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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. On 6/26/2021 at 3:30 PM, WineOh said:

    Might have to go for two rai then as the Mrs loves gardening!



    1 rai is 1600 square meters. We have 2 bungalows on 2000 square meters. Footprint of 1 is 275sm, the other is 130sm. We have no pool, a 6m x 4m garage, 30m driveway. Room for gardens at the sides of the smaller bungalow, 15m x 22m garden for us out the front with 5m x 3m fish pond. More than enough garden when it's 33 degrees and 90% humidty. Watering takes upwards of 1 1/2 hours per evening when there's been no rain. Trust me when I say, I have better things to do than wander around the garden with a hose, sweating my cobs off, wondering when the water pump will run dry.

  2. 52 minutes ago, robsamui said:
    2 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:


    A savage editorial today in The Thai Enquirer.

    (Link at the end)

    I will quote a fraction . . . 

    Apologies for cutting the text out for brevity.


    I read the article. Shocked and stunned are 2 words I would use to describe the feelings evoked. I say nothing about the content, save to say, it is brave and it is forceful.


    What worries me is, Thailand has a habit of certain things happening if a certain faction thinks they can do better. And all governments, legitimate or not, have all failed to curb the ambitions of those who would think that way. I

    The people matter not to these factions, except that they are pawns in the greater scheme of things. And the people cannot compete with the resources these factions have at their disposal, because of the failure of governments control.

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  3. I suggest it will be judged on the evidence provided. Emails, text messages, bank transfer records with messages attached, etc.


    As the plaintiff is required to prove the breach of any contract, I also suggest he has enough, in his mind, and possibly his lawyers mind, evidence substantiating the existence of an  agreement. If he's prepared to go to court, he has to think he has enough to win.


    Mind you. No one should presume they know the thoughts and workings of a Judge.

  4. Misinterpreted. Such a get out.


    I guess we'll have to wait to see what the Royal Gazette has to say, probably 1 day before Phuket officially opens.


    What does 'legally married ' mean anyway. Having 4 wives? Big wife, little wife? Village weddings are not recognised? Foreign marriages have to be accepted by Thai law?


    I love all this. Foot in mouth syndrome and law of unintended consequences.

  5. As has been said, not enough info as to whether the old bill had his lights on and ran the red light for a legitimate reason. But, one can infer from the top cop, that he didn't or he would not have been fined. Also, the video has such noise, I could not hear if the copper has his siren going.


    As to the insurance, normal practise would be the person proven to be in the wrong's insurance company would pay. Normal practise...not sure what happens in Thailand, (not had an accident here yet), but I am advised (by the wife) that if I am driving with her in the car and have an accident, I am to swap seats with her and state I was not driving. 


    Nothing to do with insurance, apparently, something to do with the perception I'm foreign therefore, I am rich and can pay for hospitals, donations, family traumas, good will and good luck charms.

  6. Can we see the order rescinding the previous order?


    What is a Permanent Secretary? What's his authority? Is there a Minister to whom he reports? Did the Minister, if there is one, instruct the PS to issue the orders, or did he do it on his own authority?


    In UK, a Permanent Secretary runs a Civil Service Department that advises Ministers and administers policy made by the Government. He has no authority to step outside the bounds of such policy once made.

  7. With the possible soon to be 3,000,000 baht health insurance, including Civic cover requirement for NIV O-A extensions, I did some quick research. For me, it would be a premium of around 70,000 annually. If I exclude the outpatient cover of up to 3000 per day 'unlimited number of vists, it is 56,000 baht. 300,000 baht deductibles for both scenarios, it's 35,000 and 28,000 respectively. Im 63.


    At 65, same prices quoted.

    At 66...93,000, 83,000 with no deductibles, for 3,5000,000 coverage, outpatient coverage up to 40,000 per year. Only bigger and more expensive cover available.

    At 71, 133,600 & 123,600 respectively...

    At 76...48,000,000 minimum coverage, cost 337,000, 160,000 deductibles takes it to 253,000.


    Figures are rounded, for convenience. Info from:


  8. 2 hours ago, mrfill said:

    But left hand drive cars don't have the controls the other way round. Years ago a few Japanese RHD cars did have indicators on the right but very rare now. Before the days of electric windows, it was common to try and change gear with the window winder.


    My Thai built American vehicle has the turn signal on the right of the steering column, as did my Audi A6 in UK. Other cars that I had were either left side or right side. Not sure if there are any rules on this, but probably not.

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