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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 2 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    It really is not about the timing of this, or saving Face.

    The reality is the Pharma Companies will not supply, or sell to the private Sector. The sales of Covid Vaccine are for Government Sales only.


    and the Government in Thailand is showing major incompetence. To ensure proper coverage of 70 million people, 150 million jabs (if the vaccine requires 2 jabs for maximum efficacy) need to be ordered, paid for, received and distributed.


    Sinopharm was approved d by WHO yesterday, Moderna, 7the May. AZ 16 Feb, Pfizer approved by UK government on 3rd December 2020.


    Stop <deleted> around and stop pretending Thailand needs to register and approve these vaccines. 


    Get it done. People are dying now, in their droves. The first phase nearly passed you by, and lulled you into a false sense of security. Idiots brought infection into the country in search of the cheap labour. 

    Thailand is 6th in ASEAN for innoculations. 6th out of how many countries...? Oh that's right...10.

    • Like 2
  2. My understanding is that the vaccine does not stop you getting the virus, it reduces the impact. To work, the vaccine fools the body into thinking it has the virus and the body's defence mechanism goes into action. Once the virus has done its job and gone from the body, the immune system has cells that remember the virus and cells which right the virus. Immunity may be the wrong word here. Or perhaps it is misunderstood. 

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    You don't follow the news in the UK?......(News.....not the Daily Express)


    National Health Service statistics as of yesterday:


    Total population: 68,207,116. https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/united-kingdom-population


    for England only... (Around 84% of UK population)


    1st dose of vaccine: 29,124,310

    2nd dose: 13,284,182


    In total: 42,408,492. https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/covid-19-vaccinations/


    Taksin was elected. This crew came to power after a military coup. If the Army of my country ran the Government and country the way this lot are running the country in Thailand....mind you, there's not much left of the Army now...110,000 including reservists as of Oct 2020.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Forbid" is certainly an interesting look for a prime minister.


    Normally he "orders" people to do something, or not do something. Forbid, sounds slightly more imperial.


    1. refuse to allow (something).
      "I can see why phones were forbidden"
      prohibit · ban · outlaw · make illegal · veto · proscribe · disallow · preclude · exclude · rule out · bar · debar · block · stop · put a stop to · 
      • order (someone) not to do something.
        "I was forbidden from seeing him again" · 
        prohibit · ban · outlaw · make illegal · veto · proscribe · disallow · preclude · exclude · rule out · bar · debar · block · stop · 
      • refuse entry to a place or area.
        "all vehicles are forbidden"
      • (of a circumstance or quality) make (something) impossible; prevent.
        "the cliffs forbid any easy turning movement"
      Does that answer your point?
  5. 5 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Maybe because for some people with specific medical conditions, certain vaccines may be contra-indicated. A quick review of someone's medical records could prevent someone receiving a shot they shouldn't. It could also be for medical monitoring in cases of severe adverse reactions...to facilitate faster medical treatment if necessary (by already having access to someone's medical records. There are probably other reasons, none nefarious, for this request. And again, if you don't want this government freebie, at least for now, one is free to decline it (or pay for their own).


    so the Government has the medical expertise, not the doctors at clinics and hospitals which already have the patient's medical records?

    The Government is going to review all the population's medical records? The government has all the personnel qualified to do so? All around 70 million of them? Accurately asses, each and every one? Then say no to those who may not be suitable for an innoculation, and say yes to those who are...?


    What a load of waffle. It's all about control. The 'Government' wants to control this, not permitting qualified and experienced medical staff in the field, of whom there are many more than work for 'the Government'.

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    How could the DPM and Health Minister possibly be blaming the PM after he himself very publicly gave the all-clear for Songkran travel?


    “Although provinces have been divided into zones, designated by colours according to the infection rates, none will be locked down. People can still travel to other provinces without having to go into quarantine on arrival at their destination. Only people who have been infected with the virus, or are considered to be at high risk, will be quarantined.”


    You think this wasn't sanctioned by those at the very top? In reading the news around the world, heads of government are taking the blame and credit where it's due.  Why not in Thailand. This appears to me to be a way of isolating him from the top job. 

    Scapegoats are us...

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, NanLaew said:



    The RTP is frequently recognized as the fourth armed force of Thailand since their tradition, concept, culture, skill, and training are relatively similar to the army and most of their officer cadets need to graduate from the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School before entering the Royal Thai Police Cadet Academy. Officers also undergo paramilitary training similar to the army but with an additional focus on law enforcement.




    France's Gendarmerie Nationale and Italy's Carabinieri spring to mind. The GN is a branch of the French Armed Forces, and the Carabinieri is considered Italy's 4th armed force. Their uniforms are different to the Army of each respective Nation.

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