaccination. As the current lone expat, he asked me if I wanted to sign up. Happy to, I added my name and signature. added


    Day 1 since then.... We'll see what will happen, especially as the elections are just a couple of months away...

  6. Still bored. 


    How bad can this really get? No one, apart from the elite will have been vaccinated by Christmas at this rate.


    He was worried people would then up in droves. Well, perhaps not, with the level of hesitancy at the rate it is.  B

    Those willing to take a vaccine would have turned up, job done, those unwilling would not turn up at all. Now, is this all about control? Lack of availability? Medical records not being seen by Government officials?

  7. 3 hours ago, colinneil said:

    You surely cannot be serious, completely different, not just a few baht for crossing the border, but millions from kickback for subs. 


    Ah yes, but the subs are a one off. People trafficking is a cash cow that keeps on giving. It is far more democratic too as there are allegedly more people involved of differing socio/economic classes.

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  8. If vaccinations are mandatory, do you still have to register, or do the the local health officials pop around and inject you, like they police standing water around here for mosquitoes?


    More and more methods of registration seem to be springing up, hopefully one day, those without tech will not only be able to register, but to get vaccinated as well.

  9. How does one combat this hesitancy? (I presume someone has asked why there is so much hesitancy?)

    Mandatory vaccinations for all? Jail time for those who refuse? Jail time for those who spread false information? 


    How does one combat death rate per covid infection versus perceived injury because of the vaccination? (If that's the reason for the hesitancy, see above.)

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  10. No <deleted> Sherlock. It is the beginning of rainy season. This happened every year. If robust preventive measures are in place, then severe issues should not occur.  It just takes planning, funds, effort, and the will to succeed. And culling of the stupid. And the greedy, and the uncaring.


    But then, mother nature usually has the last laugh. Bless her.

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